Author Topic: Come shoot the Alabama State FT Championship 12/05/09  (Read 17768 times)

Offline libertyman777

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Come shoot the Alabama State FT Championship 12/05/09
« on: October 25, 2009, 01:46:36 AM »
The Mt. Cheaha Airgunners are proud to host the Alabama State Championship in Heflin, Alabama on Saturday December 5th. This will be a one leg 60 shot match. Champion - 3rd place will be awarded per division if participation warrants.

Since it might be a little cool that morning, the shooters meeting will be at 0930 and the match following thereafter. Lunch will not be included nor will we be eating outdoors in December. Whosoever will is welcome to join us for lunch, location TBD.

Preregistration is welcome but not required but do let me know if you're planning on attending so I can order enough trophies.

Match fees are $20 per adult and $10 for junior shooter. I would like to have enough shooters to represent all classes. This might be the last chance for 2009 wood in the Southeast.

If you'd like preregister (please make check payable to Paul Oswalt) or if you need more information on lodging, etc.:

Paul Oswalt
230 Lynnlee Way
Heflin, AL 36264

Theoben SLR98 .177
Air Arms S400 .22
Beeman R7 .177

(and I really want a Jack Haley .32)