Author Topic: Here's your code Erskine  (Read 2746 times)

Offline CFX Marauder

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Here's your code Erskine
« on: January 15, 2009, 03:16:04 AM »

So as not to continue buggering up the other thread with your rant.

Methods allowed

    • centerfire pistol, revolver or rifle using expanding-type bullets
    • shotgun (including .410) with slugs only
    • air-powered gun, .40 caliber or larger, charged only from an external high compression power source (external hand pump, air tank, or air compressor)
    • muzzleloader
    • archery, see Archery Hunting
    • crossbow
    You said in your post..

    "I doubt that there is any state in the union where taking deer with an air rifle is legal. I gave you Missouri

    The rifles Ilisted will humanely take deer and are legal in that state...As with ANY method/Item used to take game it really come down to the operator..Much smaller and lower FPE projectiles have been used to harvest deer but I would notsuggest it..

    Where you wander off to after that I don't know and don't care to know...I do know that ive always considered you an *_*_*_*_*_* and you've further reinforced that..Have a nice day im off to shoot squirrels in my bird feeders..

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Offline erskine

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RE: Here's your code Erskine
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2009, 04:04:26 AM »
CFX Marauder - 1/15/2009  11:16 AM

So as not to continue buggering up the other thread with your rant.

Methods allowed

    • centerfire pistol, revolver or rifle using expanding-type bullets
    • shotgun (including .410) with slugs only
    • air-powered gun, .40 caliber or larger, charged only from an external high compression power source (external hand pump, air tank, or air compressor)
    • muzzleloader
    • archery, see Archery Hunting
    • crossbow

Thanks for the correction.  It is unfortunate that Timmy is in South Carolina and therefore Missouri law is totally irrelevant to him.


You said in your post..

"I doubt that there is any state in the union where taking deer with an air rifle is legal.  I gave you Missouri

The rifles I listed will humanely take deer and are legal in that state...As with ANY method/Item used to take game it really come down to the operator..Much smaller and lower FPE projectiles have been used to harvest deer but I would not suggest it..

Clearly, you failed to understand the intent of my post.  For that matter you seem to have taken it personally.


Where you wander off to after that I don't know and don't care to know...I do know that ive always considered you an *_*_*_*_*_* and you've further reinforced that..Have a nice day im off to shoot squirrels in my bird feeders..

I am sorry that you feel that way.  I do hope you get over it eventually.  I will leave you with a thought, any darn fool can get in the mud and wrestle with a pig.  The pig will love it and the fool just gets muddy.

Have a nice day. :p
Even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while.

Offline longislandhunter

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RE: Here's your code Erskine
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2009, 04:22:46 AM »
I think this post has run it's course,,,,

I'm moving it to the "Non Productive" area.  

\"If it was easy it wouldn\'t be hunting, it would be shopping.\"