Author Topic: (OT) Coyote Hunt Today  (Read 2549 times)

Offline atchman2

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(OT) Coyote Hunt Today
« on: June 19, 2010, 07:36:00 PM »
My friend Jake and I went coyote hunting this morning (early).  First we went to do some pest control at a farm that is overran by foxes.  Well we didn't see any foxes after he told me how easy they were to call!  Really all we did there was get wet from the high grass and step in cow poop!  

The next place was a place that was a Craig's list Lead.  I post on there to see if farmers need help with coyote control.  While I was in KS I got a response!  This guy thought he had at least 10 in his fields.  From experience and reading that usually means five, but five is good too!  

When I was working Friday I went by there.  It is REALLY grown up!  It is airgun range! After seeing it I didn't even bring my problematic rifle (it was shooting poorly).  Instead I brought my 12 gauge with HeviShot Dead Coyote.  

We walked the perimeter of the farm on a bush hog trail.  The blackberry briars are THICK.  If you go off trail they will cut you to ribbons.  Well we hadn't went 50 yards down the trail and I saw a Coyote tail in the brush!  I raised my gun, but I wasn't for certain that I wasn't going to shoot a dog; so my Army training kicked in (and common sense) and I didn't shoot.  Just then, my world was rocked by Jake's shotgun going off, and then ANOTHER shot!  It scared the CRAP out of me!  He was behind me about six feet and shot past me to kill the coyote.  

You see Jake is about 10" shorter than me and he could clearly see the critter.  He thought I was going to get bit so he went ahead and took it out.  

It was a mangy nasty looking coyote. He was caught in a snare set by the landowner which is why it didn't run.  At least we determined there were coyotes!  

I'll head back in a week or so to try calling it again.  He has Alpacas and it afraid they will be attacked by the coyotes.  I have a better plan this time and hopefully I'll get one!
\"These birds are crapping on you even when their dead those are some bad dudes....\" Wingman115

Offline shadow

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RE: (OT) Coyote Hunt Today
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2010, 05:11:58 AM »
Good luck bro. :) and I'm sending some hunt Zen your way. Ed
I airgun hunt therefore I am... };)  {SHADOWS Tunes & Camo}

Offline atchman2

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Re: (OT) Coyote Hunt Today
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2010, 12:28:01 PM »
Yeah I need some hunting zen!  I'm getting closer on a coyote!  I've been close to two the last two hunts and my friend Jake got one of those.  They are crafty critters.  My goal now is to find at least 20 places to hunt so I can rotate them as not to over call those areas.  This new place I went is over ran with rabbits!  I'm pretty sure I can come back  in the fall and get my limit there.  Most folks don't mind the coyotes or the small game hunting with air guns.  

Though I have never hunted deer before I have two places to go in the fall.  One is bow only but the other one I could use anything. About the end of August I'm going into daily bow practice mode!  

For the next couple days I've got air guns to fix! My Whisper is broken and the trigger guard broke off my TF 99.  Also the scope on the TF  99 is slightly canted which is driving me crazy. :)  

The coyotes are a nice distraction because I can hunt all year long. Some hunting seasons start here in late August (squirrel), most of the rest in September (raccoon and possums!).  I'll be primed and ready to go with the fall air gun hunting!  Coyote hunting is helping me to find SO many good places!
\"These birds are crapping on you even when their dead those are some bad dudes....\" Wingman115

Offline jake

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Re: (OT) Coyote Hunt Today
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2010, 12:01:15 PM »
tell jake i said good shooting, and good luck on your other hunts
if at first you dont succeed, re-load, kill count 2010.