Maybe you should focus more on the true american pastime BASEBALL,,,this way you wouldn't be mis-led by SLIM-SHADY!!! Now I understand what the problem is,,,,,,Your a Twins Fan, the cities must have you confused just as your are with RED & BLUE,,,,,,I never said that if more white people got out voted McCain would have won,,,,I said that if you think that SLIM SHADY created unity among voters ,,,it was insane,,,,,I also said that minority voters that never voted before,voted for him strictly because he is African American,,,that's what I said but than again your eyes are closed & your throwing darts to pick a Prez..........I honestly hope that this Slim Shady guy works out for because you just might break,,,,first GW let you down than Slim Shady,,,,maybe Bin Laden will run next & you can vote for him,,,,,,that would be a great band wagon for you to jump on,,,,,,,oh yeah I forgot it was a curse that prevented those teams to never win a series,,,,,,I kow Babe Ruth was lurking around all those years & the goat is why the Cubs haven't won,,,,,