Author Topic: keeping up with different targets and target matches  (Read 37305 times)

Offline Magnum

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keeping up with different targets and target matches
« on: June 06, 2009, 01:27:19 PM »

Thought I would share my latest updated list with ya'll , it helps me keep things straight:) I have a file with each match and target. I've been updating as I go so is still a work in progress:)
General Notes for GTA target matches:- LINKS TO TARGETS

"Too get an X the hole must be completely inside the 10 ring and not touching the line."
Matches run from Sunday midnight to the following Sunday Midnight.
A. OPEN-OFF HAND A.R. Match, 10m/33feet, Standing
Target: (Gamox5-1.jpg) “white centers” shot at 10 meters/33 feet. Four shots at 5 targets, total of 20 shots. Score= 200 points. All shots MUST be from the standing offhand position.
B. OPEN-"STEROID 15" Off Hand Match,10m/33feet, A.R.Standing
Target: (Steroid Target.jpg) 15 shots “Steroid15 target”, 15mins to complete. Any sighting devise may be used, Any gun may be used if the pellet breaks or touches the higher scoring line it counts as the higher score. A bullseye without clipping counts as 11 in this match. Shooting is standing Offhand.
C. OPEN-25yard/75feet Open Sights Match
Target: B-2 Target.pdf (Murray's Gunsmithing TARGET B-2 air rifle)
Open Sights, No Scopes, Any Air Rifle, Any Shooting position: Standing, Sitting, Kneeling or Prone. No external rests, (bi pods, bench bags etc.)
Fired at: 25 yards, 5 rounds fired at each of 4 bullseyes, for a total of 20 pellets, and possible score of 200 points.
D. 30yard Bench Rest A.R. Match
Target: use Glock FAQ use Target 20 Targets w/3 Rings or go to
All Air Guns are Welcome, Except the PCP. Scoring: 20 rounds (Pellets) if the pellet breaks or touches the higher scoring line it count as the higher score. Rules: Anything goes as long as it's off the bench, NO rifle vices ! You have to be in contact with the AirGun. shoulder the airgun and pulling the trigger
E. PCP Bench Rest 30m/100feet Match
Target: (Steroid Target.jpg) “Steroid15 target” 15 shots one per target, 15mins to complete. Target is the 'Steroid'15 Target. Any sighting device is allowed. Standing or sitting with a front support. This can be a mono, bi, or tripod that is not fixed to the gun, or some sort of bag but not a gun vice. The rifle must be shouldered. In other words, without a rear support like another bag. if the shot clips the line, the higher score counts. Sticking with the norm, a clear bull is marked as an 'X' and is counted as a 10. 15 mins for the match to be completed.
F. Multi Pump A.R. 10m Match
Target: (Gamox5-1.jpg) “white centers” shot at 10 meters/33 feet. Four shots at 5 targets, total of 20 shots. Score= 200 points. All shots MUST be from the standing offhand position. May use a single pump or multi pump rifle in this one.
G. OPEN 5m-Air Pistol Match
Pistols only. Any type/style/barrel length but must not have a shoulder stock.
(Barrel of the weapon should be kept behind the 5m line.)
TARGET - Glockx5 ‘Black Centers’@ 5M - 3 shots @ 5 Bulls. - Max Score 150
Score as noted on target. Score the inner edge of the hole, breaking the line counts toward higher score. Any sighting device is fine. Standing one or two hand only, no rests of any kind.
H. CO2 Air Pistol 10m Match
Distance: 10 Meters Target: (Gamox5-1.jpg) 10M Target: “White Centers” Shots: 4 shots at 5 targets Stance: Standing One hand or two hand grip Scoring: Inner Scoring, Max = 200
I. 10m Target Air Pistol Match
Pistols only. Any type/style/barrel length but must not have a shoulder stock.
TARGET: Standard GTA 10Meter Pistol Target. 10 shots at target. Max Score 100
Score the inner edge of the hole, breaking the line counts toward higher score.
Any sighting device is fine. Standing One or Two hand only, no rests of any kind.
J. 10m Multi Pump A.Pistol Match
Off-hand (One or Two hand holding pistol), 10 meters, multi pump pistol, iron sights- un-scoped, Gamo 5 target sheet Glockx5 ‘White Centers’ , 4 shots per target at 5 targets.

Offline Brod_Man

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Re: keeping up with targets
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2009, 01:45:18 PM »
Wow that took a lot of typing. Thanks for that. You might want to give your keyboard a break. lol.
\"Wise men speak because the have something to say, Fools because they have to say something\"

Offline ronbeaux

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RE: keeping up with targets
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2009, 02:55:06 PM »
I did the same thing. I love to shoot and I was always getting mixed up on where to post the match scores and what the rules were(it's a getting old thing I guess.) So I put up a chart right on the wall where I start from so I can remember.

We have one other problem that I would like to ask the expert computer users to help us out with.

gamotohammerli is spending 3 hours or more tallying up the scores each week(and doing and D********mm good job I might add) but there has to be a better way. Currently he is having to go through each post and is probably writing down what he reads and then typing in the scores in another post so everyone can see what they and others did. Leaving someone out would be a bad thing.

There has got to be a better way and I'm calling on you young guys that grew up with computers to help us out.

You know we all love to shoot and compete and we are being kind and respectfull of each other, knowing that we are just having fun.

Please give us ideas on how to make it easier to get the scores tallyed and posted so we can continue to have fun and enjoy our weekend matches.

We have progressed to a point to where it is really catching on. We want to promote shooting airguns and we want to make sure we get it right and allow others to join in the fun.

What do you say?????????

Offline Brod_Man

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Re: keeping up with targets
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2009, 03:20:37 PM »
Im helping by doing the Open sight match. I will do more if he needs it.
\"Wise men speak because the have something to say, Fools because they have to say something\"

Offline Magnum

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RE: keeping up with targets
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2009, 12:57:45 AM »
I'm  in the "guess I'm getting old group" and not a computer guru. Wife said it is ok for me to be in the "older and more experienced group" lol:)  Maybe we should start all target posts with a standard format to make collecting info easier?  
 like DATE...SCORE...TARGET...GUN...PELLET...DISTANCE...POSITION...   let's continue to make this even more fun:) Tony.

Offline ronbeaux

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RE: keeping up with targets
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2009, 01:18:31 AM »
Tcups suggested that early on for these matches and I think it would make it easier to tally them.

Offline gamo2hammerli

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RE: keeping up with targets
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2009, 04:14:29 AM »

That's what I do Ronbeaux....I write down all the scores and miscellaneous info and then rank the scores from high to low (Low usually being me heh heh). I had PM'ed Big_Bill and asked for some help....and he said he got Brod Man/Brody to volunteer to help out with the rifle matches. So this week and so forth I'll take care of the pistol matches....unless someone is busy/sick/on holiday etc. and I'll help them out with their matches.

I see the post below from Brody that he is only tallying the 25 Yard Open Sights Rifle match.....maybe Big_Bill is going to take care of the rest of the rifle matches.

Gamo: Expotec .177 + Big Cat .177 + Viper .177 + Whisper .177, Hammerli Titan .177, Diana model 24 .177, RWS-Diana P5 Magnum pistol .177, Crosman: G1 Extreme .177 + Storm XT .177 + Sierra Pro .177 + 1377 pistol .177, Air Arms S410SL .22, BSA Scorpion T10 .22, FX Cyclone .177, Remington Air Master 77 .177 + BB\'s,

Offline Magnum

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Re: keeping up with targets
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2010, 04:25:04 AM »
I have made some updates to list:) Hope this may make easier to find/ print targets and promote the GTA target matchs ?:)