Author Topic: Rush the master of the Half Truth  (Read 5953 times)

Offline davevabch

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Rush the master of the Half Truth
« on: January 06, 2010, 12:22:10 AM »
Carl Rove himself, made a interesting comment that Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity  were "MASTERS OF THE HALF TRUTHS". Well he was right on the money about that one. What amazes me is why people want to listen to someone like him. These folks are like sheep. They listen because the truth does not matter, and they only want to hear what they want to hear. It is no surprise that the listeners call themselves "Ditto Heads".


Offline TCups

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RE: Rush the master of the Half Truth
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2010, 12:51:52 AM »
You are entitled to your opinion, but I for one resent your characterization.  And if you don't yourself listen to him, then your opinion lacks a factual basis and only demonstrates your ignorance.

Perhaps you would like to back your allegation about half truths up with a specific example of something Rush said that you take exception to as being a half truth.  Since the transcripts and recordings of all of his programs are archived on line, we can easily check to see which of us is only hearing what we want to hear.

PS: Welcome to the GTA.  Did you have something to add that has anything to do with air guns or are you just trolling?

Offline snookman

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Re: Rush the master of the Half Truth
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2010, 02:58:23 AM »
Hello,and welcome to the forum.I believe GTA has some of the kindest and most knowledgeable people of any airgun forum.
 I agree with  TCups. I am not really a fan of Mr. Limbaugh,I find him rather annoying,but I would also like to see some examples of the" half truths" you have mentioned.
 I also find it odd that the very first post you makes to an airgun forum has nothing to do with airguns.
                                                                                                        Good luck and good shooting,snookman
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What part of \"SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED\" don\'t they understand?


Offline davevabch

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Re: Rush the master of the Half Truth
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2010, 03:13:40 AM »
First of all I have listened to him many times. I especially got a kick when he said that the Holocaust Never existed. Now first all all I did not make the quote about the Half Lies. That was Karl Rove himself. If you would like to see the many lies of Mr. Limbaugh I would first start with "Media Matters". The will list lies of both parties. Second, quite being a "Ditto Head". Go look up his garbage yourself. You do the research, you have a computer obviously. The guy is not only a drug addict, but is a coward to boot. Had to get his maid to get his drugs. Listen, if you have no problem being a "Ditto Head" than I do not as well. However there is a video of Rush Himself, putting you guys down.

Offline davevabch

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Re: Rush the master of the Half Truth
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2010, 03:16:14 AM »
by the way here is a defination of Ditto head. Question are you a Ditto head?  dittoheads
n. People who mindlessly agree on an issue or idea because it fits in with their ideology or because they are followers of the person who put forth the idea in the first place. Also: ditto-heads.

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Re: Rush the master of the Half Truth
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2010, 03:34:00 AM »