Author Topic: The first postal Challenge!  (Read 19001 times)

Offline gamo2hammerli

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Am I the First?
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2009, 04:40:20 AM »

Hi all, am I the first to shoot the postal challenge? I know it was Super Bowl weekend so alot of you were probably participating in the events or were busy with other stuff.....anyways it have been suggested that the challenge should start this week and the results posted by next Sunday evening.....

First off....just to let everyone know, I'm not a competitive shooter......and I just found out that I'm a terrible shot shooting off-hand. heh heh Anyways here's my dismal results...2 sets of 16 targets at 9 meters...yes I know it should've been 15 and at 10 meters. For 10 meters...I'll need to go to the backyard in the cold with 4 feet of snow.

Btw, these were shot at hand drawn targets...using Truman's spec's - 6mm, 11.5mm, 17.5mm and 24mm outer circle. I'll print one sheet of the fifteen and get them photocopied during the week.

Air Rifle ; .177 Crosman Storm XT

Pellets; 1st set using Crosman Premier Hollow Points 2nd set using Crosman WadCutters

Distance ; 9 meters indoors

Shooting Position; Standing, Off-Hand

1st set - 5 misses, 6 in the 7, 5 in the 8 giving a total of 82 points. Yikes, I'll call this my practice round.

2nd set - 1 miss, 1 in the 7, 5 in the 8, 4 in the 9 and 5 in the 10 = 133 points. Abit better.

Gamo: Expotec .177 + Big Cat .177 + Viper .177 + Whisper .177, Hammerli Titan .177, Diana model 24 .177, RWS-Diana P5 Magnum pistol .177, Crosman: G1 Extreme .177 + Storm XT .177 + Sierra Pro .177 + 1377 pistol .177, Air Arms S410SL .22, BSA Scorpion T10 .22, FX Cyclone .177, Remington Air Master 77 .177 + BB\'s,

Offline Truman

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RE: Am I the First?
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2009, 05:31:00 AM »
What, no suffering for your sport!! At least you gave it a go, nobody can ask for more! (Well you could ask for more but until we see the targets we will have to accept what you say!! LOL) So with the 1 meter penalty and the extra shot per card......may have to work out a percentile score for ya mate!! Apart from that, yes you are the first to shoot the postal challenge! Well done! ;-)
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Offline gamo2hammerli

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Re: The first postal Challenge!
« Reply #17 on: February 02, 2009, 06:36:25 AM »
I did suffer (Just a teeny bit)  on Sunday afternoon....went outdoors to test out my .177 Hammerli Titan....all my air rifles are sighted in for 9 meters so I wanted to see how the Titan shot at 20, 30, 40 and 50 meters....I know they would shoot high on  the targets.  Anyways, it was only -10C....about 25F I would guess with no wind.  I was planning to shoot 10 shots per target...   I shot 10 at the 20 meter target and was starting to feel numb in the fingers of the trigger hand.  Shot another 10 in the 30 meter I`m having problems picking up the pellets.  So I end up shooting only 5 shots at the 40 and 50 meter targets each.  The hand holding the forestock was fine...It was in a glove.
Gamo: Expotec .177 + Big Cat .177 + Viper .177 + Whisper .177, Hammerli Titan .177, Diana model 24 .177, RWS-Diana P5 Magnum pistol .177, Crosman: G1 Extreme .177 + Storm XT .177 + Sierra Pro .177 + 1377 pistol .177, Air Arms S410SL .22, BSA Scorpion T10 .22, FX Cyclone .177, Remington Air Master 77 .177 + BB\'s,

Offline Truman

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Re: The first postal Challenge!
« Reply #18 on: February 02, 2009, 06:52:41 AM »
Only -10C!!! I left all that minus weather stuff in England! I don't do cold anymore due to a long walk across the north of France in March in sub zero temps with a tent! I swore to myself that I would only walk in walm countries after that, so here I am living in Spain 10 years later! I didn't account for a windy season! That plays hell with my offhand shooting! (Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!)
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Offline gamo2hammerli

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Re: The first postal Challenge!
« Reply #19 on: February 02, 2009, 07:08:26 AM »
Yeah...only -10C....I`m a wimp now.    My hat`s off to the guys and gals that hunt or punch paper outside in the winter.   You need steady hands to shoot...but it`s kind of difficult when you`re shivering.  But 15 shots in under 20 minutes is not that bad....I only took under 10 minutes to shoot 16 shots inside.  Outside in the cold...the problem is picking up the darn pellet when you`re starting to lose control of your finger and thumb.  heh heh
Gamo: Expotec .177 + Big Cat .177 + Viper .177 + Whisper .177, Hammerli Titan .177, Diana model 24 .177, RWS-Diana P5 Magnum pistol .177, Crosman: G1 Extreme .177 + Storm XT .177 + Sierra Pro .177 + 1377 pistol .177, Air Arms S410SL .22, BSA Scorpion T10 .22, FX Cyclone .177, Remington Air Master 77 .177 + BB\'s,

Offline Truman

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Re: The first postal Challenge!
« Reply #20 on: February 02, 2009, 07:11:32 AM »
Good excuse to buy a Dragon Slayer!
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Offline riflejunkie

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RE: Am I the First?
« Reply #21 on: February 02, 2009, 12:55:59 PM »
Good job!  Good job!  You shot by yourself this weekend, lol, but it will really pay off.
Daisy 853 with apertures; FWB 300S with apertures; Mike Melick tuned B-26 and B-40.
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Offline daved

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Not as humbling as expected :-)...
« Reply #22 on: February 02, 2009, 05:45:24 PM »
Figured I'd better start doing some practice, since A) I just about never shoot off hand and B) I've shot PCP's almost exclusively for almost 2 years.  I expected to be lucky to even hit the paper, never mind actually scoring :-).  So I'm happy with the 98 I shot tonight.  Rifle is a Gamo Hunter 440 .177 "tuned" by me, pellet was CPHP, rifle is scoped with a BSA 4X AO.  This may be what I've been looking for all winter, something to put the challenge back in my shooting.  BTW, I'd like to be using wad cutters for this, but all I have are Gamo Match which are lousy in this rifle, or RWS Supermags, which are good in my S200 but too heavy for the Gamo.  So, can I shoot the rest of these with my S200, it's much easier ;-)!

So are we going to scan and post targets, or just use the honor system?  Since I'm sure not everyone has a scanner, maybe we just post our scores as a string in the order it was shot, like this: 9,8,9,0,7,0,9,8,7,10,7,7,8,0,9.

Any suggestions for arm exercises, I shoot right handed but my left arm is really feeling it.  I know, Charlotte, practice, practice, practice!  Later.


Offline gamo2hammerli

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Re: The first postal Challenge!
« Reply #23 on: February 02, 2009, 07:10:05 PM »

Oh yes...forgot to mention that my Storm XT is scoped with a cheapie 3X9-32mm Center of those package combos. For me....I would go with the "honor" system.....I don't think we need to eat up all the bandwidth of GTA. Anyways....after awhile all the targets will look alike. Printed up some official size targets.....will go outside to zero my air rifle for 10 meters's now zeroed for 9 meters. So when I shot my first two sets....I had to aim 1 1/2 to 2cm below the bullseye to hit it (At least close to it).

Thanks Charlotte......I desperately need the practice. Hopefully this friendly match'll give me incentive to shoot off-hand more.

Gamo: Expotec .177 + Big Cat .177 + Viper .177 + Whisper .177, Hammerli Titan .177, Diana model 24 .177, RWS-Diana P5 Magnum pistol .177, Crosman: G1 Extreme .177 + Storm XT .177 + Sierra Pro .177 + 1377 pistol .177, Air Arms S410SL .22, BSA Scorpion T10 .22, FX Cyclone .177, Remington Air Master 77 .177 + BB\'s,

Offline ronbeaux

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RE: The first postal Challenge!
« Reply #24 on: February 04, 2009, 01:01:56 PM »
I'll play.

I'll be shooting the TX with CPL's. Off hand.

Have we decided on a target??

Offline Truman

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RE: The first postal Challenge!
« Reply #25 on: February 04, 2009, 06:11:45 PM »
Step up to the plate Ron, Here's the target...   ...It's the 10m Air rifle with 15 targets! Good luck and welcome to the GTA International 10 Meter Shootout! May the best gun win and everybody else enjoy themselves!
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Offline ronbeaux

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RE: The first postal Challenge!
« Reply #26 on: February 05, 2009, 10:01:38 AM »
Ok. Did a little practice from my bag of charcoal bench rest. 10yds, 32 power with a 5 mph cross wind.

Offline Truman

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RE: The first postal Challenge!
« Reply #27 on: February 05, 2009, 10:35:51 AM »
That's some mighty fine shooting there Ron! I hope your offhand isn't as good for your real  entry! 8-)
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Offline ronbeaux

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RE: The first postal Challenge!
« Reply #28 on: February 05, 2009, 10:54:46 AM »
Don't worry! My off hand has been off and on the shelf for many years, I'll be lucky to keep them in the black.

Offline gamo2hammerli

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Re: The first postal Challenge!
« Reply #29 on: February 05, 2009, 07:21:12 PM »
Yep...that's pretty good shooting considering there's a 5mph cross-wind.....
Gamo: Expotec .177 + Big Cat .177 + Viper .177 + Whisper .177, Hammerli Titan .177, Diana model 24 .177, RWS-Diana P5 Magnum pistol .177, Crosman: G1 Extreme .177 + Storm XT .177 + Sierra Pro .177 + 1377 pistol .177, Air Arms S410SL .22, BSA Scorpion T10 .22, FX Cyclone .177, Remington Air Master 77 .177 + BB\'s,