Author Topic: Poll,, Lets Vote,,  (Read 14552 times)


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Poll,, Lets Vote,,
« on: September 20, 2008, 03:25:57 PM »
Now I know the GTA has only Banned one person since the start. May I be the first to cast a vote to BAN a JERK that has recently been Trollin round here upsetting myself & others.  I tried to apoligise & bond with this JERK. Good thing Im not a mod here,, wait a second,, if I was we would not have to deal with this JERK anymore. Show of hands??   Oh.. I know all bout free speech,, This guy is a COMPLETE HINEY HOLE & is upsetting everyone. The GTA is open to ALL that LOVE airguns,, we all trade info & help each other. Please lets not get so caught up in "Rights" that we let a complete A Hole bring us down. I vote for a ground breaking second Ban. I shure hope my other Family Friends will back me up on this. Anyone second my notion??  "Always Gonna Be Here Tim".

Offline gunsup0331

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Re: Poll,, Lets Vote,,
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2008, 03:31:43 PM »
the only problem i have with this individual is the creation of topics which seem deliberately inflammatory. If he wants to post his ludicrous opinion thats his right, but i would suggest doing it in a more community friendly manner. Once this has been suggested and the flaming continues, then a Ban can be considered. IMHO

Offline Jaymo

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Re: Poll,, Lets Vote,,
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2008, 03:42:49 PM »
I agree, he sounds like a 14 yr old punk. He spews the same kind of cr@p I hear daily from these kids who believe a little too much of what they hear in school.
I dated a girl once who told me that the founding fathers were all GAY. Yup, that's what whe had been taught in the government schools in the mid '90s. Gay, you say? Yup, guess that explains all the wh*ring around that Ben Franklin did. He didn't really like women. He was just pulling a Jeff Gordon, I mean Tom Cruise, I mean Rock Hudson, I mean Anthony Perkins. The sh*t they are feeding our kids these days.

BTW, ban him. We always called that type"B!tch Babies".
15th Battalion, Mississippi Sharpshooters, CSA.

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Offline Big_Bill

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RE: Poll,, Lets Vote,,
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2008, 03:43:18 PM »

Tim buddy,

It is better to ignore him, that will hurt him more !

And if you were a moderator, you would have to set an example here, like me, cough,cough,cough, excuse me.

But if no one responds to his post and comments, he will be broken and leave. If he is BANNED, he becomes a martyr, of sorts, and that,...... might make his day.

JMO Bill

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Re: Poll,, Lets Vote,,
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2008, 03:48:47 PM »
True, then he can re-register under a new name and trouble us more. I say eliminate the back room or make politics a no-no, except for in PMs. (Don't PM me about politics because you will not like what I will say to you)
15th Battalion, Mississippi Sharpshooters, CSA.

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Offline Dave1899

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RE: Poll,, Lets Vote,,
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2008, 03:52:12 PM »

Banning someone for being a Jerk...Hmmmmmm...I just don't post to threads written by Jerks...guess that is a ban of some sort. Kind of like that old saying "Never argue with pig, it just frustrates you and annoys the pig." I wouldn't waste the band width...

Peace Out A

David <

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Re: Poll,, Lets Vote,,
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2008, 04:10:57 PM »
Uncle Bill,,, Im sorry,,, I am a moderator at another site. I have NEVER (Thank the Lord had to deal with this) Honestly,, I know I am not mod material here or there. This is the first time I have EVER felt the need to Ban someone.  Like others here,,, I gave this guy a chance. I hold a great deal of respect for you Uncle Bill,, We are Buddys. I must however disagree with you on this one (Im shure you understand) This JERK I would Ban!! NO QUESTIONS ASKED!! And,,,, no need to worry bout him comin back,,, My Uncle "Ernie" helped me figure out who he is. He really should go back to his "Cave" now,,,,, PROMISE.   Tim.


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Re: Poll,, Lets Vote,,
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2008, 04:17:51 PM »
Of Course,,, he has not made an attack personally against you Dave. Keep on postin,,, he will,, Im shure he can find something bad to say about you also?? Save that Peace sighn Dave,,, you may need it soon.  Tim.

Offline Dave1899

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Re: Poll,, Lets Vote,,
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2008, 04:31:24 PM »
Timmy...If it's the same guy I think you're talking about, he did attack a comment I made but I chose not to respond. Irealized he's a jerk and like I said, I wouldn't waste the band width to argue. I posted something on another forum a few years ago and got several jerks that responded. To banter back and forthIMHO isnonproductive but it did let me know who the jerks were.


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Hey Tim !
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2008, 05:00:10 PM »

Timmy buddy,

I NEVER said that your were not moderator material here! I was making a joke on Myself ! cough...cough....

And anyone can re-register.....anyone

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But Seriously, Folks...
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2008, 10:59:07 PM »
Guys, Bill's got the right idea. I know it's sad, but this is Mahonri's idea of human interaction. He's a sad and pathetic little man, but that said, the longer we gratify him by responding the more he is encouraged to continue. He'll be pleased as punch when he sees this thread. Probably never gotten so much attention in his life.

 We should pity him for his lack of even the most basic social skills, but keep in mind that we aren't responsible for making him that way, nor are we responsible for getting his head right. There's people that are trained and paid to do that sort of thing. I certainly hope he finds one, but until then the best we can do for him is to stop reinforcing his bad behavior by continually responding.

 Yeah, I know. I did it too... was kinda fun, laying traps for him and watching him flail around and blunder into them, but it's no longer a kick. Now that I see the depth of his disorder it's become simply depressing. It's a bummer fretting around with some poor soul with psychological problems. We don't need to be wasting our time dealing with some miserable abnormal personality who entertains himself by trying to make folks angry.

 Best to just stop givin' him what he's after. He'll get bored, and head on down the road.

 The Back Room is a fun place, or was until he showed up. Now it's just b*tching and moaning. Let's get back to where we were before. Wish him luck, but don't encourage his unhappy games.

 Oh, by the way... GOOD MORNING, FOLKS!

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Offline Curioguy

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RE: But Seriously, Folks...
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2008, 02:02:37 AM »
I was also one of those attacked by this character but did I let it REALLY bother me? Absolutely not. I have a higher opinion of my self. He has nothing else going for him but his closed little life; therefore, he uses his keyboard and hides behind his computer monitor to give him the self importance he desperately needs. I guess I should feel sorry for him. Do I want him banned? Not at this juncture. He is somewhat amusing and very predictable; so, give him a little more rope and he will hang himself.

Keep throwing chum in the water and you will even attract bottom feeding fish like mahonri.

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RE: Poll,, Lets Vote,,
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2008, 02:12:24 AM »
Tim I have to disagree with you on this one. I don’t like 99% of what he posts, or how he posts it. I think he posts stuff just to stir the pot. He may truly believe what he posts or he may just be “trolling”, I don’t know. But that said, see rule # 1. When he posts something, I usually don’t even read it. I’m with Bill, just ignore him.  But just because 99% of people here don’t like what he says is no reason for you to try to ban him. That decision can be made only by the forum owners and/or moderators. That said, I think he walks on thin ice with regard to the other forum rules. But we all need to be careful that we don’t get caught up in personal attacks on him as well. Maybe what is needed is that the owner/moderators send him a PM, telling him the precariousness of the ice on which he walks.  Then if he chooses to continue on his path, then banning may be in order.



Offline longislandhunter

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RE: Poll,, Lets Vote,,
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2008, 02:27:07 AM »
Hey Tim,,,

I'd have to agree with Bill and the others,,, someone like that only gets "enjoyment" out of their actions if they succeed in causing the "stir" that they are fishing for.  I would agree that ignoring such a person is perhaps the best course of action to begin with.  If that doesn't work then of course other options could always be considered but hopefully the situation would not get to that point.   Besides, who knows, with other members setting the proper example perhaps such a person can change their ways????  

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Offline daved

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I have a better idea...
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2008, 02:48:51 AM »
Rather than ban Mahonri, or Curioguy, or Timmy, or eliminate the Back Room, lets ban political discussion here.  Lots of members have posted views or opinions here over the last couple of years that I've found amusing, irritating, offensive or even down right stupid.  On occasion, I've responded if I saw fit, but most of the time, if I see a pattern of posts that I don't appreciate, I simply stop reading ANYTHING by that poster.  Do I think they should be banned?  No.  I was here and involved when the one and only GTA banning happened, and at the time, I felt it should have happened sooner.  For whatever reason, my opinion was sought by the forum owners, a vote of confidence I appreciate to this day.  But ALL the discussion was handled privately until the decision was made, and THEN it was announced along with the reasons why.

Something you all need to keep in mind.  These forums are NOT venues for free speech, they are owned and financed by private parties.  This gives those private parties the right to make up their own rules, rules you either agree to and follow, or you go elsewhere.  But the reality is, the owners don't have to follow those rules, and can make them up as they go along.  Gene and Bob have been incredibly good in this regard, and they've put together a forum that pretty much self regulates.  Almost ANYTHING is allowed, as long as we all treat each other with respect.  Try mentioning Bob on the Yellow Forum if you want an example of the other side of the coin.  People don't get banned here, posts don't get deleted, even when they should be, maybe.  I've watched the GTA grow, I was part of it practically from the beginning.  But it's gotten awfully big awfully fast, and I'm not so sure that's a good thing.  Someone said it already, there's a lot of whining, sniping, and griping going on, sometimes I have to double check the background color.  I really hope this is a temporary thing, and that the GTA can go back to the spirit that it used to have.  But I'm afraid it may be a size issue, and if the YF mold is the inevitable result of growth, then I grieve the GTA that used to be.  And in the meantime, I just don't post as often as I used to, as there are fewer here that I consider friends that I enjoy talking to.  Later.
