I've owned and tuned a .177
QB78 deluxe which I've sold recently and bought a standard .22 SMK XS78.
Before selling the QB I switched the stock and triggergroup. I'm not a fan of the truglo sights, they are good but don't like the looks, so I din't swich those.
Started tuning the .22 according to the CdT method the day I received it.
I get abt 32 upto 35 good shots depending on the rate of fire.
Polished the inside of the hammerunit last night. Read people using emmery cloth, didn't have that so got some from Gmac together with an order of brass parts.
Turns out it's sandingpaper on a linnen back. Strange it's called emmery cloth, very confusing for Dutch people LOL.
So last night after polishing the inside of the hammer unit I preloaded the hammerspring with one shim instead of the 0.25" I used before and the results were the same as before the polishing, which is quite an improvement. Qurious as I am I preloaded the hammerspring to 0.25" again after shot 7 and notice no improvement, so I took them out again after shot 14 to see performance is good without them and it results in a flatter curve. No pausing beteween shoots. Never thought polishing the inside of the hammerunit would have such a positive effect.
| FPS | Rem.
1 | | 677 | first after reass. & 2 new powerl.
2 | | 701 | 1 shim | | |
3 | | 701 | 1 shim | | |
4 | | 703 | 1 shim | | |
5 | | 698 | 1 shim | | |
6 | | 699 | 1 shim | | |
7 | | 701 | 1 shim | | |
8 | | 703 | preloaded .25" | |
9 | | 701 | preloaded .25" | |
10 | | 692 | preloaded .25" | |
11 | | 696 | preloaded .25" | |
12 | | 700 | preloaded .25" | |
13 | | 695 | preloaded .25" | |
14 | | 693 | preloaded .25" | |
15 | | 695 | 1 shim again | |
16 | | 696 | 1 shim again | |
17 | | 700 | 1 shim again | |
18 | | 698 | 1 shim again | |
19 | | 696 | 1 shim again | |
20 | | 687 | 1 shim again | |
| | | | | |
Since I'm very pleased with this rifle I ordered some brass parts from
Gmac (UK)
Here's how it looks now.

MuzzleBrakes like in the pic are legal in the Netherlands. If the last 2 pics are inappropriate a moderator may remove them together with this line and the statement above this line.
If you'd like to see some vids please check these I made
Take I Take II Take III Take IV Take V (under construction)