Author Topic: Political Correctness, the scourge of our time  (Read 2460 times)

Offline Curioguy

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Political Correctness, the scourge of our time
« on: November 13, 2008, 07:36:58 AM »
A recent post that got classified as Unproductive prompted this brief rant.

Political correctness is one more obsession that is going to destroy our country and  not the negative referral to one’s race, religion or ethnicity.  Are some people hurt by this type of speech?  Yes, but IMO it doesn’t necessarily have to devastate them.  Call me cold or heartless but heck, I’ve been called wop, dago, ginny and grease ball in my younger days.  Did I let it destroy me or damage my self esteem?  Absolutely not!  If anything it made me tougher.  I realized life is a struggle, some people are callous and life is not fair.  And on an occasion, I felt it necessary to rearrange their nose. But I would handle the situation myself.  Not run to my daddy, mommy or as it is today, the media, a lawyer or some opportunistic politician.  Or, in the case of a forum, a moderator.  In this country there is a generation that has acquired a case of “thin skin syndrome”.  If they don’t learn how to deal with the unpleasant aspects of life they will continue to be victims.  Furthermore, they will forever be dependant on others to save them from their own inability to deal with life’s unpleasant situations.  I too served in the military but I look for no special favors nor do I use it as a means of gaining respect or sympathy.  I have and will continue to earn it.   However, some feel it is necessary to do so and others will pander to them.  I hate it when someone has to say that they served in a particular branch of the military and they are this and believe in that so let’s show some compassion.  It may work with some but it won’t work with me.  Grow up, stand on your own two feet and quit being a victim.  Where are leaders like General George Patton when you need them?  Some of us are due for a good slap across our faces.

As kids we would often say:  â€œSticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me”.  

BTW, it is your right to disagree and I respect that.  I promise that I will not call you any names!

Offline Big_Bill

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RE: Political Correctness, the scourge of our time
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2008, 12:47:43 PM »

Hi Gary,

Like you, I grew up in the streets of Philadelphia, and had to deal with all the as* Ho*es out there. I don't remember a day that went by, that I didn't have a fight, for one reason or another. Sometimes, just to cross the street.

But as you say, sticks and stones, and what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger, is only partially true. Some people aren't as strong as we, and collapse within themselves, hide in fear, and never have a chance to enjoy life. So there is a good reason to follow the Golden Rule, Do unto others as we would have them do for you.

It wasn't right for anyone to call you names, or push you around, and it doesn't make it right for you to call others names, or push them around. We should ALL treat each other as persons, each with differences and individual wants and needs. As no two human beings are the same, we should be able to deal with others and their differences, whether they be National origin, Race, Color, Age, or Religion or the lack of it.

The GREAT thing about America, is that WE can ALL be proud of our national heritage, religion, race or color, but in the end, We are ALL Americans !

While many have organizations that champion their differences, I remember having GREAT times and food at the Italian club, and I'm not realy Italian, but I love the food and people :)

Best wishes Bud,


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Offline dave2288

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Re: Political Correctness, the scourge of our time
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2008, 02:08:10 PM »
bill, WELL SAID!

g1 extreme(turbo tuned cdt trigger, choker muzzle break and fix hinge), powerline 1000s(lube tuned...soon to get a makeover), benjamin ss .22 tuned and shortened, patriot .25(british)

Offline Curioguy

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Re: Political Correctness, the scourge of our time
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2008, 05:09:31 AM »
Thanks Bill for your well thought out responses, past and present. They are always welcome here. I can assure you that I do not resort to name calling; however compassion is a virtue that I need to work on. Just ask my wife! In fact, I just got a lecture on itthis morning. Ouch! Hopefully this old dog can learn somenew tricks.