My latest Creation
She started life as a QB79

Custom 8 shot repeating riser breech steel
Modified Ar2078 stock with bedliner coating
Custom Aluminum adjustable stock extensions and accents
RFM valve
SHoots 14.3 JSB's at 860 f/s
13 Ci tank with reg set at 1100 PSI
The stock was modified to accept the tank, sanded and then covered with Dupli color truckbed liner spray.
3 coats in this case. So far i have not rebarreled as it is capable of .375" groups at 35 yds. Fairly consistent sub .5" groups at that range. I get 7 to 8 magazines per tank with a 15 f/s change in MV over those shots.
She's a bit heavy but I hit everything I aim at and I like it. The bedliner texture feels great So far JSBs are the way to go. 3 Starlings were dispatched on her first day out. I think I found my new goto