Author Topic: Daisy 853 Trigger  (Read 3103 times)

Offline wtc9

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Daisy 853 Trigger
« on: March 05, 2007, 05:25:32 AM »
Of the 4 air rifles I have owned (853, IZH-61, AR2078, Crossman 760) the Daisy is the most accurate and has the worst tirgger (excepting the Crossman, but that's to be expected).  The IZH and the AR have wonderfully made trigger groups, and the Daisy has stamped junk.  I'm  looking for some way to replace or modify it in a more reliable fashion.

I have a sear from CDT I bought a couple years ago.  It works well, and the tuning described at (Pilkguns?) seems to do about the same--reduce sear engagement to eliminate creep.  After 4,000 rounds or so, my trigger became unreliable, so I pulled things apart and lightly polished the sear.  The big thing (piston?) on which the sear engages seems to be the fly in the oinment, as it had wear.  I rotated it 90 degrees, lubed and assembled.  Also stretched the sear-return spring to give more-positive engagement.  Things seem fine for now.  I can live with a fair amount of trigger pull (in the multiple pounds range) but I want crispness with no creep.

So my questions:

1) Has anyone worked on polishing the piston?   Is it maybe too soft?  Anyone know how hard?  

2) Would it ever be possible to manufacture a replacement trigger that would be better?

Just musing.  I love the rifle but hate the trigger.  And it's not a rifle people seem to write about very much.

Bill C.
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RE: Daisy 853 Trigger
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2007, 11:36:09 AM »
I like the little rifles too...have the accuracy but mine seems a bit pellet sensitive.

Have also looked at the design of the trigger...done the Pilkguns mod...and left it at that.  YEP, it will wear and demand readjstment now and again, but that tune seems to be the only game in town.  

Amazing how well the cheap plastic/sheet metal gun will shoot.

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I modded my 953
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2007, 12:38:56 PM »
I  modded my 953 and it's pretty darn good now.  There not much "stage 1" at all before the break but it breaks very clean.   Before the trigger mod it was pretty awful, a long gritty rubbery feeling pull but afterwards things shaped up nice.  

I have a couple of spacers from an 853 stock to make the pull longer.  I've got to say that for me the 953 is fine.  

It hits where I shoot it, that's for sure. The trigger and a barrel weight and diopter from an 753 make about an $85 investment into a very acceptable trainer.  I shoot that and my 717 far more than all my other guns combined because I shoot them nearly every day.

The trigger mod works.


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Re: Daisy 853 Trigger
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2007, 04:01:04 AM »
Yeah.  What a bizarre plastic mounting system it has.  But what a wonderful barrel.  And as Adam points out, the stock is very well designed for a training rifle for shooting with "iron" sights.   I guess I'll just get used to 'tuning' it every thousand rounds or so.

I've thought seriously about using some Casenite on the sear and maybe on the piston, along with a thorough polish.  We'll see.
Bill C.
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