OK guys. When I come back from my cruise I want to see this score smeared by a PCP. I'll admit I took one Mulligan after a WTF shot, holding dead on and steady. Had to be a bad pellet since I didn't weigh or size them like back in the day. I'm actually thinking I might be getting back on track. Again the conditions were darn near perfect. Only change was I added a more 'squishy' pad (folded towel) for the front rest to let my TX do it's thing. I think the sticky leather bag was resistance I didn't need and it was more like holding it over my arm. That's the way I used to practice and it was almost exactly the same POI using the FT position I use.
You can officially say "I'm bragging!"
Score 135(125 if you don't count the Mulligan)
32 power Burris
Front support only
7.9 CP's
Go get em guys!!! Have fun.

The taped portion was cut from another target since my printer spit out a target that had a miniture super imposed target over the larger ones????