Author Topic: question for the moderators  (Read 10393 times)

Offline rbshoots

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question for the moderators
« on: December 04, 2009, 01:04:21 AM »
Since I have only been here a short time, I have a question about rules and protocol..... I have noticed that on several threads the names of airgun tuners have been removed and replaced with (*%$#@)&^%&* and so on.... why is that? Is it because *()_%$  has this forum registered to him and wishes to keep any compitition from getting their names out there? I thought that these forums were here to help airgunners and promote the sport, not used as a platform to generate business for the owners and those annointed by them.... Am I wrong?
Bam 21 .177
Bam B-40 .177
Bam B-26  .177
BSA lightning XL .22
RWS 460 mag .22
RWS 350 feuerkraft .177
RWS 350 feuerkraft pro compact .22
RWS 34 panther .22
Tech Force 99 .22
 M-Rod in .22
Webley Stingray .177

Offline longislandhunter

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RE: question for the moderators
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2009, 02:04:27 AM »

Those names don't appear because  due to the actions of those  individuals the forum owners found it necessary to ban them  from the forum.
As for the mission of the forum being to help airgunners and promote the sport...... that's exactly what GTA does, I think that fact is clearly evident !!

Once you get to know the members of this forum better you  will realize just how great the membership of GTA is and the positive effects the forum has.  

I'll be looking forward to your future posts  :)

\"If it was easy it wouldn\'t be hunting, it would be shopping.\"

Offline Rontier

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RE: question for the moderators
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2009, 02:40:02 AM »
From a not Forum kind of guy here!
I watched this one & 2-3 more for a few weeks before I posted any thing !!

I have no knowage of air guns ! & can't spell /
& no one has got onto me for Blasting a air gun Co. that did me wrong ! but is working with me-
too fit my TF97,22cal.

I have had very good help from everyone here, & if I'ed lesson to them ?  I would not have the problem.
With a my 2 cents I can get 9.5 Pellets!!
& did i add it right??
anyway A Big Welcome from TX, Randy

any sport I can do from a arm chair works for me

 :) Ron

Offline Big_Bill

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RE: question for the moderators
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2009, 06:57:20 AM »

I didn't answer you post right away,

because I couldn't put into words what our eloquent Moderator Jeff just has !

But that's the facts !

Here on the GTA we promote SAFETY FIRST AND ALLWAYS ! If someone disagrees with that, they will be asked not to encourage unsafe practices or dangerous procedures. If they continue, they will be BANNED ! And if they are in the business of air guns, their link will be blocked to protect our members and guestsfrom unsafe advice and products.

All other dealers have no restrictions to their links. Even the dealers that are in our Mall Section are fine and good dealers. All of us have used them at one time or another.


Life Member of The United States of America
Life Member of the National Rifle Association
Member Air Guns Addicted Anonymous
Always Use A Spring Compressor ! and Buy the GREAT GRT-III & CBR Triggers, cause they are GRRRREAT !

Offline Magnum

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Re: question for the moderators
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2009, 12:27:04 PM »
Hi Randy and welcome to the GTA:) I can assure you everything about GTA will be a great Air Gun experience for You, if that's what you are looking for. The moderators are all fine gentlemen and women they will not put up with anyone breaking the rules ,  I have found first hand that the purpose of this forum is for ALL levels of AG enthusiasts and of course help promote the sport .. the more the better :),People with a passion for something get involved by helping and to offer service if needed.. no platforms /soapboxes hear so enjoy :)  Some post alot and some do not its up to you thing is you will not see any of  the @#$%&*  people ..because they will be culled:) Tony

Offline rbshoots

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Re: question for the moderators
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2009, 03:00:01 AM »
Thanks all for the welcome....firstof all let me tell you a little aboutmyself......  have been airgunning for quite awhile and am considering going into the airgun business as a side venture with my brother. We will would buy, sell, and trade as well as offer some tuning services.......I have used a few and talked to a few tuners and in conversations with one in particuar not much good was said about gene.....more to the point that he and charlie are using this forum as an advertising forum for their respective business ventures.........I belong to other airgun forums and they have plenty of knowledgable members that can and do correct bad information as well as a place to get the word out on disreputable dealers and tuners and sellers......This all stikes me as a "if you don't like the rules I will take my ball and go home" kinda childish attitude......if there are people putting out bad or dangerous info, they need to be exposed not bushed back to the shadows to posible pass on the dangerous practices they are advising........So while I can understand the position you claim that the moderators re in....I am not buying it.....I am not here to cause trouble, and it seems from reading the posts there are a lot of impressionable neophytes to the airgun world on this forum......I just would like to see more open disscussions about the good and bad of people in the airgun bisuness... not personal grudge matches and overt self promotion.......hope you understand where I am coming from.........BTW.... don't you think some curtosy is in order when moving posts to the "back room" where most people are unlikely to go and read it? this plays into the assurtions that many make about what goes on in here.......
Bam 21 .177
Bam B-40 .177
Bam B-26  .177
BSA lightning XL .22
RWS 460 mag .22
RWS 350 feuerkraft .177
RWS 350 feuerkraft pro compact .22
RWS 34 panther .22
Tech Force 99 .22
 M-Rod in .22
Webley Stingray .177


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Re: question for the moderators
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2009, 03:13:29 AM »

rbshoots - 12/5/2009 10:00 AM Thanks all for the welcome....firstof all let me tell you a little aboutmyself...... have been airgunning for quite awhile and am considering going into the airgun business as a side venture with my brother. We will would buy, sell, and trade as well as offer some tuning services.......I have used a few and talked to a few tuners and in conversations with one in particuar not much good was said about gene.....more to the point that he and charlie are using this forum as an advertising forum for their respective business ventures.........I belong to other airgun forums and they have plenty of knowledgable members that can and do correct bad information as well as a place to get the word out on disreputable dealers and tuners and sellers......This all stikes me as a "if you don't like the rules I will take my ball and go home" kinda childish attitude......if there are people putting out bad or dangerous info, they need to be exposed not bushed back to the shadows to posible pass on the dangerous practices they are advising........So while I can understand the position you claim that the moderators re in....I am not buying it.....I am not here to cause trouble, and it seems from reading the posts there are a lot of impressionable neophytes to the airgun world on this forum......I just would like to see more open disscussions about the good and bad of people in the airgun bisuness... not personal grudge matches and overt self promotion.......hope you understand where I am coming from.........BTW.... don't you think some curtosy is in order when moving posts to the "back room" where most people are unlikely to go and read it? this plays into the assurtions that many make about what goes on in here.......

sounds like you may be the perfect candidate for the yellow forum,, where lies and deciete are spread without respect for anyone.

I personaly havent seen Gene or Bob promote thier buisness other that a sticky here at all.

they both participate in the airgun knowledge and pass it freely.. I don't see post from them that are advertizing ever.. I really think that thier work in developing the airgun comunity here is second to none..

The GTA is exactly what it says.. A gateway to airgun knowledge..

I started here and will die here.. I looked at the other childrens sites and decided that I wanted no part of what they promoted, argueing, ^itchin, whineing, and slander.. Not for me...

 The addiction:
 BSA Lonestar .22 ATN Nightvision scope TKO break.
 BSA Scorpion .177 T-10 Tactical Bullbarrel Syn. stock.. TKO break
 Air Arms S400FAC .22 Custom Camo\'d stock.. By  Shadow..extra walnut stock...
 Air Arms TX200 .22 Walnut stock...
 B-20 .177 Custom camo\'d by Shadow...
 B-20 .20 ...
 B-20 .22 Custom camo\'d by Shadow...
 RWS 48 .20...
 rws 36 .20...
 Mountian Air custom .25 pcp pistol... TKO break
 Crosman 2400 18\" .22 pistol TKO break...
 Webley Tempest .22 pitol...
 Crosman 2240 .22 pistol...
 Gamo whisper .22 Wooden stock...
 Gamo CFX royal .22
 Fast deer .177 custom stock...
 Beeman GT600 .177...
 Benjamin Sheridan C-9 Blue Streak . 20 1968 model...
 Benjamin sheridan c-9 silver streak . 20

Offline Big_Bill

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Re: question for the moderators
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2009, 05:00:50 AM »

rbshoots - 12/5/2009 11:00 AM Thanks all for the welcome....firstof all let me tell you a little aboutmyself...... have been airgunning for quite awhile and am considering going into the airgun business as a side venture with my brother. We will would buy, sell, and trade as well as offer some tuning services.......I have used a few and talked to a few tuners and in conversations with one in particuar not much good was said about gene.....more to the point that he and charlie are using this forum as an advertising forum for their respective business ventures.........I belong to other airgun forums and they have plenty of knowledgable members that can and do correct bad information as well as a place to get the word out on disreputable dealers and tuners and sellers......This all stikes me as a "if you don't like the rules I will take my ball and go home" kinda childish attitude......if there are people putting out bad or dangerous info, they need to be exposed not bushed back to the shadows to posible pass on the dangerous practices they are advising........So while I can understand the position you claim that the moderators re in....I am not buying it.....I am not here to cause trouble, and it seems from reading the posts there are a lot of impressionable neophytes to the airgun world on this forum......I just would like to see more open disscussions about the good and bad of people in the airgun bisuness... not personal grudge matches and overt self promotion.......hope you understand where I am coming from.........BTW.... don't you think some curtosy is in order when moving posts to the "back room" where most people are unlikely to go and read it? this plays into the assurtions that many make about what goes on in here.......


It seem that you have come to us with a complete and permanent opinion concerning our Forum and its owners. I find this type of attitude suspicious at best !

If you wanted to genuinely learn the facts about the GTA you would have performed some research here to learn if these accusations were accurate or justsower grapes. But you choose to attack the owners of this Forum !

If you unfounded accusations continue, your post will be moved to the Non-Productive Posts Section !

Th GTA IS a GREAT Forum open to ALL respectable air gunners ! But WE will not tolerate persons that enjoy spreading negative, false and misleading information to our members here !

We know what we got, and that's why we're here !


Life Member of The United States of America
Life Member of the National Rifle Association
Member Air Guns Addicted Anonymous
Always Use A Spring Compressor ! and Buy the GREAT GRT-III & CBR Triggers, cause they are GRRRREAT !

Offline Magnum

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Re: question for the moderators
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2009, 05:10:50 AM »
Randy, We like to be nice and discuss AG's at GTA. IMO You will do well not to say things about people you dont know.
Quote from your reply (reading the posts there are a lot of impressionable neophytes to the airgun world on this forum)
The meaning
Quote (1.Beginner a beginner or novice at something 2. a recent convert to a religion 3. a new resident of a religious community who has not yet taken vows?
BTW the back room is where you are suppost to be when not discussing AG's:)

Offline VINNY

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Re: question for the moderators
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2009, 05:21:54 AM »
"Open discussion about good and bad people in the airgun business" would only start verbal assults. Peoples oppinions are different. You may agree w/ one person, I w/ another. We could never ]possibly] agree with eachother. All the bickering would turn this GREAT PLACE TO BE into the YELLOW forum. I have NEVER been put down about any of my airguns, questions, oppinions, spelling, etc... on this forum.I have and do read many other foums, and only here do I post.I feel like I personally know most people here. They share in my excitement and they  encourage me when I need it. You cant ask for more than that.I have seen so many examples of selfless acts, courtesy, friendship and support that it is staggering.When a "troll" shows up, he/she is removed before things get out of hand. Good job modereators! I am PROUD  to be a member here.I choose NOT to be a member elsware.
Daisy-Red Ryder,2-15XT pistols,Powerline 1200 pistol/Crosman-Quest 1000,Powermaster 66, 1377 pistol,Pumpmaster 760, 1077 AS/Gamo-Big Cat,Viper Express,CFX in.177,CFX-.22 [Finally!!] Varmint Hunter / 1971 Benjamin 132/ 4 Cummins b-3\'s./ Walther -Falcon hunter .22, Force 1000-.177/Baikal- MP512M-.22/ Winchester -800x-.177/Baretta-92FS,EliteII/Hammerli- 490 Express


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RE: question for the moderators
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2009, 06:14:54 AM »
After a complete evaluation of the said posters post I say TROLL.... JMO... I would consider a complete zappin of his IP adress, but thats just me, and I aint no moderator... Altho I should be... lol
 The addiction:
 BSA Lonestar .22 ATN Nightvision scope TKO break.
 BSA Scorpion .177 T-10 Tactical Bullbarrel Syn. stock.. TKO break
 Air Arms S400FAC .22 Custom Camo\'d stock.. By  Shadow..extra walnut stock...
 Air Arms TX200 .22 Walnut stock...
 B-20 .177 Custom camo\'d by Shadow...
 B-20 .20 ...
 B-20 .22 Custom camo\'d by Shadow...
 RWS 48 .20...
 rws 36 .20...
 Mountian Air custom .25 pcp pistol... TKO break
 Crosman 2400 18\" .22 pistol TKO break...
 Webley Tempest .22 pitol...
 Crosman 2240 .22 pistol...
 Gamo whisper .22 Wooden stock...
 Gamo CFX royal .22
 Fast deer .177 custom stock...
 Beeman GT600 .177...
 Benjamin Sheridan C-9 Blue Streak . 20 1968 model...
 Benjamin sheridan c-9 silver streak . 20

Offline Rontier

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Re: question for the moderators
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2009, 06:21:58 AM »
:) GTA thank you for haveing me on your web page
WE ARE FAMILY HERE  .  I could go on & on about all this web site has done for me ??

They Don't know me ! But give all kinds of support from a Red Rider to PCP, and all in between,
& My spelling is at the low end  :D ..

But you know   it's  Happy here,  :)  :)
Try too find that just anywhere??
Ron from NC , now in TX , I'm Disabled & shoot from an arm chair.!

I'ed repeat Bill's (posting Here____).
sure ther are more too come in defence of this web site!!

Offline thebookdoc

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Re: question for the moderators
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2009, 06:22:52 AM »
I have used a few and talked to a few tuners and in conversations with one in particuar not much good was said about gene.....more to the point that he and charlie are using this forum as an advertising forum for their respective business ventures....

First, IF that were true it would be the prerogative of those who own the forum. Second, I have posted lots of links and asked for information that would not help a tuning business, and the first person to jump in has been Gene... always helpful, always genuine. Third, bad comments about Gene? Really?! I find that unfathomable. He's honest, trustworthy, and an AWESOME TUNER...I have two rifles out to him right now and one coming back in the mail.  I recommend him because he does a GREAT job. This post is the first negative I have ever seen about his services, and I also see it is NOT deleted. If I were them I might consider deleting this whole thread. It is obviously malicious. Fourth, Mike in Iowa posts here all the time. he is a tuner with a seeming specialty in the B26 and B28 -- and I've never heard a bad thing about him and never saw a post deleted.

You are completely out of line.
     â€¢ Cometa Fusion Star (Gene tuned) 12/10/09
     â€¢ Cometa Fenix RWS 94 2/8/10
     â€¢ RWS Diana 48 .177 1/8/10 [TRADE for RWS 350]
     â€¢ Walther Force 1000 .177 11/11/09
     â€¢ TF89 .22 10/26/09 (Gene tuned 1/6/10)
     â€¢ TF89 .177 (Gene tuned) 9/6/09
     â€¢ Remington Vantage 1200 .177 8/22/09 (Gene tuned 1/6/10)
     â€¢ Daisy 953 (pneumatic) 8/02/08
     â€¢ Gamo Big Cat 2/5/10 ( gas piston?!)

     â€¢ Sightron SII 4-16x42 AO  
     â€¢ Leupold VX-II 3-9x33 Ultralight EFR AO
     â€¢ Bushnell Trophy 6-18x42 AO  
     â€¢ Swift 686 High Recoil 6.5-20x44 AO  
     â€¢ Hawke Air Max 4-12x40 AO  
     â€¢ Bushnell Banner 6-18x50 AO

Offline thebookdoc

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Re: question for the moderators
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2009, 06:24:32 AM »
Agreed, Mr. Quest.
     â€¢ Cometa Fusion Star (Gene tuned) 12/10/09
     â€¢ Cometa Fenix RWS 94 2/8/10
     â€¢ RWS Diana 48 .177 1/8/10 [TRADE for RWS 350]
     â€¢ Walther Force 1000 .177 11/11/09
     â€¢ TF89 .22 10/26/09 (Gene tuned 1/6/10)
     â€¢ TF89 .177 (Gene tuned) 9/6/09
     â€¢ Remington Vantage 1200 .177 8/22/09 (Gene tuned 1/6/10)
     â€¢ Daisy 953 (pneumatic) 8/02/08
     â€¢ Gamo Big Cat 2/5/10 ( gas piston?!)

     â€¢ Sightron SII 4-16x42 AO  
     â€¢ Leupold VX-II 3-9x33 Ultralight EFR AO
     â€¢ Bushnell Trophy 6-18x42 AO  
     â€¢ Swift 686 High Recoil 6.5-20x44 AO  
     â€¢ Hawke Air Max 4-12x40 AO  
     â€¢ Bushnell Banner 6-18x50 AO

Offline Tn.Reb

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RE: question for the moderators
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2009, 06:40:19 AM »
Well i read several forum's when i started with airgun's looking for info on various AG's.I found the BEST most INFORMATIVE info here so here i is and here i stay!!!!!!  Nuff said . lol