Author Topic: What happened to the thread on the "Turkish Cannons" with breakdown pictures.????  (Read 4863 times)

Offline C.A.P

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What happened to this thread. I have been fallowing it with great interest as to what Super6 was doing to tune and mod this gun to make it a tame shooter?

 It seemed like all of Super6 posts have disappeared? This thread had over 1800 hits??????????
RWS Diana 34 .177. \"BLONDIE\"
BAM 28 .22 Super Magnum.
Walther Tallon .22 Super Magnum

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Offline mackeralboy

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I'm right there with C.A.P. Where did the thread go?
Air Arms Prosport .22 cal
Beeman SS1000H .22 cal
Beeman P1 .20 cal
Benjamin Discovery .22 cal
BSA Lightning Tactical XL .22 cal
Crosman 1377 converted to .22 cal by Tim McMurry
Crosman Quest 800X .22 cal
Crosman Nitro .22 cal
Gamo 1250 .177 cal
Gamo 1250 .22 cal
Gamo Whisper .177 cal
Theoben Eliminator .25 cal
Walther Falcon Hunter .22 cal

Offline Joe D

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Yeah, where did it go? There was a lot of good info there. Could it be that some "hidden" tuning secrets were being revealed? Hmmmmmm

Offline derekmcminn

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conflict of interest?

liability concerns?


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Offline derekmcminn

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Ummmm, I don't know, maybe somebody who does not
want forum members to learn how to tune Turkish cannons
on their own?

I was following the thread closely as well. I have a Turkish cannon,
so to speak, a Hatsan copy that pushes pellets out at 1100 fps
and is a bona fide scope eater.

But the thread is gone.....oh well.
\"My favorite airgun is the one I\'m buying next..\"

Offline Joe D

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Gene, I read your email to me. I am sorry I buy some of it, but not most of it. Anything Ray posted was not for his benefit, but to share what he has learned. I am starting to believe that the purpose of this forum is to fatten the wallet of you and Charlie . That is fine with me as long as all the other members understand what this forum is all about. That is too bad as most forums are meant to share information with the members. I have made a lot of money from some of the powder burner forums dealing with Glock and 1911 tips and tricks. I have openly shared all of my "secrets" with the forum members. The bottom line is the vast majority of folks don't have the skill to do the modifications to their guns. Sharing this info has not hurt my side income what so ever. This is a lesson you need to learn.

Offline Big_Bill

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I'm SUPPRISED at the behavior of this group .

And Joe D, I have edited your post, it should have been deleted !

After all Gene and Bob have done here, to educate air gunners in safety, and ALL the information given to you freely, I find this behavior appalling ! This will END and NOW !


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Offline shadow

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From what I'm reading here it look's like this forum is not meeting your need's and I cannot understand why someones view cannot be made without slanderous remarks. Please find a forum that will meet your need's.
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