Author Topic: Benjamin Super Streak parts  (Read 16262 times)

Offline ezman604

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Benjamin Super Streak parts
« on: October 08, 2009, 05:31:48 AM »
Okay, since they have been out for a while, who can point me in the right direction for some tune-up parts for the Super Streak? I like the feel of this heavy gun, should help reduce recoil and twang. Just looking to make it a better gun when I buy it. I've searched posts and different vendor sites and haven't found a parts source.
Crosman/Revelation 760 PumpMaster (Vintage 1967)
Powerline 1000S .177 (semi-tuned by me)
Benjamin Super Streak .177/.22 (semi-tuned by me)
Benjamin Trail NP XL1500 (bone stock)
Benjamin Trail NP XL1100 (project gun)
TF89 .22 (tuned by Gene)
Winchester 1000WS .177 (semi-tuned by muwah)
QB57 (l

Offline Gene_SC

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Re: Benjamin Super Streak parts
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2009, 10:06:50 AM »
Last I checked, no parts still available from Crosman. Almost two years now since release.
THE ONES I SLEEP WITH: BSA Lightning XL, AA TX-200, AA ProSport, BSA Ultra, HW-97K, Crosman NPSS .177, FX Cyclone, HW-30 Nicle Plated, AA-S200, Crosman Marauder, CZ-634, R-9 DG, Webley/Scott UK Tomahawk, Benji Kantana, Benji Marauder, Benji Discovery.....

Gene\'s Tunz n Toyz
Springer Tunin

Offline airgunandy

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RE: Benjamin Super Streak parts
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2009, 04:08:50 AM »
I was looking for a parts diagram for my 392 and saw that Crosman's site now says they have Super Streak parts. Got a nice exploded view diagram too.

Haven't heard anything about custom parts for the SS. Someone on this forum got one and had to almost rebuild it. Not sure if they just wanted to or if they felt they had to.

Offline ezman604

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RE: Benjamin Super Streak parts
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2009, 04:42:22 AM »
Thanks airgunandy. I tripped across that web page yesterday. Good one. We need to post it in the Library section. JG is listed by Crosman as a service center. I can contact them for parts. Wish there were improved parts available but as long as there are replacement parts available somewhere, I would attempt to open it up and do a tune-up. Just don't want to tear into a gun and take a chance on rendering it useless by damaging a non-replacable part. Now I just need to convince myself I really want this power stick and whether to go ahead and buy the parts, THEN order the gun.
Crosman/Revelation 760 PumpMaster (Vintage 1967)
Powerline 1000S .177 (semi-tuned by me)
Benjamin Super Streak .177/.22 (semi-tuned by me)
Benjamin Trail NP XL1500 (bone stock)
Benjamin Trail NP XL1100 (project gun)
TF89 .22 (tuned by Gene)
Winchester 1000WS .177 (semi-tuned by muwah)
QB57 (l

Offline airgunandy

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RE: Benjamin Super Streak parts
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2009, 04:52:31 AM »
You can also order parts factory direct from Crosman. Just placed an order this week for some goodies.

Offline ezman604

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RE: Benjamin Super Streak parts
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2009, 09:37:51 AM »
Finally broke down and ordered the Super Streak. Went ahead and contacted Crosman and have parts on the way too. Thought I'd either use the new parts or at least have spares in case something happens during tuning.  :p
I ordered a piston spring (mainspring), breech seal, spacers and piston assembly. The piston seal is part of the piston assembly and not available seperately. Entire order with shipping wasn't but $20 US. I purchased a spring compressor from TimL that is a fantastic piece of equipment!!!! I use it to perform my first tune, on my Daisy/Powerline/Winchester 1000S. I'm looking forward to tuning the SS and shooting this bad boy. Will report back on how it goes.
Thanks again for your help and advice!!!!
Crosman/Revelation 760 PumpMaster (Vintage 1967)
Powerline 1000S .177 (semi-tuned by me)
Benjamin Super Streak .177/.22 (semi-tuned by me)
Benjamin Trail NP XL1500 (bone stock)
Benjamin Trail NP XL1100 (project gun)
TF89 .22 (tuned by Gene)
Winchester 1000WS .177 (semi-tuned by muwah)
QB57 (l

Offline ezman604

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RE: Benjamin Super Streak parts
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2009, 03:22:25 AM »
Okay, need some help here. Anybody done a tear-down of the SS? I have it down to the revcceiver and trigger group. Removed the bear trap lever and barrel/cocking assembly. To get to the mainspring and piston, it appears to have an end cap that unscrews. This worries me. I can hear the spring twisting as I loosen this end cap. That tells me the spring is under tension and when this cap is completely unscrewed, the spring is going to fly. With this type of end cap, I can not use my spring compressor. And also making it VERY unsafe.
I know someone out there has torn this model down and can offer some MUCH needed and appreciated advice.
Thanks AOT.
Crosman/Revelation 760 PumpMaster (Vintage 1967)
Powerline 1000S .177 (semi-tuned by me)
Benjamin Super Streak .177/.22 (semi-tuned by me)
Benjamin Trail NP XL1500 (bone stock)
Benjamin Trail NP XL1100 (project gun)
TF89 .22 (tuned by Gene)
Winchester 1000WS .177 (semi-tuned by muwah)
QB57 (l

Offline kp4att

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Re: Benjamin Super Streak parts
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2009, 11:07:37 AM »

(Feb 3, 2010)
SUMATRA 500cc .22 - mira: Centerpoint 6-24 x 50 mm

MARAUDER .177 - mira: Leapers 8-32 x 56 mm (30mm)

RWS 48 .177 -     mira: Leapers 4-16 x 50 mm

RWS 350 .22  -  mira Centerpoint 3-9 x 50 mm

GAMO WHISPER VH .177 - mira BSA Panther 2.5-10 x 44 mm

953 .177 (INDOOR) - mira Simmons 3-9 x 32 mm

Offline Fritz

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Re: Benjamin Super Streak parts
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2009, 11:58:53 AM »
I have taken mine apart before, although it had a broken spring the first time. I needed to make a spacer for my compressor to push the metal spring guide in over the JM 350 magnum spring. Once I bolted on the trigger group it held nicely, but the endcap was QUICKLY screwed on. On a subsequent teardown (with a loaded spring), I took the endcap off pointing it into a pallet of sand bags- nothing happened.

Shoots great with JM's 350 Mag spring in her, when I do my part it drills the .22 CPH like a rimfire. Got a squirrel the other day at 15 yards straight in the control room. The hyrdostatic shock blew out its left eye (pellet entered on right side). Drops pigeons like it was born to do so.
\"I never set out to be weird, it was always everyone else who called me it.\" -Frank Zappa

Speed is impressive, Accuracy is deadly.

Offline banoob

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Re: Benjamin Super Streak parts
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2010, 03:54:11 PM »
There is a bolt holding the trigger assy. to the main tube, this bolt holds the back spring guide in the main comp tube. The bolt is called a stock link pin. When taking apart the super streak, leave this bolt in, and remove the end cap. them attach the spring compressor and loosen the bolt slightly with a 10mm wrench. Tighten the compressor until you can unscrew the stock link pin with your fingers. them remove spring. I am making a post with lots of photos of me taking apart my super streak. Please check it out if you want. I had to take mine apart to clean it.

Offline capt_crunch

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Re: Benjamin Super Streak parts
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2010, 05:14:17 PM »
Hello all;

Looking for answers to a couple of questions:

What is the difference between models B1500BTM and B1500STM (from the parts list), is it one stainless and the other blued?  I am considering buying the Super Streak and I am in Canada - up here the limit for air rifles is 500 FPS before you need to get a special license.  I can buy a Super Streak that is, apparently, modified somehow to meet this restriction.  I'm thinking this was probably done by using a slightly weaker spring and of course I am wondering if I just bought a replacement spring if I could get the gun back to it's original specs?  I would naturally need to get the proper license after doing this.  Does anyone know if my thinking about this is correct?

Thanks for any help,

Offline airiscool

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Re: Benjamin Super Streak parts
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2010, 04:14:49 AM »
capt_crunch - 6/2/2010  1:14 AM

Hello all;

Looking for answers to a couple of questions:

What is the difference between models B1500BTM and B1500STM (from the parts list), is it one stainless and the other blued?  

From Crosman's parts list posted on their website - the B1500STM is listed as the 17 cal "nickle plated" barrel.

You may have to contact Crosman, or a Canadian AG importer, or a tuner in Canada to find out what mods they do to  restrict the guns. The Super Streak being a magnum is going to take quite a bit to get it down to your legal range. I can't help but think that it may be easier to get the licence now and then get a stock SS, since that's where you want to be eventually.

Benji Trail NPXL 1100, Gamo .22 Whisper, Crosman 760 Pumpmaster, Crosman 66 Powermaster, Crosman .22 revolver, Daisy model 102, Daisy early Model 25.