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I shoot targets, when there isn't anything flying or 4-legging it the house. But, I only shoot homemade targets. My printer hasn't worked in years. Usually I just shoot paper plates; wadcutters and
most round nosed pellets make a pretty clean hole in them.
I just take a Sharpie and an empty Scotch Tape spool to draw the circles, I use the inside of the spool, as a template so my thumbs don't get in the way. Then I eyeball an eighth inch dot in the center Half the time the dot ends up being a 1/4" to 5/16ths before it gets centered; these old eyes, lol). The circles end up about 7/8ths of an inch inside the line, and almost 11/16ths outside diameter. The paper plates are the cheap ones and most of the time you grab 2 of them to put your sandwich on, so I just save the bottom ones and the fairly clean ones.
As far as official targets go, I just can't afford them. I have been thinking about having some printed at Kinko's or OfficeMax though. But, I don't know
what type and weight of paper to use. ???????? Any Suggestions???????
I did however buy a package of those Birchwood Casey "Target Spots" the other day. One package has 72 1" stickers and 36 2" stickers with a 1/2" and 1" circles respectively. Also printed on crosshairs and a diamond shaped bullseye. the cost at Sports authority was $4.99 per pkg. I'm VERY pleased with them. They stick really well; unlike the "target patching dots" you get with those crappy "Shoot-N-See" targets or Avery's, round "Garage Sale Labels which fly off after a coupleof NEAR hits. They even stick on the old, splintery and rough wood paneling scraps I have salvaged from the old doors that were here, under the house, when I moved in. I went out to shoot a few today, after two days of rain and fog. On Friday I had stuck a couple of the 2" "Target Spots" to the backside (rough side) of an old piece of paneling. They were still there; soaked through along with the paneling and everything else and barely hanging on, but there they were.
I have a little tip for applying them though. I light my trusty Zippo and get the lid nice and hot then sort of IRON them on. I did this when I was using the 3/4" Avery labels also. I think, along with making the adhesive work better, the heat sort of stiffens the paper, making it more brittle which results in a cleaner hole.
Well as usual, I am just rambling on. Sorry for this "long winded post." Once I get going I seem to think that I need to include EVERY detail.

Short Version>>>>>Yes I shoot targets, Gene.
N. CA (Near Sacramento, 5 miles from Sutters Mill located in Coloma, CA)
Hammerli Titan .177cal, B-3 or B4 .177cal Currently disassembled waiting for my Lazy arse to refinish the stock and install the QF-2 kit, 2 Gamo PT-80's .177, Walther CP99 .177cal, TFS2-1 Spring Pistol POS