Author Topic: Liberal Tightwads  (Read 2421 times)

Offline Jerrycup

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Liberal Tightwads
« on: December 22, 2008, 03:33:54 PM »
NY Times columnist Nicholas Kristoff (sitting in for Maureen Dowd) had an interesting editorial today called "Bleeding Heart Tightwads"

In the piece, he expressed incredulity about findings that liberals generally give less to charity than conservatives. He questioned the findings, and then found further confirmation.

He has apparently been reading his own paper too much, and has the sort of idiot assumptions of how good those liberals are, how much they really care. But maybe he scans the net, too.

Check this link out (I forwarded a copy to Nicholas - accusing him of watered down plagarism :

It reminds me of Al Gore and his Brentwood mansion spinning the dials off his electric meter, flying his jet to France and getting awards for his liberal positions on "Greenhouse Gases", while the Texas Whitehouse is a model of conservation - yet the press would have you believe that villain Bush is ruining the environment while idiotic Al Gore crusades against evil Republicans and supports the Anti-American way.

Offline Gene_SC

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Re: Liberal Tightwads
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2008, 04:17:52 PM »
Way to go Jerry..:)
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Offline TCups

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RE: Liberal Tightwads
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2008, 11:21:13 PM »
Yes, Jerry, but when it comes to being generous with OTHER people's money, liberal Democrats take the lead!  And after all, it is there intentions that matter, not the bottom line on their tax return or the net good actually done for the needy.  Kind of like Al Gore and the environment -- his proposed environmental regulations are clearly INTENDED to serve the greater good, so hey, I guess we can cut him a break on his heated pools and private jets.  Too bad that he failed out of divinity school and is generally clueless about carbon chemistry in general and environmental CO2 in particular, but again, intentions matter.  I seem to remember his first book, "Earth in the Balance" where he says that the internal combustion engine was the greatest threat to the earth.  Hmmm, I wonder where he stands on the Detroit bail out thing.  You think he might be happy, or should he check with the UAW before celebrating?  

BTW, how is global warming working out for you down in TX this winter?  The last two days have seen (gasp) below freezing temps in Columbia.  I think maybe I need to shoot my CO2 rifles some more.  

It would be interesting to see the ratio of charitable giving vs. political contributions on a liberal vs. conservative scale.   Perhaps the favorite "charity" of the liberals is the DNC, because of the good work they do.  Reminds me to give some more to one of my favorite "charities" -- the NRA, because of the good work they do, too, and a couple of others.
Merry Christmas, Bro.


Offline Hermie

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Re: Liberal Tightwads
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2009, 07:16:38 AM »
I'm a liberal, far from affluent, and am a proud supporter of Defenders of Wildlife. ^^ Twice, I gave them every dollar I had in my wallet at the time. (In case you're wondering how that's possible, I have to live with my parents, and when our mortgage payments shot up unexpectedly (went from a fixed $1400/month paying off some principle to a $4300/month interest only payment), I had to give them all of my paycheck to afford the house payments. I kept my tip money. I'm a cook.)

I'm far from a tightwad when it comes to donations, but I don't have much to give. So I give to those that are in need of help and don't have a voice of thier own- Wildlife.

I've never donated to the DNC or any political purpose.
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