Author Topic: PCP Rifle Match at 30m  (Read 1675 times)

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PCP Rifle Match at 30m
« on: March 25, 2009, 05:31:52 AM »
Just to shed some light on the PCP match! 5th one down, left hand side, 10m AirRifle with 15, inch targets. Target is the 'Steroid'15 Target at a distance of 30m (This may change in the future if you guys and girls don't have the room!) 15 shots, one per target. Any sighting device is allowed. Standing or sitting with a front support. This can be a mono, bi, or tripod that is not fixed to the gun, or some sort of bag but not a gun vice. The rifle must be shouldered. In other words, without a rear support like another bag. Targets are scored inward gauging. So if the shot clips the line, the higher score counts. Sticking with the norm, a clear bull is marked as an 'X' and is counted as a 10. 15 mins for the match to be completed. Targets to be scored by the shooter. Scores to be posted in the usual manner by Sunday Midnight (USA time). Matches run from Sunday midnight to the following Sunday Midnight. Any ammendments or ideas to make this better, please PM me. Lets go shooting!
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