Author Topic: Which .177 pellet for 10m target shooting???  (Read 5919 times)

Offline Dave1899

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Which .177 pellet for 10m target shooting???
« on: February 25, 2009, 03:35:53 PM »
What pellets are you shooting in your 10m Match target rifles? The only ones I have right now are the Gamo Match Diabolo 7.71's which seem to be doing fine but I need some suggestions. If they are an exotic brand I'll need to know where I can get them too.

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Offline TCups

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RE: Which .177 pellet for 10m target shooting???
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2009, 03:45:39 PM »
Actually, at 10 meters, I can't tell that much difference.  I shoot these"

RWS Basics ~ 6.9-7.0 grain
RWS Hobby ~ same wt, slightly snugger fit
Beeman H&N Match ~ 8.09 grain
Vogel Greens 8.3 grains

Vogels can be bought from Pilkingtons and can be bought by specific lot #'s and in specific sizes:  4.490, 4.495, 4.500 mm etc.

Jim at Precision Airguns is also good to deal with, but I have bought mainly JSB's from him, not .177 wad cutters.  Although I suspect he has a full line of  pellets.

Check the vendors listed in the Mall above, too.

Offline ac12basis

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Re: Which .177 pellet for 10m target shooting???
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2009, 05:35:53 PM »
I am not of Olympic or even National caliber, but similar to TCups, at 10m they all seem to be similar, at least to me.  
For target shooting, I shoot Vogel Sport from Pilkingtons.  Vogel Sport is a practice pellet, vs the Vogel Match pellets.  These are more than good enough for me for AP shooting.
For casual shooting and plinking, I use most any cheap pellet that I can find (Crossman and Daisy) , but I do NOT get "junk" pellets.  I have not found them to be any more inaccurate than the Vogel.  But these are NOT shot in my target rifles, so I have not done an A/B comparison with my most accurate rifles.

It seems to me that at 10 meters, unless the pellet is BAD (damaged, distorted, etc) the distance is short enough that most pellets are pretty accurate for most of us.  Although you may run into the odd pellet that your gun does not like.  

Now if you are seriously competing, then you do want to make sure that the pellet is indeed as accurate as possible out of your gun.  
To figure out what YOUR gun likes best, YOU have to test it.  But you need to test it with a high mag scope and a good rest.

Offline TCups

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Re: Which .177 pellet for 10m target shooting???
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2009, 11:51:21 PM »
Oops.  Yes, I left out the Vogel "Orange" practice pellets.  My two "staple" pellets in wad cutters are RWS Hobby - lighter and work OK in both of my SSP pistols - and Vogel Orange practice pellets.

Offline kirby999

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Re: Which .177 pellet for 10m target shooting???
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2009, 12:52:27 AM »
RWS Basics work in most of my rifles and pistols at 10 meters . They are light weight 7g pellets . I bought them from Champion shooters . Click on he "order by" and you get a discount for a carton of 5000 ; $40 plus shipping . That's a lot of shooting for less than $50 shipped . Another one I like is the Beeman coated pellet . I usually getthem from Midsouth , but they don't have them listed . Pyramyd has the pretty cheap , especially if you buy in lots of 4. kirby
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Offline Dave1899

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RE: Which .177 pellet for 10m target shooting???
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2009, 01:24:48 PM »
I decided to order a carton (5000) of RWS Basic .177 Pellets from Champion Shooters today. Hope I get them by next weekend.

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Offline kirby999

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RE: Which .177 pellet for 10m target shooting???
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2009, 02:43:47 PM »
They shipped mine pretty quick , best I remember . kirby
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Offline daved

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Re: Which .177 pellet for 10m target shooting???
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2009, 06:35:51 AM »
I'm going to jump in here and disagree a little bit :-).  A short time back, I ordered a variety of "match" pellets because of all the fun we've been having with these comps.  Unfortunately, I concentrated on the heavier end of the scale, 8-8.5 gr., which is fine with the S200 but not so good with the 853.  So what I have on hand are: Daisy Avanti Match 8.4 gr., RWS R-10 8.2 gr., Beeman H&N Match 8.1 gr., and Crosman Premier Match 7.9 gr.  I also had some RWS SuperMags, a 9+ gr. wad cutter, but not marketed as a match pellet.  My results with the S200 were pretty dramatic.  Shooting off the bench, the R-10 and the Beeman are both one holers at 10M.  The CP's are almost as good, but with a tendency for flyers.  And the Avanti's SUCK!  I'm lucky to get all 5 touching, never mind one little hole.  Best group with the Avanti's is somewhere around 3/8".  Which is a real shame, they are a beautiful looking pellet, for those that haven't tried them, they are bright, shiny silver.  So the upshot of all this is, even at 10M, pellets do matter.  BTW, I've got the S200 shooting the R-10's right at 630 fps, seems like a near perfect velocity for this, and lots of shots on a fill.  Later.


Offline ac12basis

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Re: Which .177 pellet for 10m target shooting???
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2009, 06:46:06 AM »
Hey DaveD
Looks like you indeed did find a bad gun/pellet combo.
Without scoping my rifles I cannot aim with anywhere near the precision needed to really test the pellets.  And only a few of my rifles are scoped.
And for my match AP, well my wobble is so much worse than any of the match pellets I have that I don't bother testing.

Offline kirby999

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Re: Which .177 pellet for 10m target shooting???
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2009, 06:59:15 AM »
Dave , I agree the R-10's both the lights and the heavies are great 10 meter pellets . I just found I could get almost as good result out of the RWS baiscs and they are a lot cheaper . If I had e a big competition where every little bit mattered , I'd go with the R-10's just like when shooting field target i always shoot my JSB 8.4's. kirby
\" Shooting PCP\'s; I sometimes miss that  unmistakable smell of a springer . \"