Author Topic: Rootin' Tootin' Newton Shoot In. UPDATES  (Read 31015 times)

Offline RWS460Shooter

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Rootin' Tootin' Newton Shoot In. UPDATES
« on: January 24, 2009, 02:03:50 AM »

Hello Shooters,

I stopped into a sporting goods store just west of the county line to look around. My conversation with the owner started with "Do you sell airguns" of course. Turns out the guy will order you an RWS airgun if you want one and he sometimes keeps a few Benjamin Sheridan rifles in stock. As our conversation progressed, the subject of our Fun Shoot came up.

Before I knew it, he was offering us his gun range. He told me where it was and I went to have a look. It was getting pretty dark but this range was a competition rimfire range with about ten covered shooting booths with benches and concrete floors. Bathrooms are also there and there is a restaraunt at the entrance to the range. The Sporting Goods store is across the road from the restaraunt. The guy never said a word about paying him anything. It doesn't mean he won't charge us, he just didn't mention it.

I hope he will settle for us buying targets and pellets from his store. We can all eat at the restaraunt to support them as well. I'm going back to talk to him again when I get time and get some idea of what he expects from us. If all goes well for everyone involved, I see this being an anual event.

I also went to Charlotte to a couple of large gun stores that sell pellet rifles. Both stores offered to sponsor our event with a few tins of pellets in return for flying their stores banner. I figure we can compete for tins of pellets and mention the store that donates them for advertising. I'll work on them for more stuff as we get closer to the event and get a better idea of how many shooters will be coming. If we support these stores by buying a few things from them, they may up their sponsorship significantly.

I'll post further updates in this thread as they become available. So please don't reply here. Just PM me and I'll add you to the participants list and answer your questions there. That way the updates in this thread will be easier to find for others.

See you there,


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RE: Rootin' Tootin' Newton Shoot In. UPDATES
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2009, 02:15:14 AM »
Shameless Capitalists!  Heck yes, sounds like a deal.  Thanks for the follow up, Rob.  Remind me:  do you have a firm date yet?

Offline Bhawanna

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RE: Rootin' Tootin' Newton Shoot In. UPDATES
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2009, 05:45:30 AM »
i knew if you were going to put this together it would be first class......that's your style!!!  let me know if there is anything i can do to help out....
The hardest part of getting old is trying to look good naked!

Offline RWS460Shooter

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« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2009, 12:02:46 PM »

Sorry guys,

As some of you know, I was laid off from work late last year. I am reemployed with a different employer now which is better than for a lot of other people who were laid off. And my prayers are with all of you who are out of work.

I wanted to put this fun shoot on this Summer, but I have been moved around so much at work and my shifts have changed so much that I have not been able to get this thing organized. And, it may be next spring before we can get together. But get together we will !!!

I made contact with the guy that owns the 50 yard certified range and he said we could use his facility. I would ask that you buy your targets, pellets and shooting supplies for the Fun Shoot from him at Bullseye Sporting Goods. There is also a good restaurant right in front of the range so we all can be sure to get something to eat any time we want.

If my situation improves to the point that we can put this thing on this Fall, I will give plenty of notice here and on the other airgun forums as well.

I am also sure this economic downturn has affected us all, so a brief delay may be good so we can recover enough financially to get here and have a good time.

Thank you all for your interest. And thank you Shadow Shot. After all, it's your great idea.

And thank you Gene for giving us this forum to communicate with each other of kindred spirit.

Rob Hawkins

Newton, NC

Offline Gene_SC

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Re: Rootin' Tootin' Newton Shoot In. UPDATES
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2009, 01:21:32 PM »
We all wish you the best Rob and pray for things to open up for you soon. We all will look forward to a shooting event no matter when it happens. In the meantime keep your head high. We all love these events because we finally can meet each other..:) Looking forward to meeting new faces always..
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