Author Topic: Learned a lesson on the other forum today  (Read 15716 times)

Offline MEHavey

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Re: Learned a lesson on the other forum today
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2009, 01:55:57 PM »
Someone will have to PM me w/ "the other Forum."
(I'm in the dark.)

Offline Big_Bill

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Re: Learned a lesson on the other forum today
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2009, 02:01:25 PM »

No biggie Mike,

Network 54, Old Yellow !

And I'll bet that I don't get banned for mentioning it here either !



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Offline nmmike

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Re: Learned a lesson on the other forum today
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2009, 02:15:09 PM »
Y'all better watch out. I heard that Gene & Bob were gonna' stop cuttin' slack for this kind of offence :D . Oh, & I gotta' one owner bridge for sale!!
 :emoticon: Mike :emoticon:

Offline RedFeather

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RE: Learned a lesson on the other forum today
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2009, 02:35:40 PM »
Better be careful, my friend!  I saw your post.  So did their Moderator.  He's always watching!

Shame when bad blood clouds good judgement.  You can't even think about the GRT while browsing there.  Get a shock through the keyboard!  (If they could, they would.)  That's one nice thing about here.  No name calling, aspersions, deletions.  I don't want to get into it, but they've taken it to the Hatfield - McCoy level.  Sad. :0

Offline daved

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In defense of the Yellow Forum...
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2009, 03:02:23 PM »
Or more accurately, some of the people there, because there are some really good people there.  The forum owner is a hard a$$, who has a personal vendetta against Bob and this forum, but he is the owner, and therefore gets to make the rules.  And he has all his moderators primed to enforce those rules ruthlessly, ESPECIALLY where Bob is concerned.  But there is a lot of good info available there if you're willing to dig for it.  Their Classifieds buy and sell more guns in a month than ours does in a year, and the BOI is a really nice idea.  For those not familiar with it, BOI is the Board of Inquiry, and is where buyers and sellers can post feed back on their transactions.  It's a good way to check up on a potential purchaser/seller.  Multiple sub-forums, much like here, and lots of traffic.  I've had posts deleted, and I've been banned several times, but I've given up tilting at wind mills.  Now, I email people direct if they're obviously looking for the GRT III if I can, along with an invite here.  Especially since the ONLY advice they get is Rich in Mich, but I'm not even going to get started there.  So, use what you can, and ignore the crap, knowing we've all got a nice little home here.  For those that want to check it out, here's the link:  It's worth a look, and as long as you don't mention Bob or the GTA, you'll be fine.  Later.


Offline douglas george

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Re: Learned a lesson on the other forum today
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2009, 03:07:08 PM »
I use that yellow forum, mostly for Big Bore PCP guns.
Douglas George

Offline nmmike

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RE: In defense of the Yellow Forum...
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2009, 03:38:43 PM »
Well, as long as we're getting serious I guess I'll go along for a while. Back in '06 when Gene had his little problem with Steve Ct & around that same time when Bob & Steve NC (I think that's right) had a falling out, Gene (or Gene & Bob) started this forum. I, in my uninformed state, joined this forum. Well within a day or two I began to receive e-mails from Steve Ct that were full of language I wouldn't use in a Firehouse, accusations of posting irreverent things about the yellow along with threats of bannishment from what is apparently the only worthwhile airgun forum in the world. I managed to keep it together long enough to sever my ties with the yellow without losing my temper completley & saying things I would later regret.
Having gotten all that out of my system (after almost 3 years) I have to say I agree that there are a large percentage of fine people over there. There are also a few of the nastiest individuals I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with. So, I guess I've put the icing on my cake :emoticon: .
Oh, & Steve, when you read this (& I am sure that you will), if you want to contend that your innocent I still have your vicious e-mails.

Offline TCups

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RE: Learned a lesson on the other forum today
« Reply #22 on: February 03, 2009, 03:55:23 PM »
Might want to read this thread for a bit more about the politics of triggers, tuning, and long-term grudge holding.  Make your own judgements, though.

I generally try to stay apolitical where air gunning is concerned.  But I just figured out very early on that I much preferred to hang out on a forum where folks seemed a bit friendlier, less elitist, and much more helpful.  It is probably true that the "Yellow" is bigger and the classifieds more extensive than here on the GTA.  But quality can be more important than quantity.  And personally, I think American Airguns is one of the best "un-jaundiced" places to just browse the "classifieds" if you are shopping for or selling an air gun.

Offline Big_Bill

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RE: Learned a lesson on the other forum today
« Reply #23 on: February 03, 2009, 04:02:40 PM »

Yes Red,

It's a shame that they spend so much time worrying about US !, THE GREATEST PLACE TO BE!!!, that they don't have time to answer questions, or make any friends !

But some people live to be miserable :( what a shame :(

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Offline nmmike

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RE: Learned a lesson on the other forum today
« Reply #24 on: February 03, 2009, 04:11:08 PM »
 I lived through that hoorah, & the seemingly unending whining that was a large part of it. I, like you, would just as soon adopt a neutral position. As you can see, I've been vocal enough without getting involved in a trigger dispute that I know nothing about.
 The only rifle I've got that would even be involved is a TF-58 & Mike Melick did such a good job on the original trigger that I don't think I'll mess with it.

Offline TCups

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RE: Learned a lesson on the other forum today
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2009, 04:39:18 PM »
Yep. Life too short and there is little enough time to enjoy shooting air rifles without getting enmeshed in all of that on line.  And we should always remember that anything posted on the internet is essentially "forever".  Nasty comments have a way of coming back and biting you in the backside.  So let us all try to practice a bit of courtesy, tolerance and good manners when we post, even when we disagree.   That, after all, is what moderation is about and should be the only agenda a "Moderator" pursues, IMHO.

Offline billharmon2

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Re: Learned a lesson on the other forum today
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2009, 10:28:22 PM »
I agree that there are some good people there but it is very biased. I asked a simple question once and was treated like a dummy. Glad to have founf the GTA thru the American Airgun site.

Offline redfish

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Re: Learned a lesson on the other forum today
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2009, 11:15:04 PM »
the thing that bugs me with Other forum is that its not just the a couple of guys any more they converted most of the yellow against da tuna i don't know whatever ones problem is there is to much of this in the Air Gunning world just like mr. frilly big bore changeling Dennis. (Dennis = tuna)  (mr.frilly = other forum members) i don't get why some people tune a hand full of guns call them self's masters and then disregard has trash one of the most respected aspects of the airgun tuning world.

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Offline PeakChick

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RE: Learned a lesson on the other forum today
« Reply #28 on: February 03, 2009, 11:15:32 PM »
I think it is good that folks are stating their experiences, good and bad on another forum. I do pop into the Yellow forum daily and have used their classifieds for several air gun transactions. There are a large number of very good foks that contribute to that forum too. I wish that we all could let the infighting and politics go and just enjoy our common passion for our sport. I'm pleased that this thread hasn't erupted into a flaming mess. Let's keep it that way. Thanks one and all.
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Offline CFX Marauder

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RE: In defense of the Yellow Forum...
« Reply #29 on: February 04, 2009, 04:02:04 AM »
daved - 2/3/2009  11:02 PM

Or more accurately, some of the people there, because there are some really good people there.  The forum owner is a hard a$$, who has a personal vendetta against Bob and this forum, but he is the owner, and therefore gets to make the rules.  And he has all his moderators primed to enforce those rules ruthlessly, ESPECIALLY where Bob is concerned.  But there is a lot of good info available there if you're willing to dig for it.  Their Classifieds buy and sell more guns in a month than ours does in a year, and the BOI is a really nice idea.  For those not familiar with it, BOI is the Board of Inquiry, and is where buyers and sellers can post feed back on their transactions.  It's a good way to check up on a potential purchaser/seller.  Multiple sub-forums, much like here, and lots of traffic.  I've had posts deleted, and I've been banned several times, but I've given up tilting at wind mills.  Now, I email people direct if they're obviously looking for the GRT III if I can, along with an invite here.  Especially since the ONLY advice they get is Rich in Mich, but I'm not even going to get started there.  So, use what you can, and ignore the crap, knowing we've all got a nice little home here.  For those that want to check it out, here's the link:  It's worth a look, and as long as you don't mention Bob or the GTA, you'll be fine.  Later.


I agree 100%  Dave...I've traded mail with Steve on a few occasions and he's always been polite and helpful even though he knows I consider GTA to be my friends..You just don't mention it same way you don't mention the "S" word here..You break the rule and a hammer falls, Gene and Steve swing that hammer different but it still falls...I don't agree with or like all the policy's set forth by either forum owner but I like both forums so I don't make waves..much..

I will say by far that I consider GTA folks to be the nicest...Lotta good people here who are willing help  and for what's it's worth I consider this my airgun home..

Just an idiots personal take on the subject.....

EDIT:  I Realize I made a bad comparison between a personal grudge and possible legal matter...Just saying that both forums have their own particular rules that will get ya thumped if broken..
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