Author Topic: Seems I had more trouble trying to leave Timmy's than  (Read 6488 times)

Offline TAJ45

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Seems I had more trouble trying to leave Timmy's than
« on: September 19, 2009, 06:20:41 PM »
I did getting there.  Very clever lad he is. After I drove in between two rows of parked "weapons carriers", parked and gripped and grinned at most everyone I met, shot, talked, ate, talked, shot, ate, talked - well you get the idea by now.  What I am trying to get to is he moved allllll the vehicles to one side, built a fire where they used to be and hid the outbound road from me. :p   Yessir, that's what happened.  (I think it was a tractor beam myself, actuated by an R9).  Couldn't have been me more than a bit disoriented after multiple Throwback Pepsi's and a hard day under the canopies squinting thru apertures and scopes.

Absolutely shot out of my wazzoo  most of the day............silly guys, think I shoot like that alll the time and no I am not putting out the name of my home range to burst that bubble! :emoticon:

Met a pile of knowledgeable, generous folks and the eclecticity was running rampant - had to be, I wuz there.  Heh heh.  Can't say I've ever enjoyed a shoot more.  Timmy went to a lot of trouble setting things up and the facilities were top notch.  Thanks Timmy -- waiting for your call.

Best shot I made all day was hitting a .045" wire placed horizontally around 20 yards with Tommy's .223 burner.  Of course I wasn't aiming for MY windflag arm.  It just tried to be macho and jump out to take a bite out of a Black Hills boolit.  Silly windflag.

I think I made it thru the day w/o destroying Gene's rifle......something about actuating the cocking lever, forgetting it's already loaded, talking, not realizing safety is on, acting like an idgit and repeating process till Gene politely intervened before I tore anything up and had me shoot the 3 rounds I had accrued in the chamber..............I did apologize for being ignernt.  Daggone New Guy syndrome.  After that I had to unbutton my shirt to see to walk.

Had fun, learned a lot and ate well.  Just very, very hard to beat that combination.

Thanks again to all.

PS  I think I'm in love with a 10m airgun, brand not decided - anyone have one soon to be on the block?

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.  Hit the target!  All else is twaddle.

\"Speed is fine but accuracy is final.\"  Wyatt Earp, 1888.

Offline jonnnyboy

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Re: Seems I had more trouble trying to leave Timmy's than
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2009, 02:47:27 AM »
That is a great write-up to what I was afraid would be a wonderful weekend.  I knew if I didn't get to go, I would miss something special and apparently I did!! :(  I am so glad you all had a good time, not fair, not fair, not fair.

ECLECTICITY!!  LOL  Wow, what a word but still so descriptive.. I don't think I have heard it used thus, but I totally approve that it is probably the most accurate word to describe the group collective.  Wow, again!!!

-blessings, joe
. . . tongue-tied and twisted, just an earth-bound misfit, I . . . (p.floyd)


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RE: Seems I had more trouble trying to leave Timmy's than
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2009, 07:46:53 AM »
Tom Sir,,,, It was a true pleasure meeting you Buddy!! You Sir are a true Gentleman I am honered to have as a Friend!!8) You are welcome here ANY time Buddy,,,,,,,,,,, you only live an hour & a half away!!!!By the way,,,,, you really should whipe down that R-9 Blue Lam. Stock gun of yers,,,,,, I got drool all over it!!!!!:p Thanks for comming Tom,,, we shall get together again soon!!8) Tim.

Offline TAJ45

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Timmy, am getting ready to do the veg out thing as I type, errr ahh,
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2009, 08:15:35 AM »
Keyboard, yeah that's it.  Drool is only mildy acidic, but those sweaty old paws, now there be salt in that.

I have just unloaded the van, cooler is airing out, guns are stacked by my chair in the den and getting ready to watch a couple of "Lost" episodes.  I'll be wiping and grinning all the while.  I toyed with the idea of coming back up today after church but figured most would be heading out, you, Timmy, have the "unprepping to do" (putting up all the toys and kit we enjoyed) and maybe, just maybe, relaxing a bit.  I need the down time myself.

I mean it was absolutley hair tearing.  Folks shoving guns in your face stuffing tins of pellets in your pocket, waving madly about at abt a half a gazillion targets from point blank to OMGosh distances.  Martin put me on a tin can and after three shots and everyone being low and taking half of forever to get there, I finally wised up and saw the one 50% closer..Don't mind challenges, that's why I took up pistol during college, but mortars?  A very nice Izzy it was / is.

There is a guy needing a couple of springs and another eventually consumable part on the BE board for his .22 rf.  Parts may be a bit of a sticky wicket so I am cautiously reserved about trying to snag one.  Besides, as I said, I need some remodel work done and there hasn't been & isn't any OT.

Having successfully groped my way out last night, I reminisced a bit on the way home.  Spoke with Rodger briefly about Charm School, which I never attended and Ernie about him getting busted up repeatedly.  Man Ernie, you gotta be a magnet for the chaotic.  We'll have to talk more.  When's the next shoot Timmy?

I will have to admit that everyone I did meet were the most level headed whack jobs I've ever had the pleasure to interact with.  I was afeerd I'd tilt the balance too far where we'd all slide into the fabric of the universe, never to be heard from again, but maybe that would be a good thing?  Guess I didn't.

OK, Netflix calls and the oil needs to be applied.  Well, Eezox, actually.

I'm back quiet now, Tom out.
Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.  Hit the target!  All else is twaddle.

\"Speed is fine but accuracy is final.\"  Wyatt Earp, 1888.

Offline Bhawanna

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TOM!...great to meet you!
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2009, 09:47:36 AM »
it was a pleasure meeting you!...thank you very much for allowing me to waste your ammo with the s&w model 41.  that is a SWEEEEEEEEEETTTT! gun!!  love the trigger work on it!  it just unfortunate that the POI changed when i changed your red dot...ha!  i'm glad you had the opportunity to join us and we'll do it again. :emoticon:
The hardest part of getting old is trying to look good naked!

Offline Gene_SC

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Re: Seems I had more trouble trying to leave Timmy's than
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2009, 10:40:26 AM »
Tom it was great having you there. I hope we pulled you into the dard world of bb buns..:) You never hurt a thing but I am sure those three pellets went in every direction...:) Just did not want you to have a bad experience trying to hit the black dot with three pellet and missing..:)

You are aleays welcome to shoot any of my guns and I think you know that. Hope to see you posting some pictures of some of your collection here on the GTA.

It was a pleasure and honor to meet someone who could shoot as good as you do.
THE ONES I SLEEP WITH: BSA Lightning XL, AA TX-200, AA ProSport, BSA Ultra, HW-97K, Crosman NPSS .177, FX Cyclone, HW-30 Nicle Plated, AA-S200, Crosman Marauder, CZ-634, R-9 DG, Webley/Scott UK Tomahawk, Benji Kantana, Benji Marauder, Benji Discovery.....

Gene\'s Tunz n Toyz
Springer Tunin

Offline TAJ45

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Re: Seems I had more trouble trying to leave Timmy's than
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2009, 11:13:09 AM »
Thanks Gene, your forgiveness is received with relief.  I've experienced similar with a student and I have just needed to step back and put things in perspective.  I love quality and precision and have a hard time when it is abused...........

Glad you made it home and I know your bed will feel good tonight.  I was just thinking earlier today, well actually on the way home.  Would there have been any merit to rotating Ray's sleeve to attempt to line up a pin/nub then slide it clear?  It doesn't seem so, but never having had one apart, I have more ? marks in my head than periods.

Hmmm, just re envisioning, there were no slots or radiused high places on the lower smaller OD for that to happen.  I'd really like to know what the "fix" was for removal.  Inquiring minds.
Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.  Hit the target!  All else is twaddle.

\"Speed is fine but accuracy is final.\"  Wyatt Earp, 1888.