NOT 150 K clothes. She is a rock. You want change ,,, she would have brought it on!! Being the male "Pig" I have been most of my life,,, I can understand the penis challenged being threatened by her

I respect her & hope to see her again soon. This is a woman that "Could Have,,, Got Er Done!! Dont throw rocks in YOUR OWN GLASS room Folks. :0 Dont give me that superficial "Gun Thing" This "Chick" is for real!!

The majority has spoken,,,,,,,, who the Hell were they by the way?

I hope Sara stays VERY active. And John,,,,, an American HERO... A veteran of War,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Do you really think he had less than the best interest at heart for this GREAT Country?

?? Course,,,,, "Everyone" said he was another George Bush:? Yeah,,,, George Bush is the ONLY reason for our latest problems,,,, GROW UP FOLKS!!!!!!! :p Yeah,,,,,,, I guess "King George" caused it all:? Makes me sick to see the disrepect the "Sheeple" put upon George ,,,,,,, "W" as you call him. He aint perfect,,,, check yer closets folks. I dont care who the president is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I show respect,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Im still gonna do that. Lets get this "Change" on the way,,,, Im waiten:

?? Oh,,,,, I do place my hand on my HEART during the Pledge,,,,,,I do remember "A Moment of Silence",,,,& I have NO PROBLEM with wearing the Flag of my Country!!!!!!!! Free health care?? Only BRAIN DEAD people can believe something so rediculous. I am however,, goin to get me some "Free" food stamps now,,,,,,, gonna make my truck payments with em!!LOL!! :emoticon: I dont know squat bout politics,,, I did however stay at Holiday Inn last night!! Tim.