Author Topic: Squatters in my rent house!  (Read 19648 times)

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Re: Squatters in my rent house!
« Reply #30 on: September 20, 2008, 02:47:47 AM »
Guys, as much as you might like to think so, there are no crime free neighborhoods. Where I live, a nice rural are of farms... the nearest McDonalds 90+ miles away... good people, still has its problems with midnight riders from the Rez coming by to see what they can take or siphon. Dogs keep indians away so most farms have dogs and few problems.

Check with your local cops and you might be surprised at what happens, prosecuted or not.  Columbine and the rest were peaceful 'not in my backyard' towns before the problem that made them infamous arose. It can happen anywhere which is how it happened there.

Denying his area has problems is foolish. He says pot and booze are there so it is highly likely crack and more serious drugs are there as well. It is a college town, kids with daddys money and mobile drug dealers like areas like that. The problem may be small but it is there. He is just not looking or in denial. At that there will probably be more deaths due to alcohol than illegal drugs. Many more due to tobacco.

He is denying reality but apparenlty it helps him to cope with life somehow.

Offline RainDog

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« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2008, 02:51:09 AM »
The only paradise is paradise lost.-Marcel Proust
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Offline Jaymo

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Re: Squatters in my rent house!
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2008, 05:38:18 AM »
Don't bother moving to GA, we can't have them either. Mississippi could, the last time I went back. Just no jobs available.
Plus the heat/ humidity in GA(except the mountains, but once again, no jobs) are oppressive.

Sherman was a war criminal. The atrocities committed under his command(with his blessing) would land any officer from any halfway decent military in prison until he rotted.
15th Battalion, Mississippi Sharpshooters, CSA.

Il buono, il cattivo, ed il brutto.

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Re: Squatters in my rent house!
« Reply #33 on: September 20, 2008, 05:50:13 AM »
Well, first off, crack is mostly a black thing. Areas with few blacks have very little incidence of crack usage.
If they'd been in GA, they would have  been guilty of a home invasion and you could have shot all of them with something bigger than a pellet gun, and been legally justified.
I prefer my previously stated response better. Video proof to send to parents, cops, teachers, media. Let them go park on a dirt road like the rest of us. Geez.
about 8 years ago my mom called me to tell me someone was in her garden and didn't belong there.I drove over and surveyed the scene with binocs. I found 2 teens around 14 or 15(I guess, I don't know) performing oral and penetrative intercourse in full view of the entire neighborhood. I was pretty surprised, and I've seen a LOT of things, including a nude crackho fighting with the cops in the streets of Atlanta. I walked out to the garden and they didn't even stop. I loudly asked them what in the H they were doing in my garden. They reluctantly finished what they were doing and left.  That one weirded me out. I just don't get it.
15th Battalion, Mississippi Sharpshooters, CSA.

Il buono, il cattivo, ed il brutto.

\"Mmm, bacon.\"
\"Mmm, squirrel.\"

Offline 3n00n

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Crack is mostly a 'cheap, quick high' thing!
« Reply #34 on: September 20, 2008, 06:07:33 AM »
It's everywhere, and I've seen lots of addicts, including rich white business owners. It's a devastating sheeple controller.
I hate the $#!+, and really hate watching successful people be drug down by that trash.

Offline miked6762

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RE: Crack is mostly a 'cheap, quick high' thing!
« Reply #35 on: September 20, 2008, 06:35:52 AM »
It really is a terrible thing. I've seen many OD's, due to my line of work. The worst ones are the walk-ins that say "I've been smoking crack for four days and now I feel like there's something wrong with my heart".  No S$%T. I mean, if you hit yourself in the head with a hammer for four days, then you're gonna have a headache, right?
Around here, there is a pretty bad meth problem as well. Hell--last summer, kids were freezing medication patches and eating them--and dying.
For one; I hate what people will do to themselves, and others.

Offline airgun/cuz

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RE: Crack is mostly a 'cheap, quick high' thing!
« Reply #36 on: September 20, 2008, 07:24:01 AM »
Drug Adddiction does not discriminate against race,color,religion,financial status,educational/vocational status!
Joe Cuz


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RE: Crack is mostly a 'cheap, quick high' thing!
« Reply #37 on: September 20, 2008, 08:19:40 AM »

 Kids eatin' those fentanyl patches? Man, the dosage on that stuff is measured in micrograms, not milligrams. Too hard to control your dosage, doing 'em for recreation. Absorption isn't predictable either, eatin' them like that. Those'll kill you good.

 That's why I just decided to get a good heroin connection and stick with that. Helps keep me slim and cuts my smoking habit down too!

The only paradise is paradise lost.-Marcel Proust
You don\'t know what you\'ve got till it\'s gone.-Joni Mitchell

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Re: Squatters in my rent house!
« Reply #38 on: September 20, 2008, 11:15:33 AM »
Jaymo, this is the second post of yours I have read where you are fixated on blacks. Do you have some deep seated antipathy towards the NAACP and its membership?

Crack hits every strata of society. More socially acceptable in some areas than others but college towns are more open than most to experimentation.

No, have not always lived in North Dakota. LA, The City of San Francisco and a number of places in other States as well as enlisted service(not drafted) in the US Army with an honorable discharge after the tour of duty was over. Partial permanent disability as a result of that time.

The idea of shooting squatters or visitors is one that is foolish. Asking for advice is asking for opinions and you should not cry over what is said. You asked for it.

Offline RainDog

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Predictable and Boring
« Reply #39 on: September 20, 2008, 12:11:41 PM »
This guy has ceased to be entertaining. Insults people and revels in the attention he gets from it. Craves attention, doesn't matter if it's good or bad. Some kind of sad personality disorder. Must be awful bein' him, 'cause it's awful enough just having to read his vile nastiness.

 Ultimately people like this are just boring. He's a one act pony.

 Probably best to simply exercise extinction on him. Stop reinforcing his behavior by giving him what he wants, and he'll go away soon.

 See y'all tomorrow,
The only paradise is paradise lost.-Marcel Proust
You don\'t know what you\'ve got till it\'s gone.-Joni Mitchell

Offline Jaymo

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Re: Squatters in my rent house!
« Reply #40 on: September 20, 2008, 03:56:10 PM »
I asked for what, @sshole? I don't get your point.  No I'm not fixated on blacks. The vast majority of violent crime is committed by them. Every area with a high concentration of them also has MUCH higher crime rates. They commit the most interracial crimes, especially rape of white women. So I say that it is they who have a problem with us.
And statistically speaking crack IS mostly a black thing. Yes there are whites who do it ,just like there are whites who wear baggy pants, listen to that ghetto cr@p they call music, and try to act like hood rats. But the vast majority don't. I'm not sorry for not being a self hating whitey just because the media and the nation of islam tell me I should be.

BTW, if you were literate you would have noticed that I was kidding about shooting them. I merely pointed out that in my state, he would have been legally justified. Never said morally justified.Then again, socialists like yourself don't have morals. Morals come from Christian beliefs. And you hate christians, Osama.
15th Battalion, Mississippi Sharpshooters, CSA.

Il buono, il cattivo, ed il brutto.

\"Mmm, bacon.\"
\"Mmm, squirrel.\"

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Re: Squatters in my rent house!
« Reply #41 on: September 21, 2008, 12:19:37 AM »
jaymo wrote: "No I'm not fixated on blacks. The vast majority of violent crime is committed by them. Every area with a high concentration of them also has MUCH higher crime rates."

He also wrote that morals started with Christians. There was no moral code before the mythical jesus, right? Even this character we have no actual evidence of having been real acknowledged a moral code from long before he is supposed to have lived with his three or more wives in Israel. Maybe you can track some of his descendants and ask them if he left any written records of what he based his beliefs on?

Your lack of information is showing. Is it possible you missed our daily dose of Rush, Savage and Hannity this week?

Offline melloroadman

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« Reply #42 on: September 21, 2008, 05:57:49 AM »
Iam not mad nor will I contend with a fool in his folly . But every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and His name is JESUS . You can try and upset the masses if you like but it is your own destiny that is really at stake and it is petty dismal at this present time . I hope and pray that you will ask Him into your life and that you would truly let Him in . He will remove the scales from your eyes and heart so you can begin to be happy with your self and the world around you .God bless you my friend .Marvin

Offline RainDog

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RE: mahonri
« Reply #43 on: September 21, 2008, 06:06:55 AM »
Tell ya what, since there's not gonna be any consensus in the forum for ignoring him, banning him, warning him, whatever, what I'm gonna do is just act on whim like everyone else.

 I'll play the game too. Maybe sometimes I'll feel pity for him, perhaps sometimes I'll just blow what he says off, but I reserve the right, on those days when I just feel like kickin' the dog when I come home, to treat him as my own personal chew-toy. (chomp chomp)

 I don't hold grudges. He straightens up, I'm cool. I sure will be watchin' him out of the corner of my eye for a while, though. :)

 I predict he'll attempt and perhaps succeed in taking center stage with his abrasive manner on every thread he joins, so you should be prepared for that. Continual thread hijacks.

 So... we'll see.

 G'day guys,
The only paradise is paradise lost.-Marcel Proust
You don\'t know what you\'ve got till it\'s gone.-Joni Mitchell

Offline Big_Bill

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Members, just add him to your Ignore list
« Reply #44 on: September 21, 2008, 07:08:31 AM »

Hey ALL,

If he bothers you that much, just click on his member profile, go to the bottom of his profile on the right side, to where it says "add or remove this user to your ignore list" and no more Mahonri !

EASY !!!!!

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