Author Topic: IT'S A SAD NIGHT, AND GOD, PLEASE BLESS AMERICA  (Read 40769 times)

Offline airgun/cuz

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RE: Of All the Doctors I have Met,,
« Reply #45 on: November 05, 2008, 02:30:24 PM »
Timbo,,,,,,maybe the new PREZ has a free A--hole plan that you can apply for,,,,,,I hear there are new Obama Tucks that work real good :p  :o  :D
Joe Cuz


Offline dave2288

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« Reply #46 on: November 05, 2008, 04:23:26 PM »
whats gonna suck is how badly obama could make things for my generation...i really hate debt...:-(

well, i voted mccain, but i'm not passing judgement until obama swears in...then, all eyes are on him...for now, go enjoy what you got!

the mind of a 20 yr old...

g1 extreme(turbo tuned cdt trigger, choker muzzle break and fix hinge), powerline 1000s(lube tuned...soon to get a makeover), benjamin ss .22 tuned and shortened, patriot .25(british)

Offline raterminator

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« Reply #47 on: November 05, 2008, 05:00:28 PM »

daveshoot -By 2012 we should find a better candidate. Maybe Sarah can work on her international credentials... I still think she was great.

Maybe by 2012 we will find that he isn't so bad, if color isn't an issue here.

Time will show if our new president is just a good talker or he can be a good leader too. I hope he would, because, sorry guys but McCain isn’t a leader. Being a war hero, being a war prisoner sure shows his brave character, gives him some shine, but it’s not necessary makes him a good leader. He already mislead Americans on what really happened in Republic of Georgia, how in one night Georgians managed to make ethnic cleansing in Osetia and kill 1200 sleeping people. No one talked about it here, nobody condemned that action, instead of that as McCain stated – “today we all Georgians, my friends”. What? He didn’t know what really happened there? Or taking contributions for his campaign from Georgian government makes all that excusable.
He almost dragged us back to cold war era by threatening Russia over the Georgian conflict. Brave for an old soldier, but not wise for future president.

…..and Timmy, please, stop panicking about your rights to bear the arms. Nobody is going to take your toys from you. And I don't see anything wrong in trying to keep guns out of streets, out of hands of criminals or psychopaths. I've always loved guns but I'm not egocentric and if it's necessary for safety of our children I'd rather take one step back. Aren't we supposed to worry about the safety of our children in first place? I wish I could carry a gun in New York City, but if I could, everybody else could have one too….and one of them eventually would start shooting. I’m for background checking and gun registration, so what? I live in New York and still enjoy my collection and shooting hobby.

Tim (another Tim) says he would like to have a European kind of health care and Roger's already suggesting for him to move there. What is that? My way or no way? May I have the right to have my own opinion without leaving the country I love?

Guys, I can tell you something interesting about healthcare in old Russia (USSR) because I lived there for 35 years. There was something good about their system I frankly wish we could adopt. I'll use past tense here, because after entering into the free marketing system, a lot of things there have been changed for the worse, because the society, laws there aren't ready for those kind of quick changes yet. OK, first of all, they helped everybody for free, regardless of the shameful allowance they were getting for their efforts (now that isn’t a part I’m suggesting to adopt). Most importantly, they always tried to find the cause of the problem, not just treat illness. The people who are standing higher on the social ladder, their family members had (I believe now too) special hospitals and the best possible special care in the country, but everybody else, without previous appointment could go to the doctor (not necessarily a bad one) with his problems. Now, if you were really sick and couldn't go to the doctor, all you needed was to call him (every borough had a doctors assigned to given area). He would come, examine you, prescribe something or call you an ambulance if there was something serious. You'd get a signed proof that you were really sick and actually were in bed, to take it to your workplace to be paid for those sick days. Now, if your kid is not feeling good or having some rash, what do we do here? Drag that poor kid to the doctors' office for check up; there are other kids waiting. And what if yours or one of those kids has a very serious infection and is contagious? Isn't that good to have him checked in the house and isolated before it's too late? Isn't it good to stay in hospital until you feel better and not have to be sent home, because your insurance is not going to cover your stay? I'm 51 years old, but still remember my family doctor sitting next to my bed, who knew all my health history from the birth. That and free college, university education are the only good things of the socialism I could remember from my past and truly appreciate.

Offline dave2288

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« Reply #48 on: November 05, 2008, 05:07:08 PM »
well, what i'm more wqorried about is that the senate is majority dem....i don't think its a good thing if either party is in control of the senate, AND pres....although, i really am interested to see how he wants to give us all of the stuff he says he will, but also lower taxes, AND keep us from getting further into debt...the way i am when it comes to politics is i listen to what they say, and then i sit back and wait to see what they actually do...come on guys...politicians(no matter what the party) are not the kinda guys you trust farther than you can throw em...thats just the truth of it.

g1 extreme(turbo tuned cdt trigger, choker muzzle break and fix hinge), powerline 1000s(lube tuned...soon to get a makeover), benjamin ss .22 tuned and shortened, patriot .25(british)

Offline kiwi

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« Reply #49 on: November 05, 2008, 05:45:01 PM »
You guys are killing me.   Sore sides from laugthing , tears rolling down me cheeks.

Heres a idea Lets start a "Doom & Gloom Gate"

Ps..I hear all you whiteys are going to be on the cotton
plantations  by the new year.

Spring guide sets...

If guns are outlawed ONLY outlaws will have guns

A tin of Gamo pellets is like a box of chocs U never know what yer going to get.....

Offline Graham

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« Reply #50 on: November 05, 2008, 06:32:07 PM »
It's pretty good reading from here too!

Offline mikeiniowa

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Once again an over reaction...........
« Reply #51 on: November 06, 2008, 01:31:23 AM »
I've only been a voter for a few decades but have seen the over reaction from the loosing party everytime, please think about what you say before posting, looking at the reaction of the rest of the world to the results of the election it might be a good time to back off and think.....

Offline riflejunkie

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RE: Once again an over reaction...........
« Reply #52 on: November 06, 2008, 02:25:13 AM »
Howdy Mike,
Considering that we here are all "gun people" and considering Obama's voting record and considering that ALL of the gun control hysteria comes from the Democrats it's a no brainer that we see a dark cloud.  While dark clouds may not guarantee rain they are a better indication than clear skys.
The republicans deserved to lose this election.  George W. spent more maoney than a democrat, couldn't speak and John McCain could have picked a better VP running mate.
Get me a decent conservative that doesn't embrace the Bob Jones University mentality and doesn't think the State of the Union address is the proper place to discuss gay marriage.  There are more important things for America to be worried about than who kisses who.
Daisy 853 with apertures; FWB 300S with apertures; Mike Melick tuned B-26 and B-40.
Dog - George, RIP

Offline Curioguy

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RE: Once again an over reaction ??????
« Reply #53 on: November 06, 2008, 02:28:02 AM »
Oh yes, lets just have the rest of the world like us and there will be peace and prosperity though out the land of Oz.  Now that’s the way we should all be looking at the good ol USA.  Sell our sovereignty to the highest bidder (I think we are already on a fast track there).  No, let’s just give it away. Then the world will really love us.   Heck, I don’t want the world to love us I just want them to respect us.  Yes I’m an old coot too and have voted more times than I can remember.  But I do remember those wonderful, thriving  Carter years and I don’t wish to repeat them.   Furthermore, for those on the outside who seem amused by the reactions of some of us over this election, I think I understand where you are coming from:  Misery loves company!  Why not knock those arrogant Americans down a couple of notches so that they can enjoy the fruits of “soft socialism”.   Lastly, if I remember correctly, there are still more people trying to enter the USA than there are those fleeing to greener pastures beyond our borders.  

Offline raterminator

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« Reply #54 on: November 06, 2008, 03:16:15 AM »
Can’t agree with you, Gary.
If they not love you, they’re not going to respect you. Respect over the fear, if that’s what you stand for, could bring you very unpleasant and unexpected reactions.

Offline TCups

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RE: Once again an over reaction...........
« Reply #55 on: November 06, 2008, 04:52:40 AM »

Respectfully, I don't really care much what the world thinks about the American political situation.  America has always been an exceptional country by most comparisons.  And I wish our new President success in international affairs. He will need it. And I won't personally trash Obama as some continue to savage Sarah Palin, even after the election.  They must fear her worse than I can possibly imagine.  Wonder why?  It is abundantly clear that were the shoe on the other foot, and a right wing conservative had been elected, then there would be no respectful restraint.  I believe "riots and blood running in the streets" were promised by more than one pundit, even in response to McCain/Palin.  So I entirely discount any criticism of those who choose to continue to voice opposition to President-Elect Obama's agenda, he the most extreme left elected politician in the country by all accounts.  "Govern from the Center" - my a ss!  Obama is a Socialist and America will pay a terrible price, which may be why so many of the international community applaud.  

But I, for one, will never support a Socialist agenda until the day I die, nor will I cease to voice my political opinions, shout them from the rooftop, unless God forbid, the 1st Amendment falls like a domino after the 2nd.  If you want some international critical opinion on the agenda of Socialism and what is at stake, you might read some F. A. Hayek -  "The Road to Serfdom" and "The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism" come immediately to mind.  

BTW, the stock market understands the national and international consequences of Obama's election.  Down almost 500 points yesterday and another 380 as I type.  That's about 8% in value in less than 24 hours.  The wealth of our nation (and much of the free world) is evaporating before Obama can even take office.  And once he takes office and officially starts spreading the wealth, then the real revolution starts.  You might ask yourself where trillions of dollars of wealth went and who benefits.   I fear by political design, we are now irreparably bound to suffer the worst recession since Jimmy Carter, God help us.  France, Argentina, Iran and others are cheering us on, to be sure.  The worlds free markets are teetering.  And Vladimir Putin is certainly celebrating.  You might take some time to think about some of what J. posits about the "New World Order".  Wake up, Americans.  I fear more than you can imagine that the engine that drives our economy , our national security, and our freedoms -- free market capitalism has just been kidnapped and is about to be bound, gagged and locked away.  

Offline Big_Bill

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RE: Once again an over reaction...........
« Reply #56 on: November 06, 2008, 05:15:44 AM »

I agree with you totally Tommy,

And could not have said it more eloquently.

The "NEW WORLD ORDER" is upon us, and we will be it's slaves !


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Offline dave2288

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« Reply #57 on: November 06, 2008, 05:28:16 AM »
hmmm....well...i guess you guys feel a little stronger about this than i do....i don't feel like its the end of life here in the us, lol, but i do think that if he does what he says he will do, it will take some time for things to be restored...anything can be corrected throughout i said earlier, no point in worrying about what he might or might not do in a few months...lets just enjoy what we have, and take action in a few months when action needs to be taken...i do hope everyone is an nra member though...but for now, lets keep our blood pressure down, everyone.(hehe, i'm young, and yea, that maybe was an old person joke...sorry guys....had to...:-P).  until he does something wrong, just be happy that we live in us, where we have many things others don't have.

again, just my 20 yr old take on it...

g1 extreme(turbo tuned cdt trigger, choker muzzle break and fix hinge), powerline 1000s(lube tuned...soon to get a makeover), benjamin ss .22 tuned and shortened, patriot .25(british)

Offline gamo2hammerli

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« Reply #58 on: November 06, 2008, 05:35:03 AM »
The U.S citizens (Or sheeps.....depends on who`s definition)  have spoken.  Let Obama/Democrats run the country for a term or two....and we`ll see if he/they`re better than the Reps.  Personally I was going for McCain....but then my vote/thoughts don`t count since I`m a Canuck.
Gamo: Expotec .177 + Big Cat .177 + Viper .177 + Whisper .177, Hammerli Titan .177, Diana model 24 .177, RWS-Diana P5 Magnum pistol .177, Crosman: G1 Extreme .177 + Storm XT .177 + Sierra Pro .177 + 1377 pistol .177, Air Arms S410SL .22, BSA Scorpion T10 .22, FX Cyclone .177, Remington Air Master 77 .177 + BB\'s,

Offline dave2288

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« Reply #59 on: November 06, 2008, 05:37:27 AM »
well, i agree with your attitude, but lol, i hope it doesn't take 2 terms for us to firgure out if he is a good, we really would be a stupid society then, haha

g1 extreme(turbo tuned cdt trigger, choker muzzle break and fix hinge), powerline 1000s(lube tuned...soon to get a makeover), benjamin ss .22 tuned and shortened, patriot .25(british)