Author Topic: downloadable 10m targets, air pistol/air rifle  (Read 29190 times)

Offline Larry Newman

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downloadable 10m targets, air pistol/air rifle
« on: April 03, 2009, 04:30:59 AM »
Here are some great targets, including some scaled to 10m equiv. at 6 yards.

I plan on using the 6yd., as my basement would be 33ft, but I'd be backed up against a wall.

Thanks to Tom Girling for posting these !

I see that Walmart has 150# card stock for printing on for $5.37/150 sheets. I'll use this if the pellets tear ragged holes in my 20# printer paper.
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Offline Truman

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RE: downloadable 10m targets, air pistol/air rifle
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2009, 05:55:40 AM »
Hi Larry,
  Welcome to the GTA. Thanks for the link, some good targets there :-) 6yds! That's real close. Hope you have a good pellet trap and glasses! I did some 9m shooting in my house for a brief spell but after a few ricochets I decided it was safer for me and my paintwork to go outside! Hope you enjoy the site and hey, The GTA is a GREAT place to be!
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Re: downloadable 10m targets, air pistol/air rifle
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2009, 05:59:44 AM »
Try simply putting a piece of cardboard behind the target.
I shoot all the time on 20# copy paper, but I use a cardboard target backer that I tape the target to.  With wadcutter pellets, I punch reasonable holes in the target.  When the holes become ragged, that is when you either move the target to a new position on the target backer or change target backers.

Check to see that the 150# paper can work in your printer.  Some printers cannot handle paper that heavy, and you could jam or damage the printer.  Usually for paper over 100# the paper has to go STRAIGHT through the printer w/o making a bend.  To do that, some printers have a back door that the heavy paper can exit from.

Offline Larry Newman

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RE: downloadable 10m targets, air pistol/air rifle
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2009, 11:23:53 AM »
Truman - 4/3/2009  1:55 PM

Hi Larry,
  Welcome to the GTA. Thanks for the link, some good targets there :-) 6yds! That's real close. Hope you have a good pellet trap and glasses! I did some 9m shooting in my house for a brief spell but after a few ricochets I decided it was safer for me and my paintwork to go outside! Hope you enjoy the site and hey, The GTA is a GREAT place to be!

   I appreciate your concern. My pellet trap is 12x13", filled with 10# of electrical duct putty. Thx for the welcome...
The intensification of vision. IZH 46M.