"Texas",,, Im scared to even click on the link you provided!!

Seriously though Matt,,, I have done alot of research on this matter. Now we ALL know,,, illegle "suppresion" devices are STRICTLY forbidden to be discussed here at GTA. And rightly so. This is a very sensative issue. Honestly,,, there is alot of "Gray Area" in the way the current laws are "written". My best understanding of the most current updated "Law" I read is: "Sound Suppressing" devices are "ok" on paint ball guns & airguns,,(pellet guns?

??) if they are permanently attached in such a way that attemps at removal will "destroy" the gun or device,, rendering BOTH un useable. Case in point:,,, "Roe Vrs Gamo",,,,,, Whisper?

? Seriously Folks,,,, Gamo is still in buisness,,, they have no problem advertising the heck out of the "Whisper"!!

That is a full fledged "illegle device" on the end of that gun complete with baffles & all!! I dont think BATF is sitting around building cases over "Quiet" arguns being used for Squirell hunting?? :p If they were,,,Gamo would have let us know!! (So would AirForce) Tallon SS?


Aftermarket devices however,,,,,, now thats a whole differant ball game!! I bet an "LDC" for a Dragon Slayer would see many doughnuts hit the floor FAST!! :p (Rightly so) Im very hesatent to post this,, but,, after re reading it,, I think Im gonna. It is certainly a "Grey Area" of the law. But,,,, the rules here at GTA are VERY explicit. I hope this post of mine only gets me a "slap on the wrist" I just wanted to add my 2 cents. Tim.