Author Topic: IT'S A SAD NIGHT, AND GOD, PLEASE BLESS AMERICA  (Read 40752 times)

Offline Big_Bill

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« on: November 04, 2008, 04:44:40 PM »

With only30% of the people, here in the Colonies supporting the American Revolution, I can be surprised that Our Country has stood this long.

If a vote had been taken back in 1770, we would all still being singing "Hail to the Queen: today.

Now that the Liberal Socialists are in power, how long can OUR Republic stand. Soon we will be tested, even those that have voted for Osama, will find the promises that they voted for, will fail to materialize. Words...JUST Words.....Words to lead the sheeple to flock to his free handouts. Stimulus Plans that will only profit His party and friends, and never for those that voted for him.

I feel that the "dark ages" will again engulf us, and our enemies will rejoice as we are led astray, by Osama.



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« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2008, 04:51:51 PM »
Not shure God will help Uncle Bill,,, The American people are on thier own I fear:? Get ready for the change you all wanted. Hmmmmm. Tim.

Offline TCups

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« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2008, 08:40:22 PM »
Well, Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore . . .  or welcome comrads to the new USSA.

Offline Bhawanna

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It has aleady started....
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2008, 11:53:48 PM »
Russia announced this morning they are building a new missile site.  how stratigic of them to wait for the elections to finish!!  GOD HELP US!!!
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Offline daveshoot

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« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2008, 12:18:21 AM »
We survived two Clinton terms, and Carter. We're still Americans and we'll survive this, too. Fall back to the next phase line and regroup.
We'll never know if Hillary would've been worse. Maybe that's some comfort.
"Our" side were truly the architects of their own defeat, with much help from the media. Republicans did not make much of their majority and did not package their message well. History may be kinder to W than the present, but he was a very poor communicator (don't think he saw the need) and that will cost us all for the next 4.
By 2012 we should find a better candidate. Maybe Sarah can work on her international credentials... I still think she was great.
Steroid Sheridan rocker, Daisy 990, SS1000, B26-2, QB-57, Crosman 150 (TW), Crosman 1377 x 2,  RWS5G, MP513, IZH53, RWS9N/Cometa, MP661k Drozd, Walther Falcon Hunter, RWS 34 Panther, XS-B3-1, Cummins B3s, RWS94 Cometa x 2, RWS48, Beeman R7, Daisy Avanti 853, RWS92 Cometa 220, Beeman P3, IZH-46M x 2, Daisy Avanti 747, Diana 24, B5-10, BSA Lightning .22, Crosman Marauder #39 .22, Crosman 1322 Phase 1, Diana Model 20, HW70, Shin Sung Dragon Slayer .50, Haenel Model 26, Slavia 620, HW45/.177

Offline timofb

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This is a great day for America.
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2008, 12:38:31 AM »
That means that we will see  free health care sometime soon. Just like in other normal places. So hopefully when you get sick you and your family don't have to sell everything you got.

And I am glad he won  I voted for Obama and I hope it works out, and they will let the man do his job.
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Offline Bhawanna

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Nothing is FREE....Duh?
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2008, 12:45:30 AM »
Free health care?......someone has to pay for it....NOTHING IS FREE!....paying more taxes to cover FREE health care is NOT FREE!..JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!...wake up people!  free health care is the START of SOCIALISM!!.....damnit!...i'm getting mad already and i haven't finished my first cup of coffee!
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Offline riflejunkie

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« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2008, 12:49:25 AM »
The Republicans did in fact squander their power.  Much as many folks don't want to hear it, many americans are turned off by the fundamentalist connection to the republican party.  
Something I find VERY interesting is this; my family is almost totally libertarian but every time an election comes around none of us vote libertarian because it seems tantamount to voting for The one of the other 2 candidates that we fear the most.  That holds true regardless of which party we wind up voting for.  My daughter connected her fear with the evangelical leanings of the republican campaign and I feared the bigger socialist government and dishonesty of claims of supporting the second amendment .  In udder woids the Dems and Repubs have a divide and conquer program which will forever keep us from getting our government back.  
I can't for the life of me figure out how so many people can vote republican one time and turn around and vote socialist the next time.  All I can guess is that they see Mcain/Palin as a continuation of W.
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Offline TCups

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RE: This is a great day for America.
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2008, 01:01:20 AM »
Oh boy, free healthcare!  Now all that has to be done is to do is figure out how government will pay for it and manage the health care benefits.  Tax the rich? (Like the Medicare Tax that is on every paycheck in America now).  Tax corporations?  Fine them if they don't provide the coverage to employees!  Unionize everyone and do for the rest of American workers what we did for the UAW retirees -- free healthcare for life.  That has worked out pretty well for Chrysler, GM, Ford, American Motors, Catepillar, etc. Just that those jobs disappeared along with the industries that employed them.  But what the heck, government can spend a few hundred billion more and bail out the auto industry if things get dismal.  Why didn't someone think of this earlier!  Socialized medicine.  Gee, I wonder if there are other examples of countries where this works well and medical care standards are better than the USA?  Let me think about that some more. . .  Hmmmmm, Canada?  France?  United Kingdom?   Oh, hey, now I remeber something else:  1964 -- Lyndon B. Johnson -- the "Great Society",  Medicare.  Didn't we already fix this once?  Do you remember the "credibility gap?"  Government run health care may be a good thing.  Heck, just ask any veteran.  Know I will sleep better tonight here in the USSA.

Enough!  The great social experiment has started.  Enjoy the fruits.

Offline TCups

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« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2008, 01:18:13 AM »
There are no "republicans".  Only Republicans.   Bush and McCain were never Conservatives and were "Republicans" only in name as it is currently defined, as are most of our elected politicians.  The last Conservative President elected was Ronald Regan.  God I miss him.  But hey, a new day, a new dawn and best of all, change (which is what will be left in the paychecks of those still working -- change, when the new American Socialism runs its full course).  But hey, the government will surely manage the wealth of our nation wisely (Adam Smith was an idiot) and will soon be taking care of all of us.  Our banks, our industry, our schools, our jobs, our health care, our retirement.  "Ask not what your country can do for you -- demand it!"   New Deal, New Frontier, Great Society etc.  etc.  Oh Boy, Obama.  Now we can all come together.  Here come ol' flattop, he come groovin' up slowly . . .

I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more, Toto.

Offline airgunandy

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« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2008, 01:23:35 AM »
Wonder how long it will be before we lose our 2nd Amendment rights to even have airguns let alone firearms.
Or our 1st Amendment rights to speak of any kind of guns on an open internet forum....

Offline daveshoot

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« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2008, 01:32:54 AM »
I too miss Ronald Reagan. He was the Great Communicator because he was so good at explaining the "why" behind conservatism, why America is different and why that is better for everyone and not just the rich. It is always true but it ALWAYS needs to be sold, over and over again.
He could explain why free health care is such a great royal shafting. You see another generation already thinking "free" has got to be good. Criminey.
And yeah, the billions thrown at the ghettos in the Great Society and since have sure made for nicer ghettos, haven't they?
That is the worst legacy of the social experimenters. After their schemes fail at great expense, we are still left with the administrative institutions in place, still sucking up and dispersing our money. These programs and their administrators and budgets never go away. They are just augmented by new ones, to keep "curing" the problems, and "sharing" my alleged wealth.
But when the Republicans had nominal control, not a darn thing was done to pare this waste. They bought into the system and horse-traded for votes. The attitude on the war was simply that is was unpatriotic to oppose it, and that was not a strong argument to begin wiith. There were excellent reasons that needed to be sold over and over to the doubtful and uncommitted, and this needed to be done simply but intelligently.
It is no wonder that many voters without definite ideologies (who don't distinguish between Repubs and conservatism) went for the "clearer" message of change. And that is why the Republican party squandered its time in office and then gave it away.
And the pendulum will swing left from the center, instead of from the right, where it should and could have been. Ugh.
Steroid Sheridan rocker, Daisy 990, SS1000, B26-2, QB-57, Crosman 150 (TW), Crosman 1377 x 2,  RWS5G, MP513, IZH53, RWS9N/Cometa, MP661k Drozd, Walther Falcon Hunter, RWS 34 Panther, XS-B3-1, Cummins B3s, RWS94 Cometa x 2, RWS48, Beeman R7, Daisy Avanti 853, RWS92 Cometa 220, Beeman P3, IZH-46M x 2, Daisy Avanti 747, Diana 24, B5-10, BSA Lightning .22, Crosman Marauder #39 .22, Crosman 1322 Phase 1, Diana Model 20, HW70, Shin Sung Dragon Slayer .50, Haenel Model 26, Slavia 620, HW45/.177

Offline WBZsDAD

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« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2008, 01:39:47 AM »
It was a brilliant platform to run on........There are way more people in this Country that are too sorry to work, or think government will solve their problems (Compared to people that have ambition to better themselves with hard work and an entrepreneurial work ethic) so those people went nuts went they heard they were going to get something for free from the people who make America roll.

Some are too stupid to realize that the "free thing" is going to set them back and some don't really care what happens as long as they can get something free.

Let me present this scenario using the small business spread the wealth around deal......

Back when I was a Concrete Contractor, there was a time I was doing 30 complete residential masonry packages every month. 30 footers, 30 floor slabs, 30 block walls, 30 lentil beams, 30 driveways, etc etc I did this with an average of 30 employees (the rest were subs). That's one house per day.

Under this scenario I am already paying plenty of taxes. Now if you are going to take more of my money to give a handout to the people I am already paying well, and to people who are laying around doing nothing but waiting till 10am so they can head down to the stoe to drink beer and sneaking around at night stealing my tools and equipment. There is no way I would continue to be subjected to huge liabilities just to be taxed to death.

The result.......I cut back, lay people off. Doesn't sound like that will create jobs to me.

Offline timofb

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RE: Nothing is FREE....Duh?
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2008, 01:55:33 AM »
Hey, so you  would rather pay to insurance company monthly, that will deny treatment or cancel your coverage because of a chronic illness if one arises? That won't authorize medication that can save your life, by saying it is not FDA approved or they think it is not medically necessary. Yet you have no problem that all of Congress, your state officials and the president has free health care that you pay for.

I would rather pay higher taxes  like the Europeans do to live a better life (and by the way they are capitalist) but I would know that if something happens I will be covered. That I  will get help me or my loved one, and know that doctors will not just let you suffer in emergency room, because you don't have the right kind of health insurance. I lived this s..t man, every minute of it. Made me think a whole a lot different about America. Whether this country is Christian, Have you  payed $1000 for a blood test, or $750 for 30 pills?, all  that is free in Europe.

Some of you have to stop being ignorant. Because you folks are already in minority, and come 2012 there will be even less Sarah Palin fans.
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Offline Bhawanna

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timofb.........then move.......
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2008, 02:34:00 AM »
if you rather pay taxes like europeans......THEN MOVE TO EUROPE!!!!!!!!!...i pay health insurance premiums every month and get the treatment that family needs and i'm happy with that because i pay for MY FAMILY'S health care with the money that I EARN!!....go to canada, mexico, or southeast asia if you want treatment that is not FDA APPROVED!!!  IGNORANCE IS YOUR POLICTICAL BELIEFS!!! maybe that's why you live in californina?...its obvious that YOU are one of the persons with your hand sticking out waiting for someone (who pays their own way) to take care of wanted change? maybe your "moma-obama" will take care of you!!
The hardest part of getting old is trying to look good naked!