Guess who's been reading this post?
Recently posted on the Yellow:
"...somebody expressed confusion about why a mere few 0.001"s of slop in a trigger adjustment makes a difference in the quality of the trigger's feel, as I mentioned in an earlier post of mine "
I'm sorry, but you're too hung up on nuances, pal. Most guys tune a trigger to their liking and then measure the pull. At that point, it is what it is. Who cares if it's .001 +/- so long as it works? And, to be frank, your trigger ain't tuning Olympic class guns but hunting dogs. As much as the current Tuna design is concerned, there aren't a whole lot of folks too broke up about the adjustments. I guess they are all unsophisticated rubes when it comes to the fine art of applied physics.

And I brought the point up HERE because you know damn well it can't be mentioned or discussed over THERE. Spring's here. Time to let the snow melt. :emoticon:
Gene - I drop in to the Crosman now and again. The moderator there was having troll troubles and threw out some ideas for tighter posting rules. Maybe they have been implaced. I do know that I had trouble for a while posting to the classifieds, even a buy it reply. I re-applied and it seemed to work after that. Haven't tried lately, though. Maybe I will give it a test as I just picked up a stock 1377 and was wondering what light mods might be available.