Appears so....and obviously these tanks don't "turnover" fast..varies with fire supply is limited somewhat...
So far,my $149.00 80 cu/ft Scuba from Sport Chalet is cheapest new tank option I've found...I prefer new and 5 years from now,they will hydro/re-certify I may end up dedicating the Chalet 80 cu/ft aluminum 3000 psi tank to the Disco and get their steel 3440 PSI steel one for the 850 HPA....dunno yet....but got time to think about thing for sure...those two tanks are cheaper to own than one new Airhog 4500 psi tank of similar size...!! $430.00 vice $675....think about that...and more places to get fills...
(Note also,DIN valves are used on all HP steel scuba tanks over 3300 psi)