Roger.... sorry for the late response but I just got home a few minutes ago from a quick trip to my summer place up in the mountains to shut down and winterize the place .... anyway, thank you for offering to meet me and let me follow you to the shoot.... that was really nice of you and I appreciate the offer greatly

Gene,,,, thanks to you and Bob also for offering to let me come down by you guys and finish the journey with you.... that offer was greatly appreciated also

However..... my wife reminded me that we are already booked for 2 events, one on Friday the 6th and one of Saturday the 7th, that we already bought tickets to,,, so,,,, "murphy's law" once again rears its ugly head and has screwed up my plans to attend another S.C. shoot
I'm really bummed out by this,,, I really wanted to make this one.... I was so excited about making this shoot that I completely forgot about these other 2 events that were already on the calender. Problem was my wife wrote them down on her calender but I never wrote them down on mine..... My wife told me I could go on Sunday but of course there's just not enough time. The Ducks Unlimited Dinner/Dance we're attending on Saturday night won't be over until around midnight and with a 12-14 hour driving time to the shoot there's just no way I can make it there in time on Sunday...

Anyway, I will be with you guys/gals in spirit. Please drink a beer and shoot a bullseye for me guys.