Author Topic: Notice--- About Steve's Trigger  (Read 26230 times)

Offline crazy4salmon

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RE: Notice--- About Steve's Trigger
« Reply #30 on: March 16, 2009, 05:14:32 PM »
Who is Steve?  :0 I am with the GTA family.

Offline 70GTvert

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RE: Notice--- About Steve's Trigger
« Reply #31 on: March 17, 2009, 12:01:13 AM »
Quote : "These are poor fools who should go back to school and learn that the FREE MARKET is the ultimate arbiter of change, advancement, and success, and that censorship, and arrogance are PROOF of a failed product."

See, in a round about way, you just agreed with me. So now, as minimal as it is claimed to be, we have Charlie applying his own censorship. It may be small, but like everything else, given time this too can change. It was soooooo much better when there was no censorship, when who was the bigger man was clearly shown.

There is no doubt Charlie has the better product, and NO amount of censure from the yellow has stopped that fact. This clearly is a bruised ego thing and one where pride takes precedence over sense. Again, HE did it, why can't I?
I came into this world with nothing, and I still have most of it left!

Offline RedFeather

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RE: Notice--- About Steve's Trigger
« Reply #32 on: March 17, 2009, 12:08:06 AM »
The question in not so much Who is Steve? as  WHAT is Steve? :o

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Offline volzone

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RE: Notice--- About Steve's Trigger
« Reply #33 on: March 17, 2009, 01:39:19 AM »
Bob and Gene, You guy's have my full support. Your forum, your rules, and, like everything else in this world, there must be rules for things to work. I am a very loyal 42 yr old man. I make my own decisions. I'm sorry that Bob is having this conflict with this yellow dude. I can understand why this problem has happened and why you had to apply these rules. I hope this will clear up soon for you. I really enjoy the GTA and my CharliedaTuna GRT III trigger.


ps: Sometimes negative attention can be good. Hopefully, alot of people who don't care who is in the right will think Wow!! sure is alot of talk about this GRT trigger--it really must be great--I better try one out.

Offline cf42fwb

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RE: Notice--- About Steve's Trigger
« Reply #34 on: March 17, 2009, 04:50:04 PM »
Its all relevant.Shoot well,learn what you can,SHOOT ALL YOU CAN.And be a part of anything that will allow you to be better and what gives YOU a rise!
Powerline 1000 tuned,HW97K,Turbo tuned RWS 34 W/4-16 Swift,Bsa Lightning XL.177.

Offline Silo

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RE: Notice--- About Steve's Trigger
« Reply #35 on: March 18, 2009, 03:35:36 AM »
Bob and Gene, you are both wonderful people and I love you both.
All the other folks that make up this forum are great as well, Heck
I have become good friends with
a bunch of them…. Here comes the “But”
I also like and respect a bunch of people over on the other forum.
In fact people on both “sides” of this thing have helped me get to where I am today
with air guns.

I pretty much stopped hanging out at both places because of this “fight” that’s been
going on in both camps, for as Bob says, years now….. I think it’s contrary to the rules
on both forums. Both forums don’t allow dealer bashing or personal disputes
to be aired on the forums (this is a really great rule BTW) it keeps the place “clean”
and functional…. But this fight is all over the place, aired out loud and involving
all the members on both sides “forcing” them to pick sides in what clearly is a
problem between two individuals that should have been settled years ago.

Personally I’d like to see this “camp” rise above this thing and just blow it off.
Bob, you have nothing to prove. Your work stands on its own two feet. Gene, this
forum is a fantastic place and ticks like a clock…. Lets be the ones to burry this
thing and put it to rest.

I’m sorry if I’m the “black sheep” here, but I guess I just hate conflict… especially
when it involves folks I care about.


I only eat things that had parents.
- Roald.