Author Topic: Playing around with one of my 1377's  (Read 4684 times)

Offline kirby999

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Playing around with one of my 1377's
« on: September 30, 2009, 03:30:15 PM »
Tonight I was playing around , shooting one of my 1377's at 10 meters into a Gamo trap indoors . This one already has sights . I was trying to shoot one handed and was trying to line up the top of the front sight with the top of the rear , while trying to hold on target . I was scattering shots all over . Then I remember I had read, somewhere , that I was supposed to concentrate on the front sight on target and not be concerned with the rear. The target below is the result . The shot in the 5/6 ring at 7 o'clock was the first shot using the old method of lining up the sights . The other 5 shots , were shot using the front sight only method . Although they are not 10's , they do at least show grouping . I'll be practicing this method when ever I get a chance to shoot a few . I've also posted a picture of the "new to me " Simmons spotting scope I picked up at a yardsale last weekend for $60 . It's a 20-60x60 and attached easily to a cheap bipod I picked up for $5 . On 20 power ,I have no problem seeing my shots at 10 meters . It's a very clear scope . Keeps me from walking to the target every shot to see where I hit . kirby
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Offline Brutuz

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RE: Playing around with one of my 1377's
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2009, 04:31:18 AM »
Looks good Kirby
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Offline TCups

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RE: Playing around with one of my 1377's
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2009, 05:09:26 AM »

Now David, you give away your age when you confess to using a spotting scope at 10 meters.  Good shooting.

Offline CharlieDaTuna

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RE: Playing around with one of my 1377's
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2009, 11:15:40 AM »
Yeah...and I thought my eyes were bad.
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Offline kirby999

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RE: Playing around with one of my 1377's
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2009, 11:44:51 AM »
TCups - 10/1/2009  1:09 PM  LOL  Now David, you give away your age when you confess to using a spotting scope at 10 meters.  Good shooting.
If you guys can see them .177 cal. holes at 10 meters , you got better eyes than I've ever had . I've been near sighted all my life , so it's nothing new to me . I like using the scope , it saves the "old man" a few steps . kirby
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Offline ac12basis

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Re: Playing around with one of my 1377's
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2009, 06:17:07 PM »
step 1 - Practice aligning the front and rear sights on a blank piece of paper.
step 2 - When you have step-1 wired, focus on the front sight, and hopefully step-1 will kick in by itself  (easier said than done)
step 3 - when you can keep focus on the front sight, put the front sight on a target, still keeping focus on the front sight. (this takes work to NOT focus on the target)

PS I had to have special shooting glasses made.  With my regular glasses I CANNOT focus on the front sight.  Its called getting old  :-(

Offline T191032

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Re: Playing around with one of my 1377's
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2010, 03:25:27 PM »
Being near sighted is no fun at all.  Add to that havin' eyes that are the opposite of cross eyed, AND being left-handed/right-eye dominant.  The eyes just wanna fight to look at the front sight.  Been trying the straight-thumb grip (if you've seen the Todd Jarrett YouTube video, you know of what I speak) and find that it is hindered by the bolt handle's position.  Nudged it out of place the other night when I pulled the trigger.  Louder pop than there should have been.  :)

Offline T191032

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Re: Playing around with one of my 1377's
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2010, 03:27:41 PM »
I like that spotting scope idea, too.   Course, I could just take my 20x50 binocs w/ me, think that'll work good for 5 Meter shooting??   LOL

Offline ac12basis

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Re: Playing around with one of my 1377's
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2010, 07:07:21 PM »
For those thinking of using a spotting scope at 10 yards/meters.  
Before you buy a scope for that purpose, read the specs for the scope.  Not all scopes will focus that close.  Many won't get inside of 20 yards.  In fact I have an old Bushnell that I have to back the eyepiece out a bit to get it to focus down to 10 meters.