Author Topic: Are RWS Rifles really all that good?  (Read 24563 times)


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« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2009, 01:53:34 PM »
What are comonly refered to as "RWS" guns,,, are accually made by "Diana". RWS is the export company. Last I heard,, Umarex is the only US Import Co.  Last I heard from a Buddy of mine that is currently at the acuall Diana factory in Germany,,seems RWS is playing a more active role now?? Diana makes some mighty fine BB Guns!! :D  8)  Promise,,, Just ask Gene,, "Mr Bob",,Ernie,, or me about my J Woodcock Diana 34!! :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  Timbo.

Offline longislandhunter

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RE: RWS??????
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2009, 02:18:46 PM »
I love my "RWS" guns  :)

\"If it was easy it wouldn\'t be hunting, it would be shopping.\"

Offline douglas george

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Re: Are RWS Rifles really all that good?
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2009, 02:49:12 AM »
I have found good used Diana, RWS air rifles at gunshows, and at gun shops.  The German made air rifle is a real fine piece of craftmanship.  I own six Diana air rifles, and one Diana air pistol.  They shoot very well, they are powerful, and very accurate.  They are well made...and will maybe last a life time.  I have a couple of 20 year old Diana guns...and they have shot well for all these years...and never needed a "tune".  My Beeman R-1 is also 20 years old...but it is German made too!
1  RWS 48 177...gunshop used for $225
2. RWS 46 177...gunshow used for $200
3. RWS 460 22...used gunshow for $400 unfired! (from an air gun dealer)
4. RWS 54 Sportsman's Warehouse for $449, with scope and RWS mount
5. RWS 350 Sportsman's Warehouse for $269
6. RWS 48/52 177...used gunshow for $280
7. RWS Model 5-G 177 air pistol gunshow used for $150 (from a air gun dealer)
All of my used RWS guns were like new...and shoot very well.  I used chamber lube, and oiled them...that was all they needed.
UMAREX USA will service your RWS guns, and re-work them, and even tune them (often for free, or $80 for a re-work on an old gun). to Glen, they also sell re-worked guns, and blemished guns at real low prices! UMAREX USA 479-646-4210...ask for Glen!
Douglas George
Douglas George

Offline only1harry

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Re: Are RWS Rifles really all that good?
« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2009, 05:11:51 AM »
Andy, Diana guns are not the Cadillac of German springers alhtough some of the more expensive models like the 54 come a little close.  I think the question you should be asking is it worth buying the less expensive German Dianas over the more expensive German and English Springers such HW, FWB & Air Arms, BSA, etc. (that can reach close to $1K)?  The answer would still be yes.  You will not find a (new) gun from those other European manufacturers for $200.  Their entry level guns cost at least 50% more.  

The Diana 34 is Diana's bread & butter and a classic because it's affordable, practical and easy to maintain.  They have sold more 34's than any other European model from other manufacturers.  Of course buying used would save you a few bucks, and might even encourage you to go for a higher and more powerful model like the 48/52, 350, etc. but the 34 can take care of business whether it's hunting or plinking and having fun.  There 's not much small-game out there that the 34 can't take, that the others can, at 35yds with a head shot.
Diana 36 .177
Diana 350 .22 (donated by Timmy!)
Diana 350 .177
Air Force Condor .22 (Airhog)
Air Force Condor .25 (Talon Tunes)
Air Force Condor .25 (Lemak)  
RWS Hammerli 850 .22
Crosman 2240 Custom .22
A few Crosman pumpers .177

Offline tjk

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Re: Are RWS Rifles really all that good?
« Reply #19 on: May 09, 2009, 06:00:11 AM »
What did I tell ya in my EM Andy?!?!?!,...... haven't seen a negative thing about the Diana 34 through-out this entire thread!!!! Let me put it this way,....If my house were to burn down,...and I only had time to grab one rifle before the whole thing crumbled, burnt, and melted to hell, would be my Diana 34,....without question.  That includes my Air-Rifles as well as my powder-burners,...even my 11 year old Benji 397 that started this whole mess/addiction!!!!!!!! Simply put,... the 34 is THE best rifle you will find at the price!!! Now quit dauddling and get one!!!! Tune it, scope it, and you will be set for life. I've spent $200 on alot less,...and all I've left are distant and hazy memories,...if you get my meaning. Have faith in your fellow GTA family members,...we certainly wouldn't steer you in the wrong direction. Yes, the Diana 34 is worth every cent,..and then some!!! Best Wishes, Thomas
397 Benji-98\' model    
Marksman  0035, My Fav!,CDT T\'d
Crosman Sierra-Pro,.177
Benji 392 08\'
CDT TT\'d RWS 34 .22,CP 4-16X40 AO
MM T\'d Marksman 0035
Crosman G1 Extreme
Daisy PowerLine 1000
TF-97 .22
B-28A MM T\'d
B-28 OEM Tuned by me
Beeman .22 RX-2 w/Theoben GR
Beeman .177 R1 Santa Rosa

Offline tjk

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Re: Are RWS Rifles really all that good?
« Reply #20 on: May 09, 2009, 06:03:47 AM »
PS.... Love what Harry said as well. "it can take care of business"!!!!! LMAO True,...oh so true!!!!! tjk
397 Benji-98\' model    
Marksman  0035, My Fav!,CDT T\'d
Crosman Sierra-Pro,.177
Benji 392 08\'
CDT TT\'d RWS 34 .22,CP 4-16X40 AO
MM T\'d Marksman 0035
Crosman G1 Extreme
Daisy PowerLine 1000
TF-97 .22
B-28A MM T\'d
B-28 OEM Tuned by me
Beeman .22 RX-2 w/Theoben GR
Beeman .177 R1 Santa Rosa

Offline douglas george

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Re: Are RWS Rifles really all that good?
« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2009, 07:55:17 AM »
GAMO or a Crossman...well thats like a Yugo, They will shoot...for a while.  But they are too light, and have too much plastic.They are cheap, and made cheap....but they do seem to shoot.  RWS...well that's like a Mercedes!  Good German made, higher end air rifle.  The RWS Diana will last a lifetime.  If you want a real low cost air rifle...get a Chinese under lever for around $45.  I have one I got at the Tulsa show for $ shoots ok for plinking, and birds and bushytails in the back yard.  A gunshop in Hutchison Kansas sells the Gamo under lever for $179, CFX I think.  I almost got one...but I did not like the big plastic "thing" on the front of the barrel.  The front sight was on it, and you could flex it.  The scope rail was junk!  I looked at the GAMO Whisper, but did not like the plastic barrel, with the steel rifled liner.  The lock up of the barrel was plastic, and I think it would loosen with time. Lower power than the RWS Diana Magnum air rifle.  And I don't like GAMO's "Alloy Raptor" pellets they push so hard in their ads.  The alloy Raptor pellets do make my Chinese air rifle sound like a 22 rim fire!
Douglas George

Offline douglas george

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Re: Are RWS Rifles really all that good?
« Reply #22 on: May 09, 2009, 08:01:55 AM »
The RWS guns have a very good steel scope rail, with matching holes for the mounting pins on the RWS Lockdown scope mount, which is real good and has the droop compensation belt into it.  They are made for one inch, and 30 mm scopes.
Douglas George

Offline douglas george

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Re: Are RWS Rifles really all that good?
« Reply #23 on: May 10, 2009, 10:29:38 AM »
Dear Doug:
I am not an air gun "god", just someone who enjoys fine air rifle shooting.  I had a Crossman pump up pistol, but the plastic front sight was not square, and the rear sight was tilted too...I sold that Crossman junk, and got an RWS 5 G air pistol that is very well made, and shoots as good as my Smith & Wesson K-38.  The air gun dealer here in Kansas won't even carry Crossman, or GAMO...go to Wal-Mart for that.  Its like telescopes, you can buy a very good Celestron, or Meade...or go to Wal-Mart and get a Tasco 400X plastic telescope.  Crossman and Gamo shoot ok...just too much plastic...lower end guns.  A Chinese air rifle will shoot just as good, and cost much less at a gun show.  The Chinese guns are made in an ols SKS factory, they are a little rough, but they are all steel, and they shoot.  A higher end Chinese gun, tuned and re-worked is Tech Force...and they are good, and low priced!
Douglas George

Offline Phil_B

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Re: Are RWS Rifles really all that good?
« Reply #24 on: May 10, 2009, 12:36:50 PM »
Have you ever shot an Diana? If you have, you would understand!!!
850 .22 HPA
Marauder .22 w/Leapers 6-24X50
Gamo Viper .177 w/ CenterPoint 4-16x40
Diana 26 .177 w/3-9x40
Diana 36 .177 w/RWS 3-9x40
Diana 46 .177 w/ NCstar mark III 10-40x50
Diana 48 .22  w/ CenterPoint 4-16x40
Diana 350 mag .22 w/Leapers 6-24X50
Diana 350 Feuerkraft Pro Compact .177 w/Leapers6-24X50

Offline daved

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So Doug, what's with the attitude?
« Reply #25 on: May 10, 2009, 02:45:32 PM »
Based on past experience, Douglas isn't trying to impress anybody, just stating facts gleaned from his own experience.  And re: your Glock vs. Ruger comment, I'll take the Ruger any day.  Or better yet, a 1911A1.  Despite hiding your post count, it's obvious you haven't been around the GTA very long.  This place is family, and like family, you can disagree, just keep it civil, please.  Later.


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Man, I don't know who you are...
« Reply #26 on: May 10, 2009, 04:30:10 PM »
But I can smell a troll when I run into one.  And I do mean one, or is it just a coincidence that both dem and JDMcKillips have the same IP address?  If your only reason for being here is to be a PITA, take is elsewhere.  If you're actually here to contribute something to this forum, fine, but like I said before, keep it civil.  And no, calling a moderator a hypocrite isn't being civil.  Care to try again?


Just did a little research, like father, like son.  That explains the same IP address.


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« Reply #27 on: May 10, 2009, 05:04:37 PM »
We all have our "Favorite" types of guns. I am NOT taking sides here. I will say this though,,,, while I do have my favorite "brand" of guns,,, I think it is WRONG to refer to other brands of guns you may not like with derogatory words. Just remember,,,, the GTA is a place where we can talk about ALL AIRGUNS. Tim. The GTA Rules are plain & simple. "Name Calling"/Personal attacks will not be tollerated,,, nor should they. As only a member here,, I think that rule should extend to not only members of our GREAT Forum,,,but also to ALL airgun manufactures as well. Just my 2 cents. Tim. PS,, The Administrators & Moderators here are GREAT Folks,, I know many of them personally,, I get a little "Rilled Up" when someone "Questions" them.

Offline RedFeather

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Re: Are RWS Rifles really all that good?
« Reply #28 on: May 10, 2009, 05:18:54 PM »
I'm with Timmy on this one.  To each his own.

OK.  Diana's are, for the most part, not the Mercedes of the air gun world.  More like the VW, which is pretty well built compared to a lot of other "compact cars".  (HW's are more akin to Mercedes.)  And I do like Diana's.  The 34, while a sturdy rifle that lends itself well to improvements, is still fairly utilitarian.  The base gun comes without a buttplate and other amenities which someone entering the adult air gun market may expect for $200 or so.  (That's something Diana should address, since even the cheapest competitors' guns have more than a bare behind - strictly pre-70's styling.)  Dollar for dollar, they are better built, in both terms of materials/craftsmanship and design than a lot of the Spanish guns.  Remember, the Chinese guns are almost devoid of original designs.  You are buying a copied German or Spanish gun, for the most part, when you shop Chinese.  All guns under $250 seem to need a little tuning, regardless of brand.  $250 may sound like a lot of money if you are not familiar with adult air rifles but it really is just enough to get you started on a bit better quality piece.

Offline patton123

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RE: Are RWS Rifles really all that good?
« Reply #29 on: May 10, 2009, 05:30:36 PM »
Me, I can't get over the plastic on their product. It just seems very cheap to me. I like RWS/Diana in the older models when they would engrave their logo into the receiver and not simple just stamp it on.  Go with  Beeman products, they just feel better to hold and shoulder.

My 2 cents....BUY BEEMAN, and not the cheap stuff at Walmart.