Author Topic: I Just Returned From Bob's Blog, Anyone Interested in "The REST of the Story"  (Read 28320 times)

Offline RedFeather

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Guess who's been reading this post?

 Recently posted on the Yellow:

"...somebody expressed confusion about why a mere few 0.001"s of slop in a trigger adjustment makes a difference in the quality of the trigger's feel, as I mentioned in an earlier post of mine "

I'm sorry, but you're too hung up on nuances, pal.  Most guys tune a trigger to their liking and then measure the pull.  At that point, it is what it is.  Who cares if it's .001 +/- so long as it works?  And, to be frank, your trigger ain't tuning Olympic class guns but hunting dogs.  As much as the current Tuna design is concerned, there aren't a whole lot of folks too broke up about the adjustments.  I guess they are all unsophisticated rubes when it comes to the fine art of applied physics.  

And I brought the point up HERE because you know damn well it can't be mentioned or discussed over THERE.  Spring's here.  Time to let the snow melt.   :emoticon:

Gene - I drop in to the Crosman now and again.  The moderator there was having troll troubles and threw out some ideas for tighter posting rules.  Maybe they have been implaced.  I do know that I had trouble for a while posting to the classifieds, even a buy it reply.  I re-applied and it seemed to work after that.  Haven't tried lately, though.  Maybe I will give it a test as I just picked up a stock 1377 and was wondering what light mods might be available.

Offline Gene_SC

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Hey Red, that is like a band aid. If the trigger was made with precision specifications you would not need plastic to hold adjustment screws in..:) The whole thing with the design of the GRT-III trigger is in the tolerances. The GRT-III triggers are made from quality material and made on CNC machines with some spectacular tolerances. The screws on the GRT-III do not come out. I think Bob knows the tolerances that he as set as a guide for the manufacturing of them.
THE ONES I SLEEP WITH: BSA Lightning XL, AA TX-200, AA ProSport, BSA Ultra, HW-97K, Crosman NPSS .177, FX Cyclone, HW-30 Nicle Plated, AA-S200, Crosman Marauder, CZ-634, R-9 DG, Webley/Scott UK Tomahawk, Benji Kantana, Benji Marauder, Benji Discovery.....

Gene\'s Tunz n Toyz
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WOW! I just KNEW that there had to be another side to this saga. Thanks for the link!

Offline roix06

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:D  :D LM%AO RedFeather: Just Like I was when I saw this......Ad on tthe Yellow.
I say no more


Offline speedturtle

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Hey Charlie, thanks for letting us know your side of the story through your blog. I believe you have some pain inside for being treated and labeled wrongfully. Knowing more about the events happened prior to the bashing I'd say you do really have the right to defend yourself. But I think "It must be actually just between you and "Mr. Steve in NC". It's funny how we as individuals act like small insecure children that wants attention and sympathy when we can stand up as a man and admit whether we are at fault at make amends.

I am not an engineer but I design my own stuff most of the time. I can fully understand your side. How can I let people know that my design works if I can't even produce a simple workable plan for my contractors to build my prototype?

Well, there are always time for all of us to learn lessons from life. The question is "Are we willing to learn?"

Again, just my 2 cents on the matter.

Time is not important, only lessons to be learned in life. :)

Offline CharlieDaTuna

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I brought up a point on my blog...
« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2009, 02:31:18 PM »

I had made a point about customer service and below is a copy of that text.

As the manufacturer and marketing agent, my customer service history is impeccable. As everyone that has ever purchased a GRT-III trigger (as well as the original GTX-III trigger) knows, I am personally available to answer any and all questions regarding the GRT-III trigger. Although it rarely happens, if there is an installation problem, I’m always available and respond usually within minutes of being made aware of it either by phone if a number is provided or an immediate e-mail. My customers contact me directly and don’t go through some commercial third party. They go directly to the source. Do you think for one minute Steve will provide that kind of personal service?


Now it just so happens that one of our members sent me an e-mail a little while ago pointing something out after visiting the AOA site where a certain trigger is being sold.

This disclaimer isin smaller print print at the bottom of the page.


**Note: For instructions and support we provide the guides linked on this page. This is the full extent of the support we can supply on these custom parts. Please do not call with installation questions or instruction as we cannot give any verbal support. These custom parts carry no warranty, and use may void factory warranty on the product to which they are installed. Airguns of Arizona assumes no liability on the safety or function of the products listed on this page. All sales on these parts are final.


This information certainly is not being revealed, pointed outorprovided openly by the "provider"to the memberson the YP's or the Crosman forum or anybody else. And of course I can't/won't post there but it is a shame that theyand other are notmade aware of it. And unless the buyer reads the small print (and most don't)and he's not aware of it, he's stuck with his purchase.

It's one of those cases of "Buyer beware". You buy it and if you have problems, have it for lunch.

Bob  aka:  CharlieDaTuna
Co-founder of the GTA


Home of the NPSS-NP Triggers:  


Benji-342 .177 /Brazilian Winchester 800 .22 /Gamo Cadet .177 /Gamo Shadowmatic .177 /Gamo 440 .22 /Gamo Royal .22 /Gamo Whisper .177 /Gamo SK-1 .20 /B-20 .177 /TF-99 .177 /QB-78 .177 /QB-78t .22 /QB-78-(CD) .22 /QB-78-(CJ) .22/QB-78D .22 /Crosman 2240 .22 /Cros 150 .177 /Crosman Back Packer .22 ?Crosman AS 2250 .22 /Daisy Mod 93 .177 /Marksman 2004 .177 /GS 35 .177 /FWB-124 .177 /Custom Marauder .22 /Custom Disco .177

Offline WVscott

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Hey Red, I saw that too...
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2009, 03:15:23 PM »
And when he said that you can't get a precise setting with a locknut it made me recall the valve adjuster screws with LOCKNUTS on my BMW R1150GS motorcycle.  I used to adjust the valves myself and they were very sensitive adjustments, within one or two thousandths' of an inch.  I was able to adjust my valves perfectly with the locknut.  Sometimes tightening the locknut would throw off the adjustment if you weren't paying attention, but once you got the feel for it, it worked perfectly and most importantly, I never had an adjustment screw work loose.  I have a bottle of vibratite and have used it on occasion, but find that blue locktite works better for me.  Vibratite says with their product you can repeatedly remove a screw and put it back in and the vibratite  coating will continue to keep the screw in place.  I've found that when I remove the screw the stuff comes off the threads...even after degreasing the threads.  Maybe I'm not using it correctly.  
       Regards, Scott
Regards, Scott

Offline DANULSON988

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RE: I brought up a point on my blog...Hurray for BOB!
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2009, 11:52:46 PM »
He is still posting ads on the yellow every minute of every day, which most people just ignore.
I am so sick of his f$#@%'n ads every other post.
He keeps going on and on and on about his f%$%$%^ rounded screw and locktite!
I must admit, that I spent most time over there and only heard his side of the story. After seeing your side, I know get sickened by his constant bragging and BS about the screw and locktite. Big news" Steve invented locktite"  I saw your picture on your blog and I must say" you don't look like a backstabbing carrer minded criminal" LOL!
Good for you Bob and good luck. Screw Steve.
Every time I see one of his ads, I want to chime in but I wont, cause I don't want to get involved, and dont want to be made to disappear from the forums!

Offline RedFeather

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RE: I brought up a point on my blog...Hurray for BOB!
« Reply #23 on: April 02, 2009, 03:30:58 AM »
I lifted the lid to take a pee and, sonuvgun, there was an ad for Steve's trigger.

Glad you had a chance to hear the other side of the story.  When you come here from there it's kinda like this:

Offline Big_Bill

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A little post that I made to Steve !
« Reply #24 on: April 02, 2009, 04:23:15 AM »

Greeting !

I have made a post on Steves latest add, asking him if I can call him for help installing the GTX trigger, considering AOA offers cash and carry, no refunds !

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It's Great to have your GTX back Steve, but

April 2 2009 at 12:17 PM

Bill  (Login Big_Bill)

Response to Well, Ross, does ANYBODY publish a phone number you can call...

I purchased the GRT-III trigger before I knew anything about "the problems", or Your GTX trigger. I needed help with my rotten Gamo trigger that I have been suffering with for 8 years !

And when I received my GTR-III, it came with full instructions on how to adjust it. and when I had problems installing it, being very inexperienced changing air gun triggers, that fishy fellow you mentioned, spent over an hour helping me install it over the phone, he even offered to do it for me at no charge, all I would have to do was send it to him.

Now I'm very excited about your GTX trigger, and am dieing to give it a try ! But I'm a little set back, afraid, that if i can't get it working as advertised, I'll have no one to go to for help !

The add over at AOA says, no additional help, no refunds ???

Now not being a great air gunsmith and designer like you, I may run into some problems !

Can I count on you for help should I need it ? While I Love to shoot my airguns, I'm not the most mechanically inclined air gunner I know !


Life Member of The United States of America
Life Member of the National Rifle Association
Member Air Guns Addicted Anonymous
Always Use A Spring Compressor ! and Buy the GREAT GRT-III & CBR Triggers, cause they are GRRRREAT !

Offline airgunandy

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It's gone now Bill.
« Reply #25 on: April 02, 2009, 04:35:01 AM »
I just checked the Yellow and there is no post from you there.

Whats-his-name's new avatar is a bit tacky too.

Offline Big_Bill

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RE: A little post that I made to Steve !
« Reply #26 on: April 02, 2009, 04:37:55 AM »

Well Guys,

It has been deleted already, 12 minutes after posting !

I'm glad I copied it, Steve doesn't want to help any one of his buyers of the GTX, only to help himself !


Life Member of The United States of America
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Member Air Guns Addicted Anonymous
Always Use A Spring Compressor ! and Buy the GREAT GRT-III & CBR Triggers, cause they are GRRRREAT !

Offline Big_Bill

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RE: A little post that I made to Steve !
« Reply #27 on: April 02, 2009, 04:52:00 AM »


I tried to again as Steve for help, and asked why my call for assistance was DELETED ?

Their response was : Steve, I asked for your HELP ! but all I received was to be DELETED ? - Bill on Apr 2, 2009,12:45 PM

And when you click on my post, all you get is :

No such message.

Thanks Steve, for being so concerned about your customers !



Life Member of The United States of America
Life Member of the National Rifle Association
Member Air Guns Addicted Anonymous
Always Use A Spring Compressor ! and Buy the GREAT GRT-III & CBR Triggers, cause they are GRRRREAT !

Offline DANULSON988

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Not that I think it is lacking on support....
April 2 2009 at 9:59 AM
Ross in MA   (Login Y_N)

Response to Why the Gen-II GTX is better than all previous replacement Gamo triggers.

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.. As your always very quick to respond with help here so I don't think anyone need worry at all if they have a problem with the installation.

But Wow did AOA go all out on their disclaimer :-

"**Note: For instructions and support we provide the guides linked on this page. This is the full extent of the support we can supply on these custom parts. Please do not call with installation questions or instruction as we cannot give any verbal support. These custom parts carry no warranty, and use may void factory warranty on the product to which they are installed. Airguns of Arizona assumes no liability on the safety or function of the products listed on this page. All sales on these parts are final."

Oggy Oggy Oggy

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Well, Ross, does ANYBODY publish a phone number you can call... - Steve in NC on Apr 2, 2009, 10:06 AM


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Offline DANULSON988

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« Reply #29 on: April 02, 2009, 04:57:25 AM »