Yeah Cody it's sickening isn't it? Last year they were $300 for initial membership but they raised their prices because they are the only shooting range around for 40+ miles. And it's also by referral-only and someone has to leave or not re-new their membership for them to accept new members, so there is a waiting list on top of that!
They do include a couple of free events though (big deal) like a turkey shoot and a hunting trip with prizes I was told. However they do have all kinds of ranges, 10m, 50ft, 25yd, 50, 100 & 200yds. They also own several hundred wooded acres (it's like a small mountain they own) and they allow limited bow-hunting for deer by drawing, which is why I think there is waiting list to get in there. But then I was thinking, do the deer hang around with all the shooting going on at the range a few hundred yards away? Maybe not too many people shoot outdoors in the winter I guess.. They also have a 100yd indoor range so that's where every one is in the winter I guess. It must be some place from the sound of it..
Oh btw, I was wrong, it's $150/yr after the initial membership payment. My neighbor who is a member has put my application in, and they estimate it might be a year or more before I get in there. I think they do a background check too, because they were asking if you 've been arrested or convicted of a crime.. It's like going for a fricking job except you pay them.