Author Topic: QB78 project possibilities  (Read 3379 times)

Offline shawn67

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QB78 project possibilities
« on: December 18, 2009, 11:27:45 AM »
OK guys i'm new to the darkside, but i'm wanting to get a QB78 and trick it out,  i have 2 tuned geat spingers, so i thought a QB would be a good cheap way to get started in the darkside. I'm wanting a good accurate gun out to 35 yards and  still have enough umpph to take out tree rats at that range and i want it to be quite, will a shrouded barrell cut down on the noise? I know gas guns and pumpers are louder than a good tuned spring gun, i cant afford a compressor or scuba rig right now and after 6 back sugeries a pump doesnt sound fun. Is it possible to get 650 to 700fps out of a .22 QB by tuning it without bulk filling it? I'm basically wanting to tune one, get a good shrouded barrell and a custom stock and scope the gun, I have found the stock i want, can you send me in the right direction for the best tune for a QB and for the shrouded barrel? thanks
Mike Melick tuned Bam B26,with  Leapers 4x16x40ao scope,Gene turbo tuned TF89 with Barska 3X12X40A0 scope and More powder burners than you can shake a stick at.                  Gun control is hitting what your aiming at

Offline ribbonstone

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RE: QB78 project possibilities
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2009, 12:44:27 PM »
Could be as simple as ordering one from Mike (Flying Dragons), or you could do the mods yourself and get it up to that vel. level.  Even 625-650fps is more than enough (in .22) for squirrel hunting out to 40- 50 yards if you've the accuracy to land them right (as a couple of generations of Benjamin and Sheridan shooters will testify).

Do remember, winter is not the best for co2, expect low speeds with cool weather.

Offline shawn67

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RE: QB78 project possibilities
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2009, 03:53:54 AM »
does bulk filling add more power and help with the power in the winter
Mike Melick tuned Bam B26,with  Leapers 4x16x40ao scope,Gene turbo tuned TF89 with Barska 3X12X40A0 scope and More powder burners than you can shake a stick at.                  Gun control is hitting what your aiming at

Offline ribbonstone

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RE: QB78 project possibilities
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2009, 01:56:32 PM »
Does add a bit more power because the gas flows a bit easier ( and the piercing pin isn't using the 12gr. as a stop, so the valve opens a bit farther), but it doesn't do anything about the cold.

Offline Brutuz

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RE: QB78 project possibilities
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2009, 10:36:01 PM »

shawn67 - 12/19/2009  1:27 AM  Is it possible to get 650 to 700fps out of a .22 QB by tuning it without bulk filling it?

No problem if you use the Charlie da Tuna guide:

(used 12.65 grain H&N Hollowpoints)

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