Hi Gene,
well I haven't tried my hand at making a stock yet, but it does look like a fun project. As I posted here a month or so ago I went and met Steve Corcoran who makes stocks and saw his shop. I've made a few sets of grips for 22XX guns and what he does has given me some idea of what it really takes to make a full blown stock. It's definately not something a person could just run out to the garage and hack out in an afternoon, there is alot of thought and skill involved for sure. These guys like Hawker that can do it, and guys like Steve who do it all day long have my respect for sure.
Would love to have a HPA powered airgun, but how would you charge that...same as a pcp? I mean, would you need a Hill pump or scuba tank? I don't even have a bulked CO2 gun for the reason that I can just run to WallyWorld and buy a few dozen powerlets when I run out. I've only been doing CO2 guns for a few months, and only air rifles since last January, I suppose I should start thinking about what I'll do when it gets cold. Hehe, I live in Fort Worth, it's hard to imagine "cold" right now. I worry more about valve lock from the heat! I guess as it cools off I shoot my trusty RWS springer, what a fun little gun!
As always, good talk with ya Gene, take care,
Oh yea, I did make a stock, almost forgot:
1/3 scale stock, but it's a stock right?!

Heck, I made a whole gun too!