I got a nickname for the new PREZ,,,,,,,I think SLIM SHADY fits the script for a non-citizen PREZ.....

BTW.....Is the economy all GW fault....who knows? He obviously gets blamed on a daily basis,,,,,,,if-so what about the job he has done to keep Terrorist from attacking U.S. soil,,,,I feel pretty safe at night when I sleep,,,,,,,,last time I checked my freedom & my way of life was still in tact,,,,,,that's why I will & can say that anyone who voted for this undercover terrorist/racist/liar deserves everything they are gonna get........NOTHING! I don't get why someone who has supported the RED PARTY decides to jump ship & turn BLUE,,,,,,Where is the loyalaty,maybe that's the problem,,,,
McCain is a hero & loyal to this country& he has been for a very long time,,,I believe that he put the country first & he had the best interest for the country in mind,,,,,I believe SLIM SHADYS best interest was himself by becoming the first african-american prez so that he can make history...why wouldn't McCain be able to relate to you, me or whom-ever may-be middle-class,,,,yet you believe that SLIM SHADY can,,,,,,,WHY?

What is wrong with expressing concerns toward the 2nd amendment,,,,I thought this was an airgun forum for people who appreciate gun/airguns.....of course he wants to ban guns,,,,this will make it easier for his terrorist cousins to take control of you & me as we get fitted for a TURBAN....LOL!! :p OBAMA IS A JERK IN MY BOOK,,,,,,,,,,Truth is,my book is the only book that matters to me,,,we all have opinions just like we all have backside,,,,,,,I am never gonna be a BENEDICT ARNOLD,,,,I was raised RED,,,,,I will die RED,,,,,,,,,,