Author Topic: Shooting Positions!  (Read 3178 times)

Offline Truman

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Shooting Positions!
« on: April 02, 2009, 06:59:28 AM »
When we talk about shooting positons, we generally say that Standing Offhand is the hardest due to the fact that we use only our body to support, aime and fire the gun. This position is at its best a little flexable. After that comes using crossed sticks which adds a steady support to the gun thus making it easier than Standing Offhand. I hope you follow me so far! What I want to do is try to devise a handicap system that could be used to combine all the positions including things like shooting from a bench with a dront support! Would anybody like to try and list the shooting positions in order of difficulty for me? The reason I can't do it is due to my inexperience! I have shot Offhand, Prone and attempted sitting, but without years of practice I honestly don't know the order!
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Offline Big_Bill

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RE: Shooting Positions!
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2009, 07:34:17 AM »

Hey Andy,

Yes, position shooting is difficult, and only practice, practice, practice will help you improve !

Prone, or laying down is the easiest to learn, as almost everything is supported by the ground.

Sitting and Kneeling are the next most difficult. I have had to endure mush pain in the kneeling position due to bad knees. But they are the next most stable positions.

Standing, as we all know is the most difficult position, as the only support comes from your feet, connected to the ground. Practice is the only answer along with exercise, to strengthen the muscles of the body to keep everything in alignment.

If you are interested in an easier, or differenttype of match, propose what you would like to shoot, an see what interest others have in joining you !


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Offline Gene_SC

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Re: Shooting Positions!
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2009, 08:12:07 AM »
I have a difficult time standing still. Seems my balance is not what it used to be. I am able to tune air guns standing but I have the bench to lean against while I work. Also when working on the lath, my bench that lathe sits on comes out far enough for me to rest against while I work.

I think I could stand and shoot if I had sticks to rest the air rifle on. That might work for me. I will give it a try and see if I can do it. Back later with results...:)
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RE: Shooting Positions!
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2009, 09:33:33 AM »
This is what I'm getting at Gene. I know a few of us have back problems or maybe our bodies are not as we would like so I thought if we could have a system where we could shoot in the style we wanted or physically able to shoot in then to a certain degree we could shoot the style that suited us and compete against all comers! An example would be somebody shooting Offhand and a benchshooter. The Offhand shooter gets a better handicap than the benchshooter because it's obvious the bench shooting position is more stable which means a higher score. I think it maybe complicated to do but it would be nice if we could all compete together without personal disabilities getting in the way. Maybe it's an unworkable idea but it would be nice.  :-)
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RE: Shooting Positions!
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2009, 09:47:03 AM »
Bill, I know what you mean about the kneeling position. It's the most uncomfortable positions I've tried. A few years ago I bent my knee the wrong way and if I bend my knee tightly for too long ( a min or more) the pain is unbearable! I just wish I could be a bit more competative with my scores but as you say, practice, practice, practice.....!
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Offline Big_Bill

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RE: Shooting Positions!
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2009, 11:45:12 AM »

Hey Guys,

We can have a match off the bench, just with out solid rests. You could lay on the bench with both elbows on the bench, and would hold the rifle with both hands ???

Would that help ?


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Offline CaptGeorge

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RE: Shooting Positions!
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2009, 02:36:29 PM »

I think trying to devise a handicap system for different stances is unworkable. Except for those of us physically unable to stand, shooting off-hand is definitely the most demanding and challenging.

However, I wouldn't be adverse to trying different stances - even make up some if we want.  For instance, how about a match Sitting Off Hand. This might be fun, and it would allow most if not everyone to participate on level basis.   Just a thought....

Personally, I think Standing Off Hand is the most rewarding long term because you'll shoot better in all other positions once you're a consistent Standing Off Hand shooter.

Just my thoughts...
