Author Topic: I Just Returned From Bob's Blog, Anyone Interested in "The REST of the Story"  (Read 28345 times)

Offline Big_Bill

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RE: A little post that I made to Steve !
« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2009, 05:02:35 AM »

My Final Post for now,

Original Message
  • Well, Ross, does ANYBODY publish a phone number you can call...
      Steve in NC (Login pneuguy)
      Posted Apr 2, 2009 10:06 AM

      ...and get personalized "verbal support" for installing trigger mod's? Or, for that matter, does anybody assume warranty support for your gun after you do?

      Of course not. The reality of the economics of these inexpensive parts preclude it.

      I applaud the honest and business-like folks at AoAZ for simply telling it like it is upfront, instead of (like a certain fishy fellow I won't mention) letting the customer find out for himself only after he's spent his money.


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And will offer a FULL REFUND, even if you are only unhappy with the fishy trigger ! Thanks for DELETING my post asking if I can get furthr HELP from YOU ! Bill

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Offline DANULSON988

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RE: A little post that I made to Steve !
« Reply #31 on: April 02, 2009, 05:07:45 AM »
Bill, wont you get booted from yellow? I thought you have gotten kicked by now.LOL!

Offline RedFeather

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RE: So you lied?
« Reply #32 on: April 02, 2009, 06:24:32 AM »
Now, now.  No need to get into name calling.  Steve's latest "thread" isn't worth getting kicked off the YP over.  I was going to post, myself, should we now be posting our questions on the Classifieds and sales on the Yellow?  I know the forum owner and Steve go way back, but he's letting him run it as his own private infomercial.  It really is detracting from and, otherwise, decent forum.

Offline Big_Bill

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RE: A little post that I made to Steve !
« Reply #33 on: April 02, 2009, 06:32:06 AM »

It's always a possibility !

I use the same name, Big_Bill, I don't hide behind a false name or e-mail.

But so far, I can still post there. After all I am a member.

I asked a question that they didn't like, and couldn't answer, so they Deleted it :)

Guess I'll have to forget about trying Steve's New Unsupported, trigger !


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Offline Big_Bill

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RE: So you lied?
« Reply #34 on: April 02, 2009, 07:54:50 AM »


I don't understand your post at all ???

You make reference to my post, buy what are you trying to say ???

First, You say I LIED !!! About what ???

Secondly, I would kill myself before I became the Anti-Christ ! Or became anything like, the Anti-Christ !

The rest of your post doesn't make any sense, you should get your thoughts in order before you start typing, and then re-read what you typed, to make sure it came out intelligible.

As for Charlie's e-mail address, it is all over his Ad's for the GREAT GRT-III trigger.

And, if for some reason I needed Steve Woodward's phone number, I could have it in 5 minutes ! But I'm now sure that he would hang up on me, just as he deleted my questions on the "Yellow forum". I guess he doesn't even know enough about the GTX trigger to help someone that is having trouble with "his" trigger !

Please write back when you have collected your thought Michael.


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I was referring to the nickname from Revelations, not anyone here.  The words in red, above.  Don't want to make us look as bad, if not worse, than them.  I guess I should cool it with the chuckles, as well.  I do wish I could post on the Yellow about how Charlie now has a video to guide users through his installation process.  One place you might be able to be heard is the Crosman as there's a good many there who are getting tired of the trigger issue plus the ads for Steve's new products.  But they've just had a round of troll trouble so I would leave them out of it.

What gets me is all the fuss about the rounded adjustment screw tip.  I mean, hasn't Charlie's trigger done more than all right as it is?  The new design is like turning it up to eleven.

Offline Big_Bill

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Michael !

I would have asked you if you were serious or not, before I called you a liar !

And YES, everythingthat Iwrote was truthful !!! I do not believe in lying. And yes, as you can see by my response, I am respectful to you also, even after you calling me a liar ! Although I wouldn't try that if you ever meet me in person !

As for my not being serious, I guess we can add Telepathy to Your and Steve's accomplishments.

I think we both know that any disassembly of any air gun will void the warrantee, unless performed by a factory repair shop !



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Offline shadow

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RE: I see where the confusion comes in now. Here's how Charlie does it.
« Reply #37 on: April 02, 2009, 10:32:16 AM »
This post has run it's course, please let it rest and let it go. Ed
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Offline Big_Bill

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You hung up on his phone number ?? I never asked for it !
« Reply #38 on: April 02, 2009, 10:46:27 AM »

Michael, or Steve_NC,

I NEVER ASKED FOR YOUR PHONE NUMBER !!!! I asked if I could come to you for HELP !

Then my post disappeared,,,POOOF ! So what does that mean to you ? NO HELP !!!


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RE: I see where the confusion comes in now. Here's how Charlie does it.
« Reply #39 on: April 02, 2009, 11:13:36 AM »

From everything that I have read on the Yellow Forum, Steve never had anything to do with customer service, Bob (CDT) sold and serviced them !And why is there not any mention on AOA, to contact you or the YF, if there is a problem ?

It just states, NO RETURNS !!! I did want to try your trigger out, but a Pig in a Poke ? I don't think so now..

And NO, I don't think for one minute, that I can expect any Customer Service from Steve Woodward.

"As the manufacturer and marketing agent, my customer service history is impeccable. As everyone that has ever purchased a GRT-III trigger (as well as the original GTX-III trigger) knows, I am personally available to answer any and all questions regarding the GRT-III trigger. Although it rarely happens, if there is an installation problem, I’m always available and respond usually within minutes of being made aware of it either by phone if a number is provided or an immediate e-mail. My customers contact me directly and don’t go through some commercial third party. They go directly to the source. Do you think for one minute Steve will provide that kind of personal service?

See Charlie calls you. You don't call him. So why does Steve have to give out his phone number when Charlie doesn't? I bet the main methods Charlie uses to help are the forum and email. You can't expect him to be on the phone all day. Same should apply to Steve shouldn't it?

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Offline Gene_SC

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Well Red it looks like we are getting some Trolls over here now. I am just about ready to  put an end to this Troll business.
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Hey Mr "Junk Man",,,,
« Reply #41 on: April 02, 2009, 12:30:02 PM »
You are obviously skilled enough to slide your post in here just "Under The Radar". Never have I seen someone so "Clever" as you to keep your derogitory posts within the "Gray Area". I must give you credit for that. You have a gift for stirring the emotions of good Folks,, while somehow staying just in the Gray Area of the rules. As a moderator on another forum,, I would find it very difficult to ban you based on the "letter of the Law/rules". You should be very proud of yourself,,,,,, you are very "Clever" indeed. Tim.

Offline Leadhead

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Personally, I can see why Steve is selling his trigger through AOA. I just had a buying experience with them that was far from what I had hoped for..........probably won't be back anytime soon.......if ever............two peas in a pod..

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Offline PeakChick

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Okey Doke Gentlemen, we're all done here. I'm at my end for this in-fighting. I will not tollerate threads of this sort any longer.
The current stable, (arsenal, quiver?): BSA Lightning XL .177, BSA Sportsman HV .22, BSA Ultra .177, CZ634 .177, Daystate Harrier X .177, TAU 200 Senior .177, HW 97 .177, HW 50s .177, HW 30 .177, RWS 92 .177, Gamo 126 MC Super, Gamo Big Cat .177, AR2078A, QB78 .177, Quest 1000 .177, Beeman SS650 .177., Beeman P17 .177.

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