Author Topic: RWS with 350 PG2 kit installed.  (Read 4055 times)

Offline djmyers

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RWS with 350 PG2 kit installed.
« on: June 19, 2010, 08:52:36 PM »
So I ordeered the PG2 kit and installed it. Here are the results.

The FPS is very picky on which pellet. The spring almost seems weaker but more consistant. The 10.2 gr  dropped to 865.4 from 901 fps but the 8.4 are at 962.42. A slight increas from 940. And the 7.33 at 998.65 with 16.16 fpe.   This puts the 8.4 gr at 17.28 and the 10.2 at 16.96 fpe.  the shot cycle is insanly smooth!!!! Even thought the FPS decreased on the heavy pelltes the 350 is still about 150fps ahead of the Big cat and hunter with the same pellets. Both the Big Cat and Hunter have been home tuned. The 350 PG2 kit is very well worth the money. The shots are very smooth and accurate. There is no more squeegy noise on cocking or twang when you pull the trigger. I just shot a 1 in target on a key tag 3 times at night from 35yards with about 2 pints of vo and the group was 3/4 in.So its a very smooth and consistant gun. I would highly recommend the PG2 kit from vortek.

Now on to something I leared tonight. After installing the PG2 kit I ran my 350 against my gamo hunter with nitro piston. That thing is very very sensative to temp changes! I have put about 1500 rounds through the Nitro piston and  its either showing signs of wear or is nasty sensative to temps. I was shooting 8.4 gr JSB's at 910's and tonight is was from 783.6-827. Thats a huge window. so I dug out the box and grabbed all the factory stufff and then headed for the JM kit I had on stand by for just such an occasion. And after a little work and fitting I got the JM tune kit installed. The Hunter was shooting almost exactly the same as the Big cat now. 920'2 with JSB 7.33 gr and all shot were within 8 fps!.

So I am now all spring guns. I have the gas ram on the shelf because it just has tooooooo much deviation when you take it from the 75 deg room to 90 deg outside with 90 % humidity here.

 Well hope all thiis info info helps some one. All else fail s buy the PG2 kit!!!!!!!!
Gamo Hunter gas piston GRT 3 leapers 3-9x40ao
Big Cat GRT 3 leapers tactedge  
Diasy 120
RWS 350 mag PG2 leapers 4-16x50ao
Crossman 2200
Crossman 2250
Crossman 1377
Daisy 880
2 Chinese underlevers
2 European break barrels.

Offline Mark 611

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Re: RWS with 350 PG2 kit installed.
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2010, 04:25:33 PM »
Dj that's some interesting stuff you've put out there!