I have an RWS Panther 34, .22. (also have a model 36 in .177, just a high grade 34, fancy wood, better iron sights and a lot more money). The 34s are typical DianaWerk quality, which means better than average. The 34, whether wood or synthetic is a very good, mid powered gun. They are definitely a bargain for a German made airgun.
A caveat with RWS break barrel rifles, they are commonly droop barrels. They are built that way on purpose because many Europeans prefer to use receiver mount peep sights, and droop built into the barrel allows peep sight users to be able to dial in enough elevation at longer ranges. That said, droop barrel rifles can be a challenge when used with a scope. The droop barrel works against you for elevation when using a scope. You may often find you can't dial in enough positive elevation in your scope. The answer is simple, but a little pricey, you need to use a droop compensated scope mount. BKL, B-Square, Beeman and RWS all make good droop compensating scope mounts and they are all in the $60.00 price range.
I have seen that a few of our members have gotten lucky and been able to use a standard, non-compensated mount with no issues. But you should be aware that you are likely going to get an RWS droop barrel gun.
Price wise, Natchez does have the wood stock 34 for $182.95, that's one of the best I've seen. But, Pyramid has the wood 34 for $199.96 and the Panther for 189.95, use the 10% discount code and you do the math. yo are going to pay about the same in shipping at either site.
Another gun you might want to look at for a moderate price, accurate, mid-powered gun is the Xisico B26. It is a clone of the HW95, Beeman R9. While it's not a Weihrauch quality wise, I would say that it is 75-80% of what an R9 is. I have one in .22 and it is probably my second favorite gun, next to my HW30. You can get a B26, sporter stock from SportsmanTarget for $139.95 shipped.
OK, there's my two cents...........