Well, actually, as I type, the 5%-6% drop in the markets you see there was yesterday's loss. But that graph was somewhere around 12,000 a few weeks before the election. Say, there is some real change. Let see, for your Obama Voters, that's (12000 - 7500) / 12000 = 0.375 or a 37.5% loss of the material wealth of all of those invested in the companies on the American stock markets. So let's review. Taxes on the wealthy are going up, but 95% of you will get a reduction. And corporate taxes are going up, but all of you small business owners won't be affected (unless you fail to pay to provide health care coverage for your employees).
And a new, progressive monetary process is in place where by the US Gov. appoints an un-elected Treasury Secretary to have the sole discretionary power to spend tax dollars to buy up toxic assets that the American people will eventually get a decent return on sometime in the not too distant future - - -
Oops, no, I guess that was wrong. The drop-dead emergency that prompted that legislation that MUST BE PASSED BEFORE THE END OF THE WEEK! wasn't quite as big an emergency as our Congress first thought, I guess, because now the money is being used elsewhere, to bail out private industries, especially those with a large union presence. Have you notices that America's national debt had doubled in less than a year and were just getting started on our spending spree? C'mon, all of you folks over there in Europe and the rest of the world! You can like America again now that Obama is going to be President. Please leave your money invested in our markets. We love you too! C'mon, all you greedy rich folks (and likely anyone with any retirement savings), how are your going to be able do your patriotic duty and pay taxs if you don't invest in economic justice? Send that money back in and let the newly organized US Central Planning Committee do it's job. Hell, we haven't even started on economic justice yet, much less fixing global warming and built those little electric cars you will all soon buy, so hey, lets have another cup of coffee, let's have another piece of pie!
But not to worry, I am sure that if things do get really bad, our newly elected President and his cabinet (which somehow reminds me a lot of the Clinton Cabinet even though the Lincolnesque Obama is cleverly appointing his political opponents, so they say) won't waste a good crisis. You can be absolutely sure President Elect Obama has some other really great emergency measures just ready and waiting to put into place, a-la FDR, that will stabilize things for many years to come and will allow the government to take care of all this unpleasantness for us. And he can act very swiftly and without any of the grid-lock opposition, just as soon as our next Congress is sworn in and those nasty, divisive, partisan Republicans are dealt with by the Democrat's version "final solution". By the way, did Al Franken get elected yet, or is that good news still to come? And hey, I wonder why it was that American instituted term limits for the President after FDR croaked? What were the voter's thinking! Anyway, don't worry. Be happy! Obama is going to take care of us for sure.