Author Topic: Pressure limit on SCUBA clamp?  (Read 3415 times)

Offline daved

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Pressure limit on SCUBA clamp?
« on: July 07, 2007, 12:38:54 PM »
I've heard that the K valve adapters for filling PCPs  are limited to 3000 psi.  I've also heard that this is only because of the oring seal on the K valve.  Anyone know what the real story is?  Reason I'm asking is, I intend to use a 4500 psi nitrogen cylinder to fill my Talon, and it looks like I can just remove the K valve adapter and install a cylinder valve nut and nipple to my Talon fill valve.  If this will work, not only will I save myself a chunk of change that I can use for other goodies, but I'll also be able to set up my air supply almost immediately.  Any advice, suggestions, or comments would be much appreciated.


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RE: Pressure limit on SCUBA clamp?
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2007, 12:55:04 PM »
Just took a look at my K vavle and it's rated at 3300 PSI and the hose is 500 bar....Seems to me that a new valve would be in order. Not sure on the direct fit though....

Offline 3n00n

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Pressure limit 3200psi on SCUBA clamp o-ring
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2007, 01:03:01 PM »
Ikilled2 of the SCBA ratedDIN clampo-rings at about 3200psi, but if you have info on the thread pattern for thatadapter part, {my DIN clamp is 1/4"npt} then something simple can probably be assembled.
Askif Kirby thinksthe air fittings andstuff thatmy tanksuse could be fitted forthe Talon adapteron a4500psi tank.

Offline kirby999

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RE: Pressure limit 3200psi on SCUBA clamp o-ring
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2007, 10:46:24 PM »
The standard adapter for the Talons is 1/4" , and  Pyramryd sells one with a 1/8" end that will screw into  pumps but I'm not sure about the 4500 psi . The gauge on my AF Talon scuba clamp goes to 5000psi if that helps.  kirby
\" Shooting PCP\'s; I sometimes miss that  unmistakable smell of a springer . \"

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Here's my plan...
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2007, 08:40:20 AM »
The fitting that goes through the rectangular clamp and mates to the scuba tank is threaded into the bleeder valve.  Not positive, but I'd bet money that it's 1/4" NPT.  Unscrew the scuba fitting and screw in the cylinder nipple and I should be good to go.  I should be able to get the nut and nipple from my cylinder supplier.  The reality is, none of this should see over 3K PSI, unless I screw up, and in that case, the burst disk on the Talon tank should save my butt.  If you never hear from  me again, you'll know I was wrong :-)!  Hopefully, I'll be able to post results one way or the other tomorrow, assuming I can get a cylinder.  Later.


Offline 3n00n

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A foster coupler?
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2007, 09:13:42 AM »
All of my 'high pressure' compressor lines are coupled with {10,000psi rated} 'porta power couplers'for safety reasons and line end foster style couplers are rated above 4000psi stainless steelbut also remember aboutthe pressure relief vents so the bottle can be disconnected from the adapter. [Only neededone 'pressure locked' line experiance to learn that lesson]
Looks like a m1/4"npt>foster fitting for theadapter side then the reverse for the clamp sideto quick connect them when filling from scuba would be the most 'usable' setup to me.