Respectfully, I don't really care much what the world thinks about the American political situation. America has always been an exceptional country by most comparisons. And I wish our new President success in international affairs. He will need it. And I won't personally trash Obama as some continue to savage Sarah Palin, even after the election. They must fear her worse than I can possibly imagine. Wonder why? It is abundantly clear that were the shoe on the other foot, and a right wing conservative had been elected, then there would be no respectful restraint. I believe "riots and blood running in the streets" were promised by more than one pundit, even in response to McCain/Palin. So I entirely discount any criticism of those who choose to continue to voice opposition to President-Elect Obama's agenda, he the most extreme left elected politician in the country by all accounts. "Govern from the Center" - my a ss! Obama is a Socialist and America will pay a terrible price, which may be why so many of the international community applaud.
But I, for one, will never support a Socialist agenda until the day I die, nor will I cease to voice my political opinions, shout them from the rooftop, unless God forbid, the 1st Amendment falls like a domino after the 2nd. If you want some international critical opinion on the agenda of Socialism and what is at stake, you might read some F. A. Hayek - "The Road to Serfdom" and "The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism" come immediately to mind.
BTW, the stock market understands the national and international consequences of Obama's election. Down almost 500 points yesterday and another 380 as I type. That's about 8% in value in less than 24 hours. The wealth of our nation (and much of the free world) is evaporating before Obama can even take office. And once he takes office and officially starts spreading the wealth, then the real revolution starts. You might ask yourself where trillions of dollars of wealth went and who benefits. I fear by political design, we are now irreparably bound to suffer the worst recession since Jimmy Carter, God help us. France, Argentina, Iran and others are cheering us on, to be sure. The worlds free markets are teetering. And Vladimir Putin is certainly celebrating. You might take some time to think about some of what J. posits about the "New World Order". Wake up, Americans. I fear more than you can imagine that the engine that drives our economy , our national security, and our freedoms -- free market capitalism has just been kidnapped and is about to be bound, gagged and locked away.