Author Topic: Squatters in my rent house!  (Read 19648 times)

Offline RainDog

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RE: Squatters in my rent house!
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2008, 05:00:32 AM »
Sorry, guy, but not every community in the United States has crack houses in it.

 If you think about it, your inability to imagine that such a place exists says more about your personal situation than it does anyone else's.

 Sure there's substance abuse, but crack? No. You couldn't catch any of these few hillbillies livin' outside of town buyin' $20 rocks when they and a friend can stay high all day for the same money on methamphetamine. Why should they invite the police by trespassing when they can be snortin' the stuff in the safety of their living rooms in front of the TV? This town is an unfriendly place for homeless street hustlers and there's no money floating around for them to hustle. They try, they're busted. The inner-city dynamic just isn't here.

 Anyway, your comment doesn't leave much doubt as to how you came into possession of said North Dakota property.

 Have a wonderful day,
The only paradise is paradise lost.-Marcel Proust
You don\'t know what you\'ve got till it\'s gone.-Joni Mitchell

Offline Gene_SC

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Re: Squatters in my rent house!
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2008, 05:22:11 AM »
Way to go Parks. I bet they all soile there gowns when you jumped out there. hehehehe

THE ONES I SLEEP WITH: BSA Lightning XL, AA TX-200, AA ProSport, BSA Ultra, HW-97K, Crosman NPSS .177, FX Cyclone, HW-30 Nicle Plated, AA-S200, Crosman Marauder, CZ-634, R-9 DG, Webley/Scott UK Tomahawk, Benji Kantana, Benji Marauder, Benji Discovery.....

Gene\'s Tunz n Toyz
Springer Tunin

Offline hodgjy

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RE: End of the squatters.
« Reply #17 on: September 16, 2008, 05:41:22 AM »
You should have waited until the were naked and then shot some pellets into their butts.
Slavia CZ 634 .177, Crosman Quest 800 .22, and Baikal IZH 513 .22.

Offline RainDog

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RE: End of the squatters.
« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2008, 05:51:52 AM »

 Yeah! In a Halloween costume! haha

The only paradise is paradise lost.-Marcel Proust
You don\'t know what you\'ve got till it\'s gone.-Joni Mitchell

Offline VINNY

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Re: Squatters in my rent house!
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2008, 03:46:17 PM »
Shoot em !!
Daisy-Red Ryder,2-15XT pistols,Powerline 1200 pistol/Crosman-Quest 1000,Powermaster 66, 1377 pistol,Pumpmaster 760, 1077 AS/Gamo-Big Cat,Viper Express,CFX in.177,CFX-.22 [Finally!!] Varmint Hunter / 1971 Benjamin 132/ 4 Cummins b-3\'s./ Walther -Falcon hunter .22, Force 1000-.177/Baikal- MP512M-.22/ Winchester -800x-.177/Baretta-92FS,EliteII/Hammerli- 490 Express

Offline gamo2hammerli

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RE: End of the squatters.
« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2008, 04:36:16 PM »
Even better, wait for them to be naked....and then shoot a few photos with the flash going off.
Gamo: Expotec .177 + Big Cat .177 + Viper .177 + Whisper .177, Hammerli Titan .177, Diana model 24 .177, RWS-Diana P5 Magnum pistol .177, Crosman: G1 Extreme .177 + Storm XT .177 + Sierra Pro .177 + 1377 pistol .177, Air Arms S410SL .22, BSA Scorpion T10 .22, FX Cyclone .177, Remington Air Master 77 .177 + BB\'s,

Offline Jaymo

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Re: Squatters in my rent house!
« Reply #21 on: September 18, 2008, 11:30:53 AM »
I'd have waited till they were nude and making the beast with 2 backs. Then I would get video proof of what they were doing, and send it to their parents and the police.  Maybe light a pack of Black Cats just so see them sh*t themselves.
15th Battalion, Mississippi Sharpshooters, CSA.

Il buono, il cattivo, ed il brutto.

\"Mmm, bacon.\"
\"Mmm, squirrel.\"

Offline Crzyfrlss1

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Re: Squatters in my rent house!
« Reply #22 on: September 18, 2008, 11:42:07 AM »

Jaymo - 9/18/2008  7:30 PM  I'd have waited till they were nude and making the beast with 2 backs. Then I would get video proof of what they were doing, and send it to their parents and the police.  Maybe light a pack of Black Cats just so see them sh*t themselves.


I like the fireworks part of that idea, I forgot they're legal where most of y'all reside.

We can't have anything that flies or goes BOOM in this sorry A$$ state, I gotta move.

South...way down south.

.22 Discovery 4x16x40 Centerpoint
.22 Beeman SS1000 4x16x56 Centerpoint
.22 2250XT 6x32 Centerpoint
.22 Custom 2240 Tasco Red-Dot w/bling

And various other pistols too

Offline RainDog

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Re: Squatters in my rent house!
« Reply #23 on: September 18, 2008, 11:55:00 AM »

 Oh, I don't know if I'd be so quick to jump ship. CT's awful nice. Lived in Danbury and Ridgefield.

 Dixie can be really good too, but it can also be very uncool. Gotta choose locations wisely.

 My personal opinion? Stick with cities that Sherman DIDN'T burn down. :)

The only paradise is paradise lost.-Marcel Proust
You don\'t know what you\'ve got till it\'s gone.-Joni Mitchell

Offline Crzyfrlss1

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Re: Squatters in my rent house!
« Reply #24 on: September 18, 2008, 12:11:24 PM »

RainDog - 9/18/2008  7:55 PM Gotta choose locations wisely.   My personal opinion? Stick with cities that Sherman DIDN'T burn down. :)   Seeya,  Parks

Remind me again who Sherman was???

I fell asleep in history class quite often.

.22 Discovery 4x16x40 Centerpoint
.22 Beeman SS1000 4x16x56 Centerpoint
.22 2250XT 6x32 Centerpoint
.22 Custom 2240 Tasco Red-Dot w/bling

And various other pistols too

Offline RainDog

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Re: Squatters in my rent house!
« Reply #25 on: September 18, 2008, 01:56:42 PM »


 Union general during the Civil War. Torched his way through Georgia and the Carolinas. Burned Atlanta, Columbia. Gave Savannah to Lincoln as a "Christmas present".

 I like older towns. Savannah, for instance. Reminds me of New Orleans with its decadence-in-the-air feeling. Like there's been some sinnin' goin' on, y'know?

 Have a good one,
The only paradise is paradise lost.-Marcel Proust
You don\'t know what you\'ve got till it\'s gone.-Joni Mitchell

Offline TexasShooter72

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Re: Squatters in my rent house!
« Reply #26 on: September 18, 2008, 02:01:23 PM »
Ohhhhh...   I like that "sinnin' going on" kinda feelin'!
David Slade Tuned, Theoben Gas Ram BSA Super Sport XL .177
David Slade Tuned, Theoben Gas Ram BSA Lightning XL .22
CDT Tuned Gamo Hunter Elite .177
Big Gene Tuned, Ed(Shadow)Chocolate Chip Camo Gamo Shadow 1000 .177

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RE: Squatters in my rent house!
« Reply #27 on: September 19, 2008, 06:45:08 AM »
Interesting and scary that your attitude is "It can't happen here" when every law enforcement agency around tells you it can and does.

Columbine was a nice small town until "it happened here". Same with the nice quiet town where VaTech is located.  It can and does 'happen here' all too often.

Then those encouraging you to 'shoot them'. Yep, you fire and they turn and the pellet hits a soft spot and for whatever reason, they die. You are up for murder. Lying in wait and killing someone. Even if they are only wounded they complain and the sheriff nails you, a jury convicts you and you get major time in prison, lose everything and they now own it thanks to a good civil attorney.

There are consequences to actions and yours could cost you everything if you act as you post here.


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Re: Squatters in my rent house!
« Reply #28 on: September 19, 2008, 12:53:26 PM »
Moronie,,I Think Folks were just funnin bout shootin them in the butt with a BB Gun!! Seems to me Parks lives in a place that aint so bad as your makin it out to be. Im sorry if you live in a location that has so much crime that you need to be so paranoid. Personally,,, I  miss Texas,, I may move back there soon,, I LOVE the laws they have there!! (I know Parks dont live in Texas) Im just missin the down to earth Laws of that GREAT STATE!!!!!!!!  Lets be clear,, This was not Ruby Ridge,, Colombine,,Or a Caresh incedent,,, Parks ran out of the woods & scared some teenage squatters out of HIS HOUSE. No Harm,, no foul. I know Parks,,, believe me,, he is a fine individual raising a Family & would NEVER have resorted to shooting inocent teenagers with his pellet guns. Geeeezzzeeee!! There are still mostly crime free neighborhoods Monroni,,, Promise.  Tim.

Offline gamo2hammerli

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Re: Squatters in my rent house!
« Reply #29 on: September 20, 2008, 12:03:34 AM »
Well, some moron kid shot some of his classmates with a "SoftAir" Montreal, Quebec, Canada.  Of course the media are calling it a BB gun shooting.  Starting a new thread.....
Gamo: Expotec .177 + Big Cat .177 + Viper .177 + Whisper .177, Hammerli Titan .177, Diana model 24 .177, RWS-Diana P5 Magnum pistol .177, Crosman: G1 Extreme .177 + Storm XT .177 + Sierra Pro .177 + 1377 pistol .177, Air Arms S410SL .22, BSA Scorpion T10 .22, FX Cyclone .177, Remington Air Master 77 .177 + BB\'s,