Author Topic: Daisy Avanti 853  (Read 66988 times)

Offline Fatman

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RE: Daisy Avanti 853
« Reply #30 on: August 07, 2009, 10:36:03 PM »
Hi TCups:

Love both guns in the picture.  Can't afford a Walther or any of its cousins but might be able to spring for an adjustable butt plate for my 953.

Is that a Morgan on your 853? Looks like the one on yours solves two problems, LOP and raised cheek weld to keep your head more upright.  Does the adjustable butt plate make the gun illegal for 3 position as it exceeds the original stock dimensions?  Might do it anyway as I don't currently shoot competitively anymore.

I have the 853 rear sight on my 953 and it seems fine.  An early version of the sight had a plastic base but the later one is metal.  Looked at one of the Avanti 753 diopters (Chinese version) and it had noticable play in it so I stuck with the 853's. The 753 Avanti rear would have cost darned near as much as the original gun anyway.  

The 853 front sight I have is a realy cheap stamped out metal piece that is functional but very crude.  I sprang for the 753 version.  It has a smaller diameter barrel weight which looks better, is lighter, and the sight is much better made.  The lighter weight seems to suite the gun better.  The 753 front will raise the sight line a fair amount.  On the plus side it helps with the cheek weld, on the minus side it raises the 853 rear sight enough to make it more succeptable to flex and possible damage.  

Thinking of putting the 753 front on my old Crosman 1760 if it will fit.  Havn't tried it yet but do have a steel breach with an 853 rear.  Good shooter but the stock isn't very target friendly.


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RE: Daisy Avanti 853
« Reply #31 on: August 07, 2009, 11:25:03 PM »
Reviving an old post, eh?

J 3n00n both acquired the air rifle used and did the work on the Avanti for me.  Don't know what brand he used for the butt plate.  I believe that the spacers came with the rifle, though.

Can't say if the adjustable butt plate violates any competition rules -- I don't shoot in any formal competitions.  But for me, it feels right.  At present, my Avanti is spending some quality time on an extended visit with Gene Curtis.

Hey Gene!  Are you shooting the Daisy any these days?

Offline Fatman

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RE: HEY, RJ, check this out!
« Reply #32 on: August 12, 2009, 06:12:46 AM »

Feeling bummed.

Got a buddy to order that 753 stock from Numrich for his 853.  He loves the feel of the stock on my 953, but hates "plastic".

Just got a call.  It arrived today, but its the same as the stock on his 853!  It's the one in the Numrich picture.  He said he oredered the correct number, got charged the right price and the label on it is correct, but it aint no 753.  Looks like it's going back.  Daisy seems reasonable on pricing, maybe it would be as cheap or cheaper to get the 753 stock from directly them.

I hate it when I recommend something and it turns out to be a bum deal.

He also said that the wood is soft, light as a feather and looks more like stained pine than any hardwood he's ever seen. I always thought the wood and finish on his 853 looked a bit like that.  If that's the case with all of the 753 and 853 stocks, a better bet might be a 953 composite stock.  It looks like it has an identical profile to the 753, it's very rigid and is surpisingly heavy.  The composite will also be more stable and remain unaffected by humidity and moisture. The butt plate is removable so you could easily add weight to the the rear.  It's almost certainly the same stock as on the 853c.  I suspect the composite stock is also cheaper.  You would have to call Daisy customer service or emial them for a schematic (for the part #) and price as the information doesn't seem to be available on line..

Has anyone else ordered one from Numrich and got the right thing?  Is the wood from Daisy on all 753 and 853 stocks like that?

Would be interested on your comments.
