I WILL read your link. I know the HONEST FACTS.

I will not comment here about this "issue" again. Truth be known,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Mr Bob" & Gene Curtis are Dear Friends of mine,, I will not now,,, nor EVER apoligise for that!!

I may be a "Dumb Redneck" from the "Low Country" of South Carolina,,, But,,, I KNOW Good Folks when I meet them. I have met them both on several ocasions & been to thier homes. I recently spent 5 days as a "Guest" at Genes house,,,, dont NO ONE ever say nuthin bad bout My "Papa Bear" Gene,,,, "Edit".............. Im stoppin now :emoticon: Tim. I tried to post "there" last night & could not,,,, I just figured it was "my bad",,,,, Now Im gettin upset,,,,,:0 ,, NOT the emoticon Im lookin for??