Author Topic: Show and Tell - Facts Tell the Story  (Read 9697 times)

Offline Gene_SC

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Show and Tell - Facts Tell the Story
« on: February 06, 2009, 01:27:40 AM »

I ran across this post on the Crosman Forum. May be of some interests to the GTA newest air gunners. Hopefully it will be the end of a long drawn out miss justice.

THE ONES I SLEEP WITH: BSA Lightning XL, AA TX-200, AA ProSport, BSA Ultra, HW-97K, Crosman NPSS .177, FX Cyclone, HW-30 Nicle Plated, AA-S200, Crosman Marauder, CZ-634, R-9 DG, Webley/Scott UK Tomahawk, Benji Kantana, Benji Marauder, Benji Discovery.....

Gene\'s Tunz n Toyz
Springer Tunin

Offline kirby999

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RE: Show and Tell - Facts Tell the Story
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2009, 01:43:59 AM »
I'd been following "that" over there and a post over at Airgun Advice forum which contained a lot of non-truths IMO , but I didn't know how to respond to them until I found the one over at the Crosman Forum . so I posted a link for those who wanted to read "the rest of the story " as Paul Harvey would say. kirby
\" Shooting PCP\'s; I sometimes miss that  unmistakable smell of a springer . \"

Offline Truman

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RE: Show and Tell - Facts Tell the Story
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2009, 02:30:10 AM »
Hello Gene, I'm only here to talk Airguns! I know there is a riff between our man Bob and somebody else who makes claims about the trigger but I don't want to get into it, it's just not talking Airguns for me! As far as I'm concerened, Bob is Bob and he's a good guy. Nuff said! :-)
cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare.

Offline Gene_SC

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Re: Show and Tell - Facts Tell the Story
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2009, 02:37:49 AM »
Thanks Andy for your post. It is water under the bridge, but it is actually intended for those who are new and have questions. It serves no purpose to drag it any further than it has all ready gone. Nuff said..:)
THE ONES I SLEEP WITH: BSA Lightning XL, AA TX-200, AA ProSport, BSA Ultra, HW-97K, Crosman NPSS .177, FX Cyclone, HW-30 Nicle Plated, AA-S200, Crosman Marauder, CZ-634, R-9 DG, Webley/Scott UK Tomahawk, Benji Kantana, Benji Marauder, Benji Discovery.....

Gene\'s Tunz n Toyz
Springer Tunin

Offline TexasShooter72

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RE: Show and Tell - Facts Tell the Story
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2009, 03:31:29 AM »
Coming from a victim and observer(me)...    this post was indeed a step in the right direction.  I too have been banned from the Yellow Pages but for good reason.  Should one wish to read the tirade post that got me ousted PM me.  I can make millions of copies if need be.  Thing is, I've been watching this saga from afar and the wounds of these two Gents runs deep.  The Crosman forum posting, although now frozen, was a necessary therapy session.
David Slade Tuned, Theoben Gas Ram BSA Super Sport XL .177
David Slade Tuned, Theoben Gas Ram BSA Lightning XL .22
CDT Tuned Gamo Hunter Elite .177
Big Gene Tuned, Ed(Shadow)Chocolate Chip Camo Gamo Shadow 1000 .177

Offline Big_Bill

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RE: Show and Tell - Facts Tell the Story
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2009, 03:52:49 AM »

Hey Gene,

I hate to continue this, but I feel that it's worth saying.

I have read every thread and post on this subject that remains posted, both here and on the Yellow. And I feel from my reviewing of these posts that, NOTHING was STOLEN from Steve, as who hasn't thought of modifying or making a better trigger, or a "better mouse trap" as he still hasthe capabilities to have them manufactured, and selling them, if he wished ! Edison "patented" the light bulb, but until Tungsten was used as the filament, it had a short life, and was only half as bright.

And now that Steve has continued selling his "IDEA", I don't hear anything about it. It was advertised as the NEW GREAT TRIGGER, but I don't see any posts on it, or how it is ???

In my opinion this is all sour grapes from Steve, as he could not accomplish anything without Bob, cleaning, adjusting and fitting these triggers of his, so that they worked. Ifhe could, he would have never stopped selling them himself..and by cutting off Bob's share of the profits, he could have cut his prices, and controlled the market for himself ! But he didn't ! Why ?

Please note, that this is my observations of this situation after reading as many of the posts pertaining to this situation that were available, and as a member of both the Yellow Forums and the GTA Forums.

A manis known by his actions, words, and deeds ! Bob and Gene have never hid from this situation, and have alwaysbeen gentlemen concerning this topic. And they have never deleted post because of it. Steve continues his rants, in an attempt to convince others of his point, or BAN those that disagree, or do not follow his positions !

Life Member of The United States of America
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Member Air Guns Addicted Anonymous
Always Use A Spring Compressor ! and Buy the GREAT GRT-III & CBR Triggers, cause they are GRRRREAT !

Offline CharlieDaTuna

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RE: Show and Tell - Facts Tell the Story
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2009, 09:16:19 AM »
The funny part of it is that they beat him up and he doesn't even seem know it.  Most people see Steve for what he really is and take him with a block of salt. And of course he had to run over to the other side and drag a crony or two of his over for support and it  sure was obvious and that they were coached and prepped :p  ..... And you know me.... I just had to jump in and open my big mouth. :D    I sure got a lot of hits on my BLOG too.

I would also like to say that the Crosman forum is an excellent forum with a bunch of good people and Gene and I encourage our members to participate there whenever you can. :)  Many of the guys over there were instrumental in our forum getting off the ground and gave us a lot of support at the time and when we really needed it.

I'm just grateful that we have the forum that we have and the fantastic membership that it is comprised of and policed by a good group of monitors and you do a fantastic job. I know that it appears that I get a little hairy sometimes but both Gene and I realize that many of you have a great deal invested here. You can bet that both Gene and I will do whatever it takes to keep it what it is even though some may disagree with our decisions. But one thing for sure... it will never be like it is on another particular forum where you cannot speak without getting treated like you are a disease and tossed like you are contagious or garbage.
Bob  aka:  CharlieDaTuna
Co-founder of the GTA


Home of the NPSS-NP Triggers:  


Benji-342 .177 /Brazilian Winchester 800 .22 /Gamo Cadet .177 /Gamo Shadowmatic .177 /Gamo 440 .22 /Gamo Royal .22 /Gamo Whisper .177 /Gamo SK-1 .20 /B-20 .177 /TF-99 .177 /QB-78 .177 /QB-78t .22 /QB-78-(CD) .22 /QB-78-(CJ) .22/QB-78D .22 /Crosman 2240 .22 /Cros 150 .177 /Crosman Back Packer .22 ?Crosman AS 2250 .22 /Daisy Mod 93 .177 /Marksman 2004 .177 /GS 35 .177 /FWB-124 .177 /Custom Marauder .22 /Custom Disco .177

Offline shadow

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RE: Show and Tell - Facts Tell the Story
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2009, 09:50:18 AM »
The tale of the famous trigger hehe. To me that's all that is left for them to go after on the Yeller forum, the master's of their own destruction. Steve will probably never let this go and to hold such contempt against another, very self destructive. Let them grind their axes behind the wall's that rise higher around that forum and in turn let GTA be a standard that all other forum's follow cause in the end it's about family and alway's leaving the door open and the "WELCOME"! mat at the foot of it to greet new members.:) Ed
I airgun hunt therefore I am... };)  {SHADOWS Tunes & Camo}

Offline ShadowShot

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Re: Show and Tell - Facts Tell the Story
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2009, 10:24:33 AM »
Good thing about the sour grapes, you can make wine. I don't drink but thats a good side point. Good things come out of just about everything.
I posted one time over there and my post closed. I left, wont go back and made GTA my family forum. Bob And Gene cant be beat. That CDT trigger rocks.
I Just don't have a rifle to take one, sold the one I had.
2010 Kills

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4 Starlings
2 Crows
1 Ground Hog

Offline Truman

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RE: Show and Tell - Facts Tell the Story
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2009, 10:28:49 AM »
That's exactly the thing that makes this Familly a GREAT PLACE TO BE! (I wish I new how to do it in bold type!)(Maybe even a few fireworks going off in the background for effect too!)
Before I came here, I visited a few other airgun forums and found the atmosphere somewhat unplesant, even unfriendly in some cases due to my lack of airgun knowledge! Here, even though I'm reletively new and I live in Spain, it does'nt seem to matter, I'm treated kindly, and that goes a long way with me! I look forward to growing with you guys! :emoticon:
cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare.

Offline HNT5

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I'm gonna ask the question
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2009, 10:30:41 AM »
In a serious legit way. Not to stir any pot. Did either you or Steve consider a patent or trademark or other way of protecting your design/invention? I would think that had that happened it may have prevented the "theft, by the dishonest dealer, stealing of design etc etc" accusations. I mean, if I was ever lucky enough to design and/or build a better mouse trap, I'd surely try to protect my rights to it.


Offline TCups

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RE: Show and Tell - Facts Tell the Story
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2009, 11:02:10 AM »
I find it laughable that someone can post a picture of a trigger with the same blade and body drilled for mounting as a replacement and because those two aspects look very similar, offer it up, post after post, as photographic proof of a direct copy of another trigger.  Those aspects of a replacement trigger have to be identical.  It is the subtle differences in the contour and tolerances of the sear-articulating surface of the trigger that makes all the difference -- a few thousandths of an inch difference here or there. --  The visual differences between a superb trigger, a functional but crappy trigger, and an outright dangerous trigger might be very slight indeed, to a novice.  

See for example:'highlight'%3Etrigger%3C/span%3E&highlightmode=1#M110402

But for that matter, does anyone think an on-line photograph is proof of anything, in any case?  Laughable, just like the notion that the "truth' can be found retrospectively on a forum where the moderators alter, censor, or promptly delete any credible reference to CDT, the trigger or anyone who has a positive comment about it.

No, the proof is this:  put the trigger in an air rifle and see how it works.  The GRT-III trigger was a success because it was a refined design, because it was outsourced to a reliable manufacturer who could produce it within strict tolerances required.  An, because  CDT then does the initial set up work and adjustments, maintains strict quality control, markets the trigger, and sells it profitably at a fair price.  Long live capitalism and anyone who does the same for all things air gun related, I say.

And the thought that someone is dishonest or disreputable for building a better trigger and starting a different air gun forum and inviting members from other forums to join is another belly laugher.  Sounds like something that happened on the playground back when I was in, oh, maybe the 4th or 5th grade.

I believe that were Steve to put the same effort he puts into his vitriolic diatribes towards a more productive purpose, then perhaps he might also have done as well -- he still could, for that matter.  No patents involved as I understand it.  And after all, according to him, Bob Werner is just a hack, who is all thumbs when it comes to tuning, and who allegedly doesn't even use quality materials, so it should be easy to out-do anything that CDT, the money-grubbing back-stabbing, dishonest, disreputable, fish-smelling, belly crawling, [insert your own libelous adjectives] can produce, right?  

But nooooooooooooooooooo!  He spends all his time and efforts doing the wahhhh waaaahhhhhhh WAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH on line, whenever and wherever he possibly can.  I just love that sort of behavior in a grown man.


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RE: Show and Tell - Facts Tell the Story
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2009, 11:26:46 AM »
 The Original and the Grt111 look nothing alike.. except they both have 2 holes ??????
 The addiction:
 BSA Lonestar .22 ATN Nightvision scope TKO break.
 BSA Scorpion .177 T-10 Tactical Bullbarrel Syn. stock.. TKO break
 Air Arms S400FAC .22 Custom Camo\'d stock.. By  Shadow..extra walnut stock...
 Air Arms TX200 .22 Walnut stock...
 B-20 .177 Custom camo\'d by Shadow...
 B-20 .20 ...
 B-20 .22 Custom camo\'d by Shadow...
 RWS 48 .20...
 rws 36 .20...
 Mountian Air custom .25 pcp pistol... TKO break
 Crosman 2400 18\" .22 pistol TKO break...
 Webley Tempest .22 pitol...
 Crosman 2240 .22 pistol...
 Gamo whisper .22 Wooden stock...
 Gamo CFX royal .22
 Fast deer .177 custom stock...
 Beeman GT600 .177...
 Benjamin Sheridan C-9 Blue Streak . 20 1968 model...
 Benjamin sheridan c-9 silver streak . 20

Offline RedFeather

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Re: Show and Tell - Facts Tell the Story
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2009, 11:48:11 AM »
Time, once again, to bury the hatchet.  Don't want to adopt the same attitude as the Yellow.  Folks here know CDT and Gene for who they are.  'Nuff said.

Offline PeakChick

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Re: Show and Tell - Facts Tell the Story
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2009, 12:02:51 PM »
I agree. "Nuff said." Once again, let's all shoot for the high road.
The current stable, (arsenal, quiver?): BSA Lightning XL .177, BSA Sportsman HV .22, BSA Ultra .177, CZ634 .177, Daystate Harrier X .177, TAU 200 Senior .177, HW 97 .177, HW 50s .177, HW 30 .177, RWS 92 .177, Gamo 126 MC Super, Gamo Big Cat .177, AR2078A, QB78 .177, Quest 1000 .177, Beeman SS650 .177., Beeman P17 .177.

Those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it.