Author Topic: Slings anyone?  (Read 4137 times)

Offline TCups

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Slings anyone?
« on: February 05, 2009, 07:53:37 PM »
Would appreciate some general info and specific instructions on the use of a rifle sling with the Daisy 853 Avanti.  Thanks

Offline riflejunkie

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RE: Slings anyone?
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2009, 11:18:52 PM »
Well, first off, sling doesn't mean carry strap.  The sling I'm referring to si also known as a single point sling and is a really valuable enhancement to shooting performance in seated, kneeling, and prone.  If you get down on your stomach with a rifle and attempt to shoot from the prone position you will find that you still move around when aiming at your target.  The sling will bring you to a dead halt when used correctly.  
For my Daisy 853 and my CZ 452's I use a military cotton web sling that I get from an army surplus store near my house and I pay about $10 for them.  I use a quick disconnect sling swivel mounted on the sling and use the quick disconnect to clip to the swivel stud on the rifle fore stock or in the case of the 853 I clip to the bracket on th pump arm.  I found a youtube video that is outstanding on using a sling.  I will add this comment on this application.  This fellow rotates the loop on his upper arm to the outside but neglects to tell a major benefit for doing so.  When on the arm and used exactly as he is demonstrating you are LESS likely to get a pulse bounce  than if you have the sling pulling  from the underside of your arm where it will enhance contact with your brachial artery.  I highly recommend using some kind of glove when using a sling. Also, the GI cotton web sling works just as well as the $50+ leather slings.  The location of the clip on the pump arm that you will attach the sling to should be approximately the same distance from your trigger as from the trigger to the buttplate.
Seated position as demonstrated by this gentleman is known as the cross ankle.  Older folks with a loss of flexibility or short legs seem to prefer this position as opposed to the standard crossleg where the feet are brought in closer "Injun" style.
Daisy 853 with apertures; FWB 300S with apertures; Mike Melick tuned B-26 and B-40.
Dog - George, RIP

Offline dogugotw

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Re: Slings anyone?
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2009, 09:41:47 AM »
Is it possible to mount a sling on a springer?  I've been looking at mine and the only way would seem to be to mount the forward point on the side of the stock an I'm not thinking that'd work too well.